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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


First Grade
On the prequals debate, I get they have their issue but they are the best trilogy for me pretty comfortably.

The prequals may have some poor acting but it pales in comparison to the originals which has truly horrendous acting. I get they were cutting edge for their time but I was born well after the originals were made and can't see how any modern viewer could enjoy them for any reason other than nostalgia.

The latest trilogy? The less said about that the better.

TBH, I can understand that, I grew up on a diet of watching Star Wars on Fridays at my primary school and saw Empire and Jedi in the cinema. If you grew up seeing the prequels first you're likely going to have an attachment to them.

But I find the prequels to be awful, if the internet was around in the same way when they were released I'd be the Bileduct and hineyrulz raging against them of that time. I did a re-watch of all 6 before TFA came out and still loved the originals and found the prequels way worse than I remembered.

Walt Flanigan

As a spectacle I enjoyed the movie. I thought it was entertaining with great action and some really good scenes involving the OT characters. There’s a few issues with the story though. Leans heavily on ROTJ which isn’t a massive issue but further highlights JJs lack of originality in regards to storytelling. My main gripe though is where he’s tried to be original. The overuse of force healing is off-putting and just seems like a lazy way to get around certain situations. Plus if you have to introduce a new force ability then at least show how they learned it because it just comes across as another thing Rey has taught herself.
Besides that I find the movie good but not great .


First Grade
Yeah ok dude, it was just a mere coincidence that after several delays it was dropped two months prior to Endgame in which she was already hyped as playing an important role before either film came out...
Pre the movie coming out the claims were it was going to be a big failure, then it came out and did some decent business and now it was always going to do that. Ok.

Also, the release date was confirmed in 2015 ... and the moves weren't restricted to Captain Marvel and they were all kicked off by the addition of Spider-man to Marvels slate.


Pre the movie coming out the claims were it was going to be a big failure, then it came out and did some decent business and now it was always going to do that. Ok.

Also, the release date was confirmed in 2015 ... and the moves weren't restricted to Captain Marvel and they were all kicked off by the addition of Spider-man to Marvels slate.
I couldn't give two f**ks about some idiots on Youtube predicting Captain Marvel to be a failure.

The release date was confirmed and then changed twice.

None of this changes the fact that there was significant hype about Captain Marvel - dropping two months before Endgame - playing an important role in Endgame before either film had been released.


Staff member
It's much worse than you've read.

Trust me, MUCH worse.
Unless it has Tom Cruise flying around in a Tomcat, or Ecto 1 running aound, my interest just plummeted to depths I never knew possible for a series of movies I grew up absolutely loving.


First Grade
I enjoyed it and think it’s the best of this trilogy. Nothing really great in it unfortunately.


First Grade
I couldn't give two f**ks about some idiots on Youtube predicting Captain Marvel to be a failure.

The release date was confirmed and then changed twice.

None of this changes the fact that there was significant hype about Captain Marvel - dropping two months before Endgame - playing an important role in Endgame before either film had been released.
It was changed twice due to other movies, Black Panther and Thor 3 were also changed as well - are they part of your conspiracy theory?


It was changed twice due to other movies, Black Panther and Thor 3 were also changed as well - are they part of your conspiracy theory?
Conspiracy theory? It's called marketing, dumbass. You know, the same reason it was also released on International Women's Day?


Ok, here we go. Some reason why this movie sucked...

  • Jar Jar Abrams MacGuffin Mania. A lot of this film consists of a series of adventures to pick up items in the same unimaginative way your standard quest hub in World of Warcraft works. Get the thing to help find the next thing to reveal the location to the place where you find out where to go next. They ram through it at such a rapid pace it's hard to keep track of where they are and what they are doing.
  • Jar Jar Abrams ego. Jar Jar was obviously upset about the corner he'd been backed into by Ruin Johnson, particularly with Luke now concerned about throwing lightsabers around the place. But some of the ways he dealt with the fallout from The Last Jedi made no sense whatsoever. He had two directions he could have gone in with regard to the "Holdo maneuver"... He could have ignored it entirely, or it could have been discounted as an option due to the small number of rebel ships. Instead we're told that it's a "one in a million" move with regard to its success. Apparently that's why nobody ever thought of spinning up the hyperdrive and ramming into another ship before.. It's just too difficult.
  • The new supporting characters introduced in this trilogy continue to be bland and uninteresting, and have basically zero character progression in this film. Two new female characters are thrown into the mix seemingly as love interests for Finn and Poe, but they are equally bland and uninteresting. No chemistry whatsoever between any of them and the returning characters. General Lando was a waste.
  • Utterly devoid of any kind of emotional impact. Case in point, C-3PO getting a memory wipe. On the one hand Jar Jar tries to play it off as an emotional scene with C-3PO saying goodbye to everyone, but then nothing really changes and there's a line about R2-D2 holding backups of his personality which of course you know will be accessed later to return him to normal. It would have been more satisfying to have C-3PO truly sacrifice himself for their cause by having to go through some kind of destructive non-reversible process, but this is Jar Jar Abrams. Did anyone actually think Chewie was dead?
  • Leia. I'll concede that it was necessary for her to be included in the film on some level and it's obviously difficult to do that with a dead actress, but it still didn't come off well. She was essentially a pull string doll with a handful of phrases that they then constructed dialogue around and it was painfully obvious.
  • Rey's origins. "Oh, btw, you're a Palpatine." LOL!
  • Palpatine's fleet. Just when you thought the only Death Star in this film would be the busted up wreckage of the one from Return of the Jedi, NOPE! We find out during the course of about 5 seconds that every Star Destroyer in the fleet is also Death Star and we even get a demonstration thrown in in that timeframe.
  • Final battle. Honestly, what the f**k is going on here? None of the dozens if not hundreds of Star Destroyers are capable of doing anything without the command ship? They're all sitting on the same plane, completely level with each other, which effectively takes the majority of them out of the battle because they can't fire at the handful of rebel ships without taking each other out. They can land space horsies on the surface of the command ship but can't take out the easily accessible communications tower that's controlling the rest of the fleet? I vaguely recall Finn having some lame excuse, but that's exactly what is sounded like at the time.. a lame excuse.
  • Fan service. Absolutely relentless.
  • The lesbian kiss. How f**king gutless is Jar Jar Abrams. Two unnamed characters kissing each other for a split second in a scene that could be cut out for international markets is the most gutless way of trying to market your film as being progressive.
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First Grade
Conspiracy theory? It's called marketing, dumbass. You know, the same reason it was also released on International Women's Day?
Ah, so you were giving Disney credit, my apologies, I guess I misread your tone.

Why the name calling from you anti-TLJ lot, my snowflake ass will require a safe space at this rate.


Gee there’s some sad merkins on display here. Taking pleasure in shitting on a movie franchise instead of just ignoring it. That’s wack.

Time to burn your rose-coloured glasses kids.


Says the prequels fan ... Irony.

Bahahaha, you're so full of crap, Captain Marvel was never marketed as must see viewing for Endgame.

All the little manbabies had meltdowns about it, then all made stupid predictions of failure and then had little meltdowns again when it didn't fail like they wanted it to. It was entertaining to see it play out.

CM was better than Endgame....


I just hope there's more novelty creatures. We've had taun-tauns, ewoks, porgs, the big lizard thing that obi won rode, salacious crumb, jar jar, watto.

That’s a major reason I liked SW for a long time. Haven’t gaf for ages though. Solo is one of the best movies of the lot, yet not in the 9.


Disagree Luke was unlikable, whiny and naive yes, but not unlikable.

The funny thing is the whiny and naive part is the one thing Rey is missing as a character - flaws. Luke's flaws are the things that make him relatable, and somewhat human compared to cardboard cutout Rey. Certainly not a masterpiece of character, but his journey step by step is not comparable to Rey's which is largely glossed over (much like story is in all three sequel movies)

I don’t mind Rey but yeah she’s not very interesting. Then again, most characters besides those in the OT are the same.

That’s what I find hilarious about this thread. There’s flaws in ALL the movies. E.g: Christiansen and McGregor in the prequels.


I don’t mind Rey but yeah she’s not very interesting. Then again, most characters besides those in the OT are the same.

That’s what I find hilarious about this thread. There’s flaws in ALL the movies. E.g: Christiansen and McGregor in the prequels.

I don't dislike Rey, but I don't like her either. She's just meh.

There's flaws in every movie, Star Wars or otherwise. Impossible not to be.

Some are more pronounced than others.

Finn could have been a great character with the way he was set up in TFA, but that was pissed away in TLJ.


I thought it was okay but then I wasn't expecting much. I didn't hate it like I hated TLJ. The Last Jedi was an absolute cluster f**k of pointless scenes, characters and just a generally confusing story line. At least the story line in this one was somewhat coherent. But yeah lots of cringe fan service and pandering. I guess at least they explained why Rey is so powerful and I can accept that now. They also give some closure on Kylo Ren and why he a bit of a weak pussy as a villain . Poe and Finn continue to be characters that the film makers have no idea how to use though, they are just comedy relief in this one.

Anyway 2010's is over, lets have some fresh original ideas, no more resurrecting shit from the 80s and early 90s