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Suggestions Thread for Next Year's Version


There are some briliant idea's in this thread

The couple ive liked the best were

- being able to select first receiver/second receiver just like you can select first place kicker and second placekicker. It would be sooooooo much better to have your halfback more involved in the game, and im sure this couldnt be too hard to implement.

- more in game stats. The stats are nice when playing a season mode, but when you are in a game the only stat you see is the halftime tackle/hitup counts, it would be good to be able to see it in the pause menu whenever you want like any other sports game.

- The positioning one was also a good idea, much like the Awareness rating used in madden. If you played a player out of position there awareness rating drops considerably - which ultimately makes them pretty useless unless in their natural position.


A small thing they can mend for a sequel is the agony of choosing a name for a custom created player on the X-Box (and I assume the PS2). For those who dont know what tedium it is, you push up to cycle one way throught the letters, and down to cycle the other way throught them. To use a capital letter you have to cycle through all the lower case letters and then cycle through a separate upper case alphabet. Pain in the clacker! They should just use a system like is used for naming soundtracks copied onto the X-Box hard-drive.


i would sidhe to keep the game as customisable as it is now concerning database hacking, and if it can be made any more friendlier all the better!

My wish to this would be that sidhe implemented the following into the gameplay too allow for user addons

- Dynamic allocation of jerseys, logos and face meshes. This would be handier for users to come up with their own numbers to allow for better customisation and no limitations concerning graphic addition.

i am sure Sidhe would agree that user customisations in this investigative way (ie outside of gameplay) have been a strong point for the PC version of the game. :lol:


I am new here and am just going to post (paste) my idea's. Sorry if they have already been mentioned (bet they have) but anyways..

Franchise mode.
7's preseason comp with Orgin and Origin city v country in season mode. Best players for season selected.

GF's auto sellout. My gf between Manly and Brisbane had like 15,000 ppl at telstra stadium.

Changing weather. From cloudy to rain throughout a game. Also snow for Canberra staduim (once in a blue moon).

Improved season stats. My season, Ben Walker scored 286 points and the next best player scored less than a 100.
Also conversion ratio's need to be increased. 99% of kickers had under a 50% success rate.

Make it easier to interchange players. Sometimes it can be hard to get the right player in the right position as you have to make 4 interchanges to do so. Also putting players in custom teams you are forced to place them in order of their position

Team ratings. I had no idea how the SL teams faired. They should have a rating as you cycle through them. Eg, souths 70, roosters 94, Australia 98.

Have coaches. If you are playing poor then the camera will switch to the coach and he will be shaking his head or banging hands on the table

Video Ref and option to save replays.

How good would it be to have our teams theme music playing as they run onto the field or whenever you score a try. The green machine song for the raiders and Eagle rock for the sea eagles.

Also, spear tackles should result in injury to the player tackled.
Blood would be good to see- players sent to the blood bin and come back on patched up.
Season ending injuries


Better half time stats! Possesion, tries, completion rates etc :)
Also more stadium's. North Sydney Oval, Gosford, Gold Coast etc etc..

How bout an 'importance to team' catergory in the player stats. Like the John's, Fittler's, Lockyer's team captions etc are rated highly. If they are injured during a game/season then the team on a whole performs weaker.

Something up on those big screens in the crowd. But if possible not just the playing view- ie behind the player view that you get in every other game. How bout if the view were from the sideline? Or whatever else you could think of? Not sure if this is possible, but anyways, thought it'd be a cool idea.

Not sure if this'll be good or if it'll annoy ppl.

Have a "pressure situation" thing. I am mainly thinking with goal kicking. Like say scores are 19-18, you are behind by one with a penility kick from out wide with 30 seconds remaining. You aim it up, then the thing that moves across the bar moves alot faster as you are in a "pressure situation".
Maybe we could add 'pressure' as a player stat with 10 meaning they can handle pressure easier (more experience), where a rookie with a pressure rating of 1 wouldn't be able to cope.
I guess you could go out and make it that the chances of a player dropping the ball increases as the pressure increases. EG- Justin Hodges in the Origin for QLD where he gave away like 3 tries. Maybe you could go to options check their pressure and take em off the field in those situations, or pray they'll come up with a fluke play.
Don't know if it'll work or not but its an idea

Make fatigue more of a thing. Forwards have to be replaced during a game. Maybe we could have a (have a option in the options menu) fatigue meter in a small box in a corner of the screen with your 4 worst fatiuged players being listed with a percentage repersenting their engery. Or maybe a power bar like in NBA Jam.

I would like player stats like in the Madden games. Player profiles with career records such as tries, points, # games played and teams played for. Along with a pic of the player


An Idea here...

You've got the R1 for aggressive tackle. How about having L1 to make your whole team aggressive? Say there is 10 minutes and you are behind by 12 points, you hold down the L1 button (or press it to switch your team agg on) then your team plays on adrenaline for whatever amount of time. But doing so makes your team fatigue. So its adds a bit of strategy to the game.
Maybe you could press L2 if you are in the lead and you want to save your engery for an aggressive defence late in the game to hold the other team out?

The Engineers Room

First Grade
There needs to be more that 12 stats for each player more like 25 or 30.

Strength / Skill with ball / Jumping / momentum or size etc

And players being able to jump for bombs and dive for grubbers and to score. When jumping or diving their strength rating against the other players strength rating will determine whether they score or not. So they will not dive low and be tackled standing up. Also the momentum characteristic will determine how far a player will drive forward after they are tackled.


if they do anything with stats i really hope they include an over all eg. look at fifa they have all the stats individually then there is an overall....oh and i have trouble when making a new team cuz i dont know the positions that well so it should have where the players play here is what i came up with eg.


and on the line you would put the player that plays that position and it would look something like this:

halfback: Andrew Johns(HB)

and that would be alot easier for every one :)...and cant wait for a sequal


Make stats out of 50. 100 would be good also but just so there is heaps of variation to each player.

Imainge if most of these ideas were implented....ohhh yeah!


Maybe they can collect stats like player's times from training over 10m, 40m and 100m. These could all be used to decide a player's speed rating. There should be a seperate rating for catching a ball and ball-security in tackles.

I think SIDHE should move towards a simulation rather than arcade. Arcade just doesn't capture the feel of rugby league like it should.


Max01 said:
Maybe they can collect stats like player's times from training over 10m, 40m and 100m. These could all be used to decide a player's speed rating. There should be a seperate rating for catching a ball and ball-security in tackles.

I think SIDHE should move towards a simulation rather than arcade. Arcade just doesn't capture the feel of rugby league like it should.

also have fast play the ball and have dummy half fumbles when trying to pick up


As long as it is only a rare occurence - you don't want a dummy half fumble in every game - unrealistic and annoying.


Yeh a dummy half fumble would be as annoying as when your player knocks on off the kickoff three times in one match :evil:

Another point would be to be able to control a player when the ball is in the air, Ie chase it when the ball is kicked for touch or be able to move players under the ball for kickoffs and dropouts. For this to be good you would need to have a rough marker on the field of where the ball is going to land, with the marker getting smaller and smaller the closer the ball gets to ground.