Azkatro for the Maroons.
The Originator
The year is 1976. Sharon Lockyer, an otherwise average, everyday woman living an average, everyday life in Roma, Queensland, is walking home from work. All of a sudden, an HQ Holden screams to a halt right beside her. A handsome man with a mustache, looking despondent and desperate, yells out the window.
"Are you Sharon Lockyer?"
Not sure what to say, she simply nodded.
"Get in the car, quick! Your life depends on it!"
Sharon was unsure. She was about to decline, before she looked back to see a man with a huge nose and terrible haircut running straight at her. He had a murderous look in his eye, a bizarre running style and was gaining fast. She took one look back at the car.
"Come with me if you want to live!" he said. Suddenly it seemed like a good idea, so in she jumped. The man driving tore off up the road frantically. With the windows down, she heard the big nosed man yelling at the car, something about how he'll "hunt you down", and mentioned the name "Wally".
"Listen Sharon, you can't go home for a while. Your life is in danger right now. That man, he wants to bloody kill you!"
Suddenly, Sharon Lockyer became a little exasperated. "Kill me, why? I've never seen that man in my life. Why would he want to kill me?"
"It's not what you've done. It's what you're going to do. That man, his name is Laurie. He was sent back to stop you from having kids. In the future, Sharon. You have a son. His name is Darren. Darren Lockyer. He has a destiny... to save Queensland."
"Right, so you're telling me that man... Laurie... is from the future? And you are too?"
"Well, one possible future ..."
"Righto, that'll do me ..." She moved to open the door and jump out of the car, unconcerned about the fact it was still moving.
"Look, this is not a game, Sharon!" he exclaimed as he reached over to stop her. She bit his arm. He winced in pain and pulled it away, and blood began to ooze from the wound.
"Dammit! That bloody hurt!" He looked into her eyes and she suddenly felt a sense of the man's plight. At that moment, she felt ashamed of what she'd just done, and calmed down.
They soon pulled into a caravan park just out of town, and found an unused caravan to hide in for the night. The man, who told her his name was Wally, explained to her in depth about State of Origin, which would be formed in just a few years time, and that despite Queensland briefly gaining an advantage New South Wales had held in the long-running interstate series, the pendulum would swing inexorably towards New South Wales again shortly after the turn of the century. He went on to tell Sharon that her son, Darren, would lead the resistance and again turn the tide. Without him, New South Wales would again commence a period of interstate dominance that would last decades.
Watching him speak with passion and honesty, she gradually fell under his spell and they soon made romance in the caravan, before drifting off to sleep ...
Later, they awoke to Laurie bursting through the door of the caravan, brandishing an old Duncan Fearnley cricket bat. Wally, alert and ready, jumped up to face him. They wrestled for the bat and it fell to the floor. As the two men fought, battling hard to gain an advantage, Sharon picked up the bat and waited for her moment. As they swung around, she whacked Laurie with a savage blow to the back of the head. They tied him up and drove to Caxton Street in Brisbane, leaving him on the street with a note attached.
Wally took Sharon back home to Roma, and disappeared from her life. As the months passed she discovered she was pregnant, and understood the relevance and importance of her unborn son. She often thought of Wally and even wondered if what they'd done to her tormentor, Laurie, was too harsh. Then she snapped out of it as she realised how important it was that he never got to her, or Darren, ever again. Even as Darren grew older and became everything Wally said he would, she would often picture that note in her head as she went to sleep at night, and shudder.
"I'm from NSW. Treat me with care."
747 words. Liftoff!