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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens


Some douche canoe has been getting around posting the biggest spoiler of all in an image with the caption "Han Solo is killed by his son Kylo Ren. Merry Christmas" on Facebook.

Hopefully that person is gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes.


I liked that Kylos real name was Ben. A throwback to the EU.
You could really see Han was going to die.
I'm hoping Ep 8 has a lot more lightsaber battles.

I have to watch again to get a better understanding.
Mostly enjoyed however.

They pinched the name of Luke's son which had me scratching my head. Even to someone who had no knowledge of the EU wouldn't they find it weird that Han's son is named after Luke's teacher.


First Grade
Some douche canoe has been getting around posting the biggest spoiler of all in an image with the caption "Han Solo is killed by his son Kylo Ren. Merry Christmas" on Facebook.

Hopefully that person is gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes.

That's why I had to watch it today :lol: merkins are f**ked. Imagine if social media was about during the release of Empire...


Honestly some people are pure evil.
Best to stay away from all things social until you see it.

As for my movie going experience it was ok. A long wait to get in. Wished I had waited a few days but i would have been greatly spoiled by then.
The cinema I went to had 600 people waiting outside.. (ticket man told me).
Legit had to sit through 45 mins of previews and trailers before the movie started. Everyone was getting annoyed.
About half of them had lightsabers. Every lightsaber scene was like a rave.


First Grade
Legit had to sit through 45 mins of previews and trailers before the movie started. Everyone was getting annoyed.

Thankfully we didn't cop it that bad, but it went on for about 25-30mins at Event Tuggerah. Was absolutely disgusting. I paid $18.50 to watch the movie, not watch your f**king ads for half our..

Parra Pride

Main reason I went at twelve was so nothing could be spoilt for me. No amount of merkins running around posting about Han dying can ruin it for me now. Definitely well worth it.


First Grade
Overall, 9/10.

I walked away pretty happy. Lots of nostalgia. Han's death, could see it a mile away and like the way it ended. I also liked the idea of Kylo being a flawed villain and not one of those villains who thinks their the shit. Anakin was similar but Lucas f**ked it up with him. With Kylo you see all his flaws, and it will be good to see him turn good to help destroy Snoke.


First Grade
Overall, 9/10.

I walked away pretty happy. Lots of nostalgia. Han's death, could see it a mile away and like the way it ended. I also liked the idea of Kylo being a flawed villain and not one of those villains who thinks their the shit. Anakin was similar but Lucas f**ked it up with him. With Kylo you see all his flaws, and it will be good to see him turn good to help destroy Snoke.

Will he be redeemed though? I saw it as Kylo killing his father being his final step into the dark side. Perhaps Leia can bring him back?


I don't know how he can come good now. Killed his father after all!
Well I guess Anakin killed children and came back..


First Grade
Luke pretty much killed his dad too, albeit the emperor finished him off.

One thing I didn't really like were the storm trooper outfits. The original masks were way better. When they captured Captain Phasma I thought for a sec she might take the helmet off. It didn't look very secure.

The nostalgia when I saw Han for the first time. Almost had a tear in my eye.

i thought Luke looked like a deranged old man in the closing scene. Hope he proves me wrong.


First Grade
I don't know how he can come good now. Killed his father after all!
Well I guess Anakin killed children and came back..

And they weren't just children.. He literally took out a whole school of Jedi kids.Wiped out entire blood lines and still came back into the light.

Parra Pride

We've already rehashed the Death Star, let's just let Kylo Ren turn into a badass. If he has to kill Snoke, let him do it to take over and then have an epic last face off with the resistance, Rey and Fin.


Just came back from it, loved it. Glad I kept myself spoiler free too phew!

Few random thoughts:
- enjoyed all the nods to the original series, particularly the humorous stuff
- did Snoke remind anyone else of Grand Moff Tarkin from Ep IV?
- C3P0's introduction was hilarious, Goodness!!!!
- Chewie & BB8 had awesome characterisation, had me laughing and aaaawwwwing throughout
- lIke someone mentioned was disappointing not to get more silver Stormtrooper badassery, maybe in the next one?

Think I'll go watch this again before it leaves theatres. Watched in 3D at Embassy here in Welly (big & loud), didn't find it distracting at all.


I've never read any of the books. So please don't laugh at my theory.

Rey and Kylo Ren are brother and sister.

The end.


Yeah that C3PO introduction was hilarious.

Rey has to be a Skywalker I think. I mean she just bested another Skywalker (Ren) who had years of training on her.
I want to know her backstory so bad. Lukes child no doubt.


i thought it was brilliant. wonderfully paced and sets up for a cracking trilogy.

alot of hate coming in because it seems to mirror IV and VI Storylines. Thats kinda gonna happen when you have a deranged evil person trying to fulfil the same legacy as his grandfather. although i too am sick of seeing death stars and whatnot blowin planets away. give the 'first order' a real motive.

i didnt cringe at fin. i found him funny. obviously a comedic character to replace han :(

rey, and the actor playing her, were amazing. its set up nicely to be rey vs ren, (lukes daughter vs leia's son??) in the next two movies. i just hope they dont ruin it by doing the typical saber fight where they both survive in the next one...mix it up a bit.


Staff member
Saw it at 3:30pm, a couple of minutes to pick up my tickets and no line-up to get into the theatre. Best.

It was pretty awesome and I'll probably see it again. I was happy with all the new characters. Rey was great, not much else to say. Stop talking about your family maybe :sarcasm:. She's a bit of Luke, Han & Leia all wrapped into one. Finn was a bit annoying at first but he grew on me. Maz Kanata was interesting and I hope we see more of her. Like others I love that Kylo Ren is just a complete mess and isn't your typical dark side baddie. Childish anger, self-doubt, a frustrated kid, a wannabe. I love that he's not taken as seriously as Darth Vader was and it burns him. It's cool to have such a different villain.

I thought it was pretty predictable that Han Solo was going down the Obi-Wan path the moment he had that embrace with Leia before he left... but I didn't mind that it was predictable. Had to happen.

If I had to pick it apart for negatives:
- The semi-reveal of Kylo Ren happened way too early imo. It didn't need to be be a major plot twist or anything but it was literally a couple of minutes into the film we find out he's doing an Anakin.
- They really force-fed us the idea that Rey and Finn had no idea what they were doing. The confused and worried looks and reactions got a bit tiresome (and is why Finn in particular annoyed me at the start). By the end of the film though this didn't bother me as much.
- While 99% of the humour was genuinely funny, some of it felt a bit out of place out in the Star Wars universe. eg. the Stormtroopers backing away from Kylo Ren having a spaz attack. Funny but really unlike Star Wars I suppose.

Really though that's just nitpicking for the sake of it. I'll be seeing it again, and maybe even again after that. Highly enjoyable.

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