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Suggestions Thread for Next Year's Version


3 Things I'd like to see

Change the 'score try' button to just putting the ball down, not diving. If you put in a kick and the ball is on the ground in the ingoal area, it's impossible to pick up and then dive to score.

But add a 'dive' button. So you can dive to score a try, or if you put a kick through into the in-goal area you can just dive onto it, instead of picking it up first. And also allow you to dive in normal play so you can dive out of your own ingoal area, and also in the run of play(but you'll get penalised for a voluntary tackle)

When the opposition puts in a kick. If it's going to go dead, the computer AI always goes and picks the ball up anyway, sometimes running dead in the process.

jono078 said:
• Not so many fouls or penalty’s

What I'd like to see is and it will be very easy to implement. Have a page like NHL where you can turn on or off

- Knock Ons
- Accidental Forward Passes
- Deliberate Forward Passes
- High Tackles
- Spear Tackles
- Offside

And a third tackle button. Currently C(On MS Siderwinder) is normal tackle. C+RT is aggressive tackle.

FIFA has 3 - normal, agressive, very agressive.

Normal only rarely gives penalties.
Agressive sometimes.
Very agressive almost always.

And season mode auto-save like NHL season mode. If you have a bad game, you can't just quit and play it again - even in the middle of the match.


great game mario, u r a legend!!

like everyone else here, i there are some obvious issues that need to be addressed:

* too many forward passes, esp. deliberate ones
* scrum defence hole needs to be tightened
*short kick off = easy penalty
* players playing out of position, the warriors had seu seu on the wing
* improved graphics, especially the faces of some of 'em
* better presentation of the game in general, the menus make the game look 5 yrs old seriously
* perhaps a better goal-kicking system
* too many sin bins (i never knew that in NRL u could get sin-binned for a high tackle)
* ability to zoom, players too small can't see
* fix up some rules, e.g. penalty after the buzza should still mean 1 last play

here are some other suggestions that might not have already been mentioned:
* video ref
* more comments from the ref other than "come here for a chat"
* have rabs as commentator with sterlo, gus and fatty as side kicks
* better replays, showing the previous linebreak or kick instead... freeze it and have sterlo make one of his comments, "as we freeze it here... blahblah blah, as play goes on... blahblah blah, he scores"
* the camera angle after going to the video referee that shows the ref in the foreground and the big screen in the background, then the ref blowing the whistle to award the try
* different whistle sounds, right now everything sounds like a penalty

thats basically... even tho i've given u a long list of suggestions it doesn't mean this game sucks.... its absolutely awesome for a 1st-effort, 8.5/10 thx guys :D


d00d said:
* too many forward passes, esp. deliberate ones

I haven't thrown one forward pass in the last 6 games I've played (with 10 min halves).

The computer threw one, but he doesn't have the ball often.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
I have a few suggestions.

1. Franchise mode - Have one like NFL 2k3 , its an unlimited amount of years, where you sign players, cut players and coach the rep teams and have players play in them, a must i'd say.

2. Wear and tear- Yeah, have like mud on the shirts, okay not a must but it would add something to the game

3. Blood Bins - It happens in real life , why not ?

4. Injuries that last longer than one match!

5. Definately have more than one commentator, Vossy is great but imagine him doing his normal thing and Sterlo or Rabs say something

6. Penalties reduced, delibrate forward passes are jokes!

7. Video Ref - not a must but again it would add more realism to the game

8. Shots of coach's or of the bench , to add more realism

9. Trainers run on the field when a conversation is being taken, again just to add more realism

10. After a try has been scored, have the team in a huddle , not in a fancy formation

11. Different ball/referee and commentator for super league, to make it more like super league

12. Have like a drunk dude running on to the field , like once in 1000 games or something, just for amusements sake!

13. Replays and savable replays

Forum Idiot

for all the people suggesting a franchise mode - i asked mario about this SEVERAL times on the chat and in pms and he said that franchise mode is a 100% posibility for the next version. so there ya go. if you dont believe me ask mario.

something that absolutely MUST BE IN NEXT YEARS GAME - post match celebrations!!!! Grand final celebrations!!!! i won the GF and felt like a piece of shit! it was the biggest anti climax in the history of video games.
and better all round celebrations after tries and such.


I like the idea of having fighting in the game, it'd be more realistic. Trash talking would be a cool bonus (although the game might have to be rated M15+ for language, but it'd be worth it!).
Cheerleaders and mascots would be a nice extra, and at games you should be able to hear different chants, e.g "PARRA! PARRA!" at Parramatta Stadium or "NEWCASTLE! NEWCASTLE!" at Energy Australia.
The following idea I got from this soccer game my cousin has on his playstation, where as well as the current world teams, you could also play using great teams from the past. This would be a great idea for the next League game, where you could play using famous sides like these:

Balmain 1918-20
Balmain 1988-89
Brisbane 1992-93
Brisbane 1998
Canberra 1990
Canberra 1994
Canterbury-Bankstown 1979-80
Canterbury-Bankstown 1985
Eastern Suburbs 1935-37
Eastern Suburbs 1974-75
Manly-Warringah 1972-73
Manly-Warringah 1987
Manly-Warringah 1995-96
Newcastle 1997
Parramatta 1982
Parramatta 1986
Parramatta 2001
South Sydney 1925-27
South Sydney 1954-55
South Sydney 1970-71
St George 1959
St George 1966
St George 1977-79
Western Suburbs 1999 (okey, just joking!) :lol:

What do you guys think?
*Add a League Sevens and Nines mode. Also add the World Sevens comp in Sydney and maybe a World wide sevens Tour.

*Take a look at ESPN NBA Basketball for some cool idea's. Ive just got this game and its unbelieveable some of the features it has.

*Add alot of different options for players like boots, sock height, padding, taping on hands or knee's and arm guards.


hey mario and co i think this game is P H A T. I love it. tactics are everything and thats what you need to play this game.i do have some suggestions if you choose to tke into account or not.

1. The players need to be more reckognisable as individuals. As i play i dont get the feeling of having a better player in control because most of the time i dont know who it is. like if i want to get the ball to johns or jones but dont know where they are. i play and dont care who has the ball .i just do the same with everyone. to combat this i think the camera needs to zoom in just a bit(its good how it is but could afford to move in a fraction closer to the action) so you can see the number on his jersey.(see madden, i know you cant have it as big as that cause of the field size, but hve it somewhere btween how it is now and the madden).Also have the players names underneath of the players like madden.

2. The try area. players just dont slide like that. a few more animations need to be included like the simple one handed placing of the ball and the dive and roll etc. also post try nedd to be like the real game. eg players scoring in a close game get a barrage of team mates running up and jumping for a hug (sounds gay but you know what i mean) because its a crucial score. or even just your early game tries with just a couple of guys giving you congrats as you jog back to position. stuff like that. i think the crucialness of the scoring needs to be realised and recreated . this would add priceless atmospheric value. stuff like that

3. sin bins and send offs. When a player is binned it almost goes unnoticed. it should be made a bigger deal when he is sent off and also there needs to be another cutscene when he returns.

4. Game atmosphere. i feel the final series needs a better atmosphere. Every sports game is a let down in that there is hardly any difference in the presentation of a regular season game to the finals rounds. apart from vossy mentioning its the finals its exactly the same. I think having a pre match gee up would be valuable. eg instead of starting off as all the games do with the teams walking out have this. picture this - the game screen comes up with an over view of the grounds and the commentator talking about "here it is , 16 teams 29 weeks. it all comes down to this the grand final..." something like that talking about the importance of the game and the key figures then the camera pans to the tunnel as the players come running out , perhaps through the banner or such, sprinting warming up, passing the ball, talking and such and as they do so the commentator talks about the game and goes through the teams lists. then after the hype the game begins.
This is what i miss and fell a little let down after getting nothing after playing my ass of for 28 odd rounds. just makes it worth it if you get a spectacle.
And to cap it of there must be the post match celegrations especially after the gf . as soon as the whistle blows the players who have won are in jubilation as the losers are in despaire. the winners are jumping around hugging each other the coach gets a mention and perhaps the trophy gets awarded. plaease have these i promise people need it.

5. and to cap it of i think the players nedd to be a little more stiff. they seem a little too bendy and not enough like humans as they move. like they have no muscles or something.a must see is how the players on madden move. they are totally human in every action.maybe now you try a bit of motion capture for the players. running style needs a bit of a touch up too but hey im just a perfectionist and like to think if i had the know how and the recources i could create the perfect game. but im also a dreamer.

Thats all for now . i love this game and figure in just a couple of years could become a benchmark sports game. its already my favourite of all time with madden 03. Madden is perfect in everyway and if league could get to that level i believe it would be the best ever created. 90% of the games i play are sports games and no other bar madden has given me that feeling of absolute control as this game has. thanktyou. Im an animation major at massey wellington and would really love to get into the field of game production. im fanatic about animation and sports games and also play rugby at a significantly high level in wellington. and have played and watched league since the age of 5. So if theres ever a position available for a dedicated ,entrhusiastic and qualified guy with an inside knowledge in the sports please give me chance and a foot in the door. that would be a dream job. give us an email.


ps i also have no problem in eating 500 odd chickens. could even bring in a live cow...... nevermind , had a bad idea. great game guys. my family is fanatic about league so i think a usually boring christmas might just become a very merry league competition. surely theres 16 people in my family who play playstation. go the warriors. oh yeah also my girlfriend is the hugest, and i mean hugest league fan and she is a little sissapointed she has to be an a;lfy langer clone in the game. girls play games too. and after all games can bring make believe to life. thanks again . a simple pearler of a game


someone mentioned that they thought htups were a bad idea?
the short ball was one of the few innovative features of rugby 2004
using big forwards is a classic league tactic, why not have the same here
as i'm in the uk i don't have the game yet but some people are questioning longevity due to no franchise mode or whatever - i don't ever remember getting bored of jonah lomu rugby because i couldn't play a season or only with international teams
gameplay is where its at - if its fun and a challenge then you'll come back although i do concede that a season, team buiding, transfers etc would add to this
however rugby 2004 had this and is still poo


Razor said:
Apart from the minor errors with incorrect rules

- Franchise Mode
- Online play
- More International teams & Local competitions (AMNRL, etc) - I can't see the license fees being that expensive
- More customisation - can turn rules on or off.
- Replays at anytime, and saveable
- Player awards
- Ability to jump
- Ability to create your own set plays, which can be called during the game with an audible button.

Agree with all these things. I'd much rather see developers work on features like above instead of STUPID Bullsh!t like unlockable features, and other hidden features which are purely token items for children to retain interest. The developers should play Madden 2004 and pinch some of it's great features e.g. Owner + Franchise mode, and Defensive control.


As well as a lot of whats been mentioned above (especially more replay options and ability to edit frequency of high tackles/ forward pass etc), I'd like to see an indicator so that you know which player you are controlling, either at the base of the circle at the players feet, or in the info bar at the bottom of the screen.

I'd also like more camera view options, as none of the current ones seem to be close enough to the action.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
A difficulty level between Seasoned and Reserve!

North Harbour Stadium

Maybe be able to add in the Bartercard Cup teams.....


Frank_The_Tank said:
5. and to cap it of i think the players nedd to be a little more stiff. they seem a little too bendy and not enough like humans as they move. like they have no muscles or something.a must see is how the players on madden move. they are totally human in every action.maybe now you try a bit of motion capture for the players. running style needs a bit of a touch up too but hey im just a perfectionist and like to think if i had the know how and the recources i could create the perfect game. but im also a dreamer.

I was under the impression that they used Gumby for motion capture.


I think one thing the SIDHE team should do, is increase their team size ten-fold. If we expect the graphics to be on par with Madden and PES, then they need a large dev team and massive amounts of $$$MOOOOOLAH$$$ After the massive sales 'Rugby League' recieved, the $$$MOOOOOLAH$$$ may not be too far off.


If Sidhe read all these things they are gunna have plenty of time to implement a fair few of them for the next game!! :D/

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Rugby 2004 style in-game team list so that you can move players around positions on the field.

I had Fa'fili injured and i had to put Hohiha on as Kiwi wing...

Few others:

Improve the button selection for kicking a field goal, and the way it operates in the game. Pressing the button turns the kicker straight towards the goal, then you just need to get the angle right.

Also, a button that will pass the ball directly to your playmakers - and they stand back from the line from tackle 4 onwards.