origin countdown is ticking over
He hasn't got image issues. You do. And we don't yell at you; we're trying to identify that you have a destructive view of your body that isn't true.
I get why you have it; family and previous partners can be really bad in this field. My wife suffers from it and she's quite intelligent and well adjusted so it happens to us all (her mother / ex is the cause) but its often not good to let it fester.
By not saying anything, we allow your image to worsen as we're reinforcing what your saying by not pulling you up on it. Same with my wife - I pull her up on it every time she says it.
Epidural, epidural and more epidurals. Honestly, giving birth now days is made much less painful thanks to the wonders of such medicine. Plug it into the epiduric space and the pace is literally numbed within seconds. When I got my chest wall reconstructed I was on 8ml an h/r (1.5x that of a mother in labor).
I know. But really. I can't help it.
My mum is the worst. "*raises eyebrows* should you really be eating that?"
My ex had worse self-esteem than what I have, but he used to pull me up on it to. Kinda redundant when you beat the f**k out of someone you called beautiful every day though.
Told my wife if NSW lose ill be getting the divorce papers ready
I know. But really. I can't help it.
My mum is the worst. "*raises eyebrows* should you really be eating that?"
My ex had worse self-esteem than what I have, but he used to pull me up on it to. Kinda redundant when you beat the f**k out of someone you called beautiful every day though.
I was drained as shit after my son's 26 hour labor
He ended up coming into the world at 4:30am and when he and the missus and me got back to the ward at 0630 I was so tired i was puking (well that and having to see what he did to the missus undercarriage. I STRONGLY SUGGEST not looking at that whole bloody mess. Brought a tear to the eye as me and that vag had some ggod times together. I mean they say it snaps back to normal but it's never the same lads. NEVER THE SAME !!!!) so I went home and had a rest for 4 hours before coming back.
The missus family was there at 0800 so it wasn't like I abandoned her. She still brings it up two years later
i worry about my weight more then i worry about my appearence (if that makes any sense). Thats only because ive already had one heart attack but am not the standard 120kg person (just would love to get rid of the tits, bout the only part me im self concious about)
I used to be alot worse in terms of self esteem, took me awhile and the help of few people to realise that i wouldn't have much problem if i knew what i was actually doing. It's not being able to tune a radio and beign too petrified to introduce myself to somone is holding me back instead of resembling a yeti lol
And yet the only person I've ever met that's "loved" me...
How'd she take the news?
Totally understand your position. You've been conditioned; most kids are conditioned by their folks and loved one so it makes sense as to why you behave that way but that doesn't mean its good behaviour.
All I can say is if you have the chance to find a cheap or free counselor, it is worth every cent. If you can't love yourself, then you'll have difficulty loving anything else - life included.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that :lol:
I get where you're coming from. I can understand your reservation about the weight, particularly for health.
Dani, you can't love someone and do to you what he did to you.