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Religion has huge ties to each of the subjects you mentioned, too.
That's why I mentioned them

Religion has huge ties to each of the subjects you mentioned, too.
I don't think there are many who agree that religion has absolutely no place in school. I know I have no real problem with a religious studies type class. There are people out there who are genuinely interested in the culture of religion without being religious themselves. It's when you have one faith being put forward as the one true faith by some priest/minister for that religion that is completely unacceptable and is really just indoctrination (let's be honest here it's always the Christians :sarcasm.
You can teach religion in an objective way. It's really as simple as prefacing stuff with "Christians believe" vs "And then this happened", i.e making it clear that these are people's beliefs and not factual.
Well this leads into another problem where you have a bazillion denominations of Christianity because people can't agree on what's right and what's wrong.
Well, why is it the government's job to teach art, drama, or history? It's a dark hole to go down.
I have no objection to the teaching of religion is a study of the concept in a broad sense. I have an issue with government funding for any one religion to recruit, though.
Stretching them out a little at a time. New shoes are a bitch and will kill your feet.
I know you can teach objectively. But it is different being taught by someone who believes. The whole point of religion is that it is more than knowledge; it involves the spiritual. By getting someone to 'teach it objectively', you lose a dramatic part of it.
Its like having someone teach music who can't play an instrument, or teach art by someone who isn't an artist; its kinda important to have someone who is involved in it at the right level.
I don't think the role of a chaplain is recruiting, per se.
I'm curious about letters of reference etc. In the US, I believe, references are not allowed to rubbish you to a potential employer. If they didn't like you, the most they can say is to confirm you did indeed work for them. That lets the potential employer read what they'd like into the lack of praise.
Is this not the case in Oz?
new job, new car, new phone. Been a good week
pretty sure you can say what you like, it's just that you can leave yourself open to damages..
but TBH, nobody puts down someone who's going to give a bad reference....
and if you do, then you probably need to review either your work ethic, or find new referees..
By "ways" I'm sure you mean paying $24.99 on steam...Ya'll need to play a bit of Democracy 3. Fun game, if a bit obtuse. There are *cough* ways, to get it. Should add into the budget that game for schools, shows how complex every f**king thing is.
48% of GP appointments in Canberra are bulk billed. Obviously people comfortable enough to pay $35+ for GP visits won't be affected by a $7 gptax. Nobody has ever said they will.You really are brainwashed aren't you? Why have you not answered exactly how it's going to cause major issues when five times that fee doesn't in Canberra? Or are you so smug that discovering one free clinic validates your borrowed opinion?
I did receive the $900.4 Corners hopefully isn't indicative of the wider population. The regular posters there are nut jobs regardless of political persuasion.
BunniesMan you keep going on and on about how John Howard f**ked the Budget with his last year or two of tax cuts. You do realise that if he hadn't we would have been in a worse position because there would have been less money in the economy to stimulate growth. I don't know if you're old enough to remember or receive the $900 stimulus payment which was the cornerstone of their efforts to keep us out of recession. Without the lower tax rates they would have had to do a lot more.
The most obvious solution is that the Liberals are just a worse party, and that they piss off a more vocal portion of the population. Labor typically piss off the wealthy, who are less likely to be on forums or participating in marches to voice their displeasure.
They'll just bribe/finance a politician who'll better represent their interests.
I'm negotiating a threesome with Georgia and one of her Russian dancer friends tomorrow night.
Wish me luck.
I think that's the argument. I'm a spiritual person, rather than religious. I'd be religious if every organised religion I found didn't preach some form of bigotry.
If religion is to be taught in schools, it should be taught as objectively as any other subject.
Preaching the spiritual side of it, in my opinion, should be done on the church's time and out of their pocket.
They're not really the same thing though, are they?
Art and music are practical skills, that need practical training to teach effectively. Teachers who teach history, maths, geography, science etc don't necessarily need to be fans of the subject - they just need to be able to teach the academic side of it as put forth in the curriculum.
But can you concede that a chaplain isn't exactly going to be turning people away from adopting his faith?
Even if he doesn't go out of his way to convert people, he's obviously going to be expounding the positive aspects of his religion.
By "ways" I'm sure you mean paying $24.99 on steam...
I'm negotiating a threesome with Georgia and one of her Russian dancer friends tomorrow night.
[youtube]sy9FRli7ODg[/youtube]JM aka Mr Libertarian. Do you see any suitable role for government?