OK...proof about this Idris thing or I call bullsh*t. NIGC said he read it somewhere - give us a link.
The thing is everyone is worried about T and his issues - yet Newcastle is the very place he has run to escape those issues. He didn't have those issues when he was at Newcastle.
Seeing a theme here?
I'm certainly not suggesting we give him the $400K he was supposedly on at Parramatta - that is stupid overs. But if he wants to get his sh*t together here and do it at a cut price, then I'm OK with that. Despite all of what has happened he is still one of the heroes of the club. He won a grand final with us.
We might just be what he needs, and you know what? I think he might just be what we need.
Well said, I completely agree. I don't think anyone can doubt his playing ability, he started off the season well and we saw glimpses of the good old Timana Tahu. It wasn't until all the off field drama began that his form started going down hill and he started copping it from left right & center. This indicates to me that he still has the ability but there's alot of stuff going on in his personal life thats getting in his way.
If Newcastle has been his place to escape it all over the last few weeks then I think keeping himself there would probably be the smartest thing he's done in a long time. I was such a massive fan of Tahu until he started all his bullsh*t but as Alex said, he's still one of our heroes and as much as I don't like him at the moment it'd be a massive shame to see him go out the way he's heading.
I'd be more than happy for him to sign a cheap, one year deal with us and see how that works out. If he wants to turn himself AND his career around (which I surely think he would) then Newcastle would be the perfect place to do that. A "feel good" story could be made of Tahu's retirement at the club that gave him his fame and glory, it's just a matter of whether or not he wants that to happen. Having MacDougall, Midley & Tahu working with our young backs would not only help improve their game by miles but would also instill some good old fashion Newcastle pride into them.