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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


No, there is not "another" (as in third) Death Star in Rise of Skywalker. Without giving too much away, part of the movie involves them going to Endor and exploring the remains of the destroyed second Death Star from Return of the Jedi.
Have you seen the movie?

If so, I think you missed something.


Staff member
I just asked my 9 y.o. daughter if she had any interest in going to see it, she just stopped short of telling me to get f**ked.



Staff member
This might be one of the worst takes from the guardian


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Staff member
9 year old girl does not care for stars wars......times are not a changing.
I wasn't upset that she didn't want to go see it, she is well aware of the shit show that was the Last Jedi as we both went to see it and she ended up being bored as hell less than halfway through it. She grew up watching the original trilogy with me, but as soon as she discovered Harry Potter all was lost.

Looks to me like she simply doesn't want to be burned again, money stays in my pocket and doesn't go to Mickey Mouse.


First Grade
I enjoyed it.

Wasn't great, but nowhere near as bad as many are making out.

I get the feel that people had made their minds up about these films as soon as Disney took over and confirmation bias kicked in.

Happily watch any of the sequels, and multiple times, over Phantom.

Pretty similar feeling for me on all the sequels. Didn't need to be made, didn't add anything to the story, detracted a little of my love for the overall franchise but nowhere as much as the prequels did. That may be a little unfair as I struggled with the second 2 due to how much I hated Phantom.

Anyway imo if you are a fan you'll probably find something to like about it.

Similarly if you are preloaded to find fault, you too will find sarisfaction as there is plenty to fault it for. As with 8 of the 9 movies. 9 if you want to get picky with Empire.


First Grade
Even though Disney haven’t got any plans set in stone for upcoming films, I’m hopeful they will be better without having the constraints of being set in this time and feeling like they have to play off using original trilogy characters/themes.
I hope they get the old republic movies going with the right filmmakers.
The Mandalorian gives me hope that we can still get some awesome Star Wars stuff.


I don't dislike Rey, but I don't like her either. She's just meh.

There's flaws in every movie, Star Wars or otherwise. Impossible not to be.

Some are more pronounced than others.

Finn could have been a great character with the way he was set up in TFA, but that was pissed away in TLJ.

Finn is the main negative in the latest bunch for me. Terrible actor, that has a clueless constipated look but not the first to have been in an SW movie. The reality is mediocre actors have been the norm in the franchise. Daisy Ridley at least can act. Oscar Isaac is good too. Can’t remember the others as they were probably average. I don’t even rate Ford and Fisher.


Post Whore
Just got out of the Rise of Sleepwalker.

What a Snoozefest, I didn’t hate it but I just didn’t feel anything. A lot was happening but I just couldn’t get invested.

It was all over the place like a mad women’s shit, all the fan service was poorly done. Leia should of died before she did her Mary Poppins she was just a waste character. And that ending LOL!!!

The leaks were 100% spot on, the cinema was less than half full. You know it’s not a great movie when people are laughing when the movie is trying to be serious.



Staff member
I enjoyed it enough at the theatre. Of course, when you start to think about it any more, that's when the cracks start to appear. I'm not against turning my brain off for Star Wars though (especially during the viewing); it's a space opera after all. It was better than The Last Jedi that's for sure.

The biggest takeaway from this whole trilogy is how nonsensical it is to have different directors with different ideas that clearly aren't even working from the same basic outline. There was clearly no overall plan or overarching story for any of the major characters except Rey being the hero (and Poe?). How you can commit to creating a new trilogy for one of the most popular universes without an agreed upon overarching story is honestly astounding to me.

Anyway, here's my good and bad that first comes to mind:

- JJ did the best he could with the mess TLJ left us. The first 10 minutes of the move felt like "hey just forget about TLJ, this is what's happening now" which I was fine with. TLJ killed off Snoke with no story or plans whatsoever, so while it certainly has major flaws, the Palpatine retcon was necessary to have any kind of point to this last instalment imo. Kylo Ren was never convincing as the 'big bad' to me. Even if he was people would just complain it was just the Darth Vader storyline again anyway.

- Accepting that Palpatine is back, the clash between Palpatine and Rey was a fitting end to the Skywalker saga. I liked the darkness and cinematography of the Sith Lord arena. I liked the Sith and Jedi being represented by Palpatine and Rey. It was a little overblown with how much power he had but I guess they wanted to tie it into the battle above.

- I genuinely enjoyed all the visuals.

- It's time to turn your brain off, because the downside of Palpatine's return to me is how much it just shits on the story of Anakin Skywalker. You know, the heart of the original trilogy and the prequels. So his sacrifice was for nothing? His arc seems so pointless if Palpatine survived. Yep, best to turn your brain off for this part.

- Rey Palpatine. It felt very much like fanservice to the fans who were disappointed with Rey being a nobody and theorised she was a Palatine. I didn't mind Rey being a nobody. I guess it comes back to where was the story going to go in episode 9 without a believable big bad and Rey being a nobody.

- The kiss between Rey and Kylo was stupid af and tried to ruin what was an epic (the classic definition) conclusion to the Skywalker saga. Disney written all over it. A simple hug and him disappearing while they hugged would have been great.

- Too much force healing. I mean, really... It's like a right click undo button.

tl;dr I enjoyed the last movie purely as the final instalment in the trilogy but with respect to the whole saga, the sequel trilogy as a whole added nothing and probably even took something away from the first six films. TFA > RoS >>>>>> TLJ for mine.


Post Whore
Just saw it.
Meh. Better than the last shit, on par with TFA

Biggest issue for me, apart from Fing?, Rey and all of the other new characters I don't care about, is that, like Lucas in the prequels, they have f**ked up Darth Vader's legacy as awesome villain who gained redemption.

Vader got redemption by saving his son by killing Palpatine. Yet now we find out that Palpatine wasn't actually dead?? f**k off.

A few other things:
horses riding on top of a spaceship? Lol.
Rey spent about 90% of her film time in the last 3 films breathing heavily and we find out she's Palpatine's granddaughter. Who was he rooting all these years?

Where the f**k did all those ships come from to help Poe etc?

Was Lando hitting on that chick at the end or was the insinuation it was his daughter? Or both?

Poe was decent in this film, his character developed pretty well considering the shit that was TLJ.

The pointlessness is over.


Was Lando hitting on that chick at the end or was the insinuation it was his daughter? Or both?
It was his daughter.

This was in the JediPaxis leaks on Reddit which were dead on. Lando talks about his daughter being taken away by the First Order.

I'm sure it'll be in the deleted scenes on the bluray.


The biggest takeaway from this whole trilogy is how nonsensical it is to have different directors with different ideas that clearly aren't even working from the same basic outline. There was clearly no overall plan or overarching story for any of the major characters except Rey being the hero (and Poe?). How you can commit to creating a new trilogy for one of the most popular universes without an agreed upon overarching story is honestly astounding to me.

You had two directors (discounting the fact that Colin Trevorrow was fired) who had polar opposite approaches. Jar Jar Abrams just wanted to rehash every beat of the original trilogy with the same results, and Ruin Johnson wanted to break away from that by doing the opposite of what was expected. And to the extent that both directors weren't very subtle at all when it came to shitting on the other.

It's hilarious to hear talk about upcoming trilogies. Why the f**k do these films need to continue coming out in threes when Disney absolutely shit the bed on these ones? Where else is there to go in this universe anyway? Sure there's a lot of content in the Expanded Universe but does anyone really give a shit about anything that isn't tied to the main film storyline? There's the books about Thrawn, but even these relied heavily on characters from the original trilogy. They've certainly failed when it comes to creating new characters.

It was while watching Attack of the Clones in the cinema that I realised Star Wars meant pretty much nothing to me anymore. Disney had a chance to inject new life into it, but they failed. This franchise is pretty much dead at this point.


Just watched it. Thought it had some good parts - primarily the Rey and Kylo storyline.

Honestly the thing that dragged this series down the most was involving the old cast. They are all seriously out of their depth as actors. Billy D looked like he didn't even know he was in a movie


Post Whore
How freakin fortunate was it that Rey stood in the perfect spot for the ancient Sith dagger to show the location of the wayfinder.

Or was that the force???

And the individual who made it should take a bow knowing that the shattered death star's erosion would match perfectly with it on the day Rey showed up.

Or was that the force???

I won't mention that she didn't even use that wayfinder anyway because her boyfriend shattered it.

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