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The Backpacker

Penelope Pittstop said:
Lord has always [that I've noticed] responded.

LOL at Smurf :lol:

:mrgreen: I've always wondered how I produced such an eloquent child. And to think mystique called her elegant. I'm still laughing. :lol:

As for Lord, he may have trouble getting on after the name thing. I reckon he'll post - he knows we need his top scores and another round of chook bashing to get it. :D :D :D

Ahh well, looks I may be retiring without my team ever appearing in a GF. Thems the breaks. :(

Genghis Chan

The Backpacker said:
Penelope Pittstop said:
Lord has always [that I've noticed] responded.

LOL at Smurf :lol:

:mrgreen: I've always wondered how I produced such an eloquent child. And to think mystique called her elegant. I'm still laughing. :lol:

As for Lord, he may have trouble getting on after the name thing. I reckon he'll post - he knows we need his top scores and another round of chook bashing to get it. :D :D :D

Ahh well, looks I may be retiring without my team ever appearing in a GF. Thems the breaks. :(

I thought this was a thread about the Grand Final. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll still play.

What's this name thingo ? ? ? As for the chook bashing, I am waiting to see if I am writing about how the Chooks did not deserve to win the Grand Final, or about why they didn't deserve to make the Grand Final. :lol: :lol: :lol: Nah, I'm actually out of ideas for chook bashing....for now.

Oh yeah, I heard a rumour that my original Forum 7's team, the Pirates, may be back on deck for the next competition. :)

Genghis Chan

The Backpacker said:
Oi Lord, your sig - theres still two games to play for the Roosters - your not a Pirate yet. ;-)

Well, I can't provide anymore controversy with chook bashing, I may as well provide it by playing for one team while wearing the logo of another. :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't worry, It could, and probably will, get worse.

PS Keep an eye on my avatar. ;-)

The ape will soon be replacing the current picture in my signature. (For those who remember the forum 7's back in the evil lair of MattO, you will know what I'm talking about. :D

The Backpacker

Well, I guess when the team you support played so crapily in the semi's, you need to find a new team to support. Never thought you'd be a band wagon jumper though. ;-)

Ahh well, join the ranks. Theres many of those around.

Genghis Chan

Bandwagon jumper? Not at all. I'll be cheering for the Roosters. What makes you think I want Penrith to win? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Backpacker

Nah. Someone just registered under your name in caps but the big boys were on it and got rid of him/her quick smart. :D No dramas at all. 8)

Genghis Chan

Whoever did that will be the first to be made to walk the plank. :evil: :evil: :evil: I hope they never return here.

Just got an idea for an article, about pirating and pillaging from other teams in the NRL. :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder what gave me that idea. :D

So, who in the Roosters team actually came from the Roosters juniors? (And don't say Craig Wing, he's a Souths junior as far as I'm concerned)

The Backpacker

Lord Reynoldson said:
Just got an idea for an article, about pirating and pillaging from other teams in the NRL. :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder what gave me that idea. :D

So, who in the Roosters team actually came from the Roosters juniors? (And don't say Craig Wing, he's a Souths junior as far as I'm concerned)

:roll: :roll: :roll: Read through any of the 16000 threads already up about this in the NRL section. Hope the Storm get a mention. ;-)

Genghis Chan

There just a bunch of chook bashers over there. Much mroe convenient if I can get a list here. :) (I'll check it out some time)

The Backpacker

Seeing as this one is going in the bin and we're all chomping at the bit to post this week. Welcome to BP's head.....

Losing the Plot for Easts

For Sale: One set of sports ears (used once), a well worn City Ford Jersey, a lesser worn Samsung jersey, 2 x Western Union jersey’s, one home, one winning white (varying sizes), various paraphernalia featuring Easts, Sydney City and Sydney logo’s, players etc, one SKY digital subscription, satellite dish and decoder and one Internet subscription (unlimited hours) paid up until the end of the year. Contact BP…

I always thought I had red, white and blue running through my veins but the Doctors told me, no, just red. I asked them to check again. The look was one of ‘here we go, we’ve got ourselves a nutter’ but I managed a look that befitted the seriousness of the request. More blood removed, more claret seeping into the syringe. What went wrong? I had time to ponder this question as I was wheeled down the familiar labyrinth of corridors that took one from the A&E department, through the bowels of the hospital from which one emerged on the ‘other side’. I couldn’t look former work colleagues in the eye as my assessment was done and I was shown to my coop.

Bland, to say the least. Funny how you never notice these things until your on the ‘other side’. A quick phone call to the daughter could see a Rooster doona stripped from the child’s bed and brought in ASAP. Yeah, that would brighten up the place. And maybe that Sydney City welcome mat, the framed picture of last years Grand Final winning team and my favourite logo coffee mug wouldn’t look out of place. Actually, the mug won’t be so easy, it’s sitting in the staff room. Can I feign normalness for long enough to not arouse suspicion as I go and fetch it? Or have the fun police put out an all points bulletin on me? – Free range Rooster on the Rampage - Things to ponder as I nervously pace my room the repetition somewhat comforting as I chant, ‘just one more game’ with Alice in Chains ‘The Rooster’ playing in my head whilst I admire my newly grown wattles and crown in the mirror each time I pass it. I can see them looking in as they pass, they think I’m nuts too, so I let out a crow just to please them.

The Doctors, the Psycho ones, not the normal ones, they want to know how I feel. How do they bloody think I feel? I feel cooped up, thoughts going out to the battery hens at this point but also pretty cocky actually, playing them at their own game. How long have I felt like this? All my life. When did it start? What part of all my life didn’t they understand? This should be easy. Has anything recently exacerbated it? Like I’m going to tell them that it started to rule my roost around February. I’m starting to scratch as they hen peck me about my symptoms and as I glance at the ticking clock, a Rooster mysteriously appears like an epiphany, on it. I smile at the old friend and they glance at each other. I know they can’t wait to shuffle to the Nurses station and write in my notes. The truth is, the ticking clock makes me nervous and I say, “just one more game”.

“Roosteritis” they say. I nod in agreement. The only cure? Rid the chook pen of everything remotely associated. I nod in agreement. Compliance means getting out. I get cream for the rash that has taken on the appearance of the spiritual SFS and have my claws clipped. What a waste of a year growing them. They were just starting to look like the Holy Grail. The ad is placed…for sale…I’m out, clucking to myself. It was like stealing wheat from blind chooks. As I get in the car, the beady eyes on the seat belt holder stare back and I know I have to move quickly. The chicks will be home soon and having recently had their wings clipped, pandemonium will reign. As I sit at the banned computer, I once again cluck. Roosteritis, I had them fooled. “Just one more game,” I say as I log in, my tail feathers bristling. And there are my fellow disciples. Every one of them – ozzie, Penelope, Lord, RoostarGirl, Roosterboy and Morticia. They understand. “Just one more game…and we could be Sevens champions”…

What the hell were you expecting? I’m not nuts, you know. :lol:

749 words.

The Backpacker

If I fail to post by 8.30 Wed, ozzie can you post this one if no one else has anything. It's a last resort and I have computer problems. Give it the title - Losing the Plot for Easts - cheers.

What the hell was I thinking.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh God BP, that was awesome. I understood completely :lol:

I was shaking so much from laughter my Daughter thought I was taking a fit.

Brilliant !!

The Backpacker


Pen, I swear I wasn't myself. The good news is, the child has managed to fix my computer and I'll now be able to finish my other article and post it. Thank Brad for that! 8)