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Star Wars The Last Jedi *** SPOILERS ***


First Grade
This was one of my favourite parts of the film. Most disagree, It's getting the most hate from the 40-year-old Star Wars virgins online. That and Rose's character.
I need to see it again just to see how it goes on 2nd view. I didn’t not like it, just felt unnecessary. Loved the little guy using BB8 as a slot machine.
I liked the Rose character, can’t quite remember, did she die at the end? Or was Finn getting her help?
I like Finn but kinda wish he had his heroic sacrifice moment follow through.
True, they go to Disney movie and astonishingly they get a Disney movie.

I seriously loved it and can't wait to see it again.

Sure, it has flaws. But then again what film doesn't? The tit milk was serious WTF? But the hand wringing internet jizz up by Legion 501 is hilarious. The fact old Luke was a grumpy old turd who just wanted to see out his days alone was great. It was a big FU laugh. And not sure if many have listened to Mark Hamill over the years, but he plays along, mocking some of the ardent fans and the EU and the character and the films. Cause after all, its just mass media entertainment.

For me, I liked everyone in it. I didn't care Snoke got done in. I liked how Ren and Rey worked together and for a bit I thought Luke was going to go bad. I thought Rey was going to go bad. I thought Ren was going to go good. I liked Poe being a snot nose upstart which makes sense and the Laura Dern. I liked that Leia lived and they can kill her offscreen for mine, it's not like we don't know Carrie Fisher sadly died.

I also actually thought Luke's appearance at the end, as he walked out was going to be a cliffhanger ending with the Empire staring down at the lone old warrior. It didn't happen as I thought and it doesn't bother me. I enjoyed it. That he was self projecting made it a good little turn too. And as a 41 year old that grew up with Kenner Luke Skywalker action figures all over the house and carried with me everywhere, when he 'died' was such an impactful moment. Loved seeing Yoda - the slightly zen batty version having a chuckle at Luke. It was 'my' Yoda again from my youth.

Overall though, I just had fun. A big, rollicking, zip bang, pop pow, popcorn and large coke movie. My only gripe is I can't see it at the drive in like I did as a kid. I sat with my two sons who loved it. And I'm taking my wife who I reckon'll love it too.

And for the fanboys who get lathered up - last time you went mental, we ended up with Jango Fett and a whole heap of useless nothingness across two films.

Anyway. Each to their own.


First Grade
I need to see it again just to see how it goes on 2nd view. I didn’t not like it, just felt unnecessary. Loved the little guy using BB8 as a slot machine.
I liked the Rose character, can’t quite remember, did she die at the end? Or was Finn getting her help?
I like Finn but kinda wish he had his heroic sacrifice moment follow through.

If Finn had bought it, the emotion of it would have been awesome. Kind of missed a trick on a kick to the guts level.

That said, if Rose had bought it, saving Finn, so he could inspire more, I'd have taken that too.

Still, it's big action heroics and they both lived, so I'm happy with that.
This movie is definitely more geared towards Star Wars fans more so than the general public like TFA.
Would’ve been interesting to see an opening rotten toms score for Empire back in the day. I think Empire is a better movie but I think it became more loved after ROTJ came out and resolved everything.

I often think that. How much of what we all cherish from the pre-internet, even pre-tv days, what would have just been rubbished, ridiculed, hated...

Bradman...Star Wars...any of the RL Immortals...

Anyway. As I said a bit earlier, each to their own.

I avoid spoilers and the internet sites where they give it all away prior to viewing it myself.

I wonder how many 'fans' watch every trailer/teaser and read spoilers then go in to it and there's nothing there to enjoy because they already know it all?


This movie is definitely more geared towards Star Wars fans more so than the general public like TFA.
Would’ve been interesting to see an opening rotten toms score for Empire back in the day. I think Empire is a better movie but I think it became more loved after ROTJ came out and resolved everything.

Actually I think it is OG nerds who are swinging the audience review in the negative direction.

I haven't read through all the online flaming, but I can't imagine too many of the neckbeards enjoyed a walking talking purple haired feminist got to be the hero of the movie
My wife had two older brothers.

Her whole life in the 80s was Star Wars (and Rocky, Rambo, Transformers, He-Man, Ghostbusters, RL and cricket).

She said when she was a kid, there was only Princess Leia and wondered why more girls didn't play shoot em ups. Her and her pals all love Rey. f**king Jedi chick kicking arse! Take that boys! LOL.


Well I started reading through some of the negative reviews, and they don't disappoint.

My favourite is the "Why didn't Holdo just tell Poe the plan from the beginning?".... Maybe because the plan relied on no one finding out and blabbing about it to a First Order spy, which is the first f**king thing Poe does as quickly as humanly possible btw by calling Finn and letting DJ know the plan.

Mostly though its just the standard "Last Jedi has ruined my childhood" type rants. I often wonder if these guys ever actually watch the original trilogy anymore. I make sure to watch it at least once per year, and my god while I love it I'm perfectly capable of seeing how basic and kinda stupid a lot of it is. Its the universe, simplicity, and fun of them that makes them great. To me both VII and VIII have captured those things again


Mostly though its just the standard "Last Jedi has ruined my childhood" type rants. I often wonder if these guys ever actually watch the original trilogy anymore. I make sure to watch it at least once per year, and my god while I love it I'm perfectly capable of seeing how basic and kinda stupid a lot of it is. Its the universe, simplicity, and fun of them that makes them great. To me both VII and VIII have captured those things again

That's what I wonder too, the main argument I've been countering is "boo it has no plot".

When did Star Wars movies *ever* have plot !?

A New Hope revolved mostly around character and world building, and blowing up the death star, while Empire was 80% a chase movie and Luke's training arc. It's the incredible sound and visuals (for it's time) and the epic climax that stand these movie out.

ROTJ has basically no plotting, it's only Han's break out and the climax when anything really happened at all. The prequels had a muddled poorly told story about trade agreements, pod races to break out of slavery, a horrible love story before finally after 2.5 films managing to rush Anakin's dark-side turn anyway.

I'll also add that the dialogue and acting was also generally never good. Empire and TFA were the most fun and snappy, Last Jedi was about par with Rogue One and ANH and the rest were pretty much diabolical.

This new trilogy doesn't particularly break any new ground - it delivers the usual fare and does it well.

There is a lot of nostalgia grabbing going on.
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I avoid spoilers and the internet sites where they give it all away prior to viewing it myself.

I wonder how many 'fans' watch every trailer/teaser and read spoilers then go in to it and there's nothing there to enjoy because they already know it all?
Check out Frederick in the comic book thread.


Rey was already quite accomplished at Fighting with a staff. Hence why she is good at using a lightsaber.

I feel like the scene of Rey training with her staff, then picking up the saber and doing the exact same stuff with it was a little "understand yet, morons?" moment for all those who made the but she never held a lightsaber before Mary Sue ragers.


Haha, that's even lower than The Phantom Menace.

What a turd.

Take a read through the audience reviews.

Its basically a mixture of 3-5 star reviews who enjoyed it to varying degrees, and 0.5 star reviews of 40+ year old men who claim it has ruined Star Wars for them.

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