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Team LWOS Unite!!!



i'm prepared to step down for the good of the team,or as they say for team balance,it was an honour being part of the train on squad,it's back to the bush league for me.

remember troops this is a battle we must win for the sake of the free world,if the penrith girdler brigade does the impossible and gets up,never show your faces on lwos again!!!

good luck and god blesstroops

"The call of battle awaits"

Gorilla, that is definitely a tops mascot! The Owls are on the Prowl mate.....

Pepe Pepe Pepe! Its to early to quit yet! I just took a break from the lads 10km run and hopped on a computer at the Henson Park Internet Cafe. The group is looking a tad out of shape, poor old Ozbash has sprung a hamie after 5m...tsk tsk tsk The squad is destined to be trimmed, we cannot lose a Melbournian like yourself so early in the piece!!

LWOS Owls over and out



Here are the updated rules:
Rule 1A) Each person that wants to take part in the competition declares their
elegibility for one NRL club or a miscellaneous one (newtown, central coast, perth,
adelaide, wellington, whatever) and their state(nsw, qld, allies [based on all other
states]) and their country.
Rule 1B)Once your club has come up with a 7 or more squad then post it on the
teams designated thread. Teams are not registered into the competition unless they
are posted in the 7’s forum under their own correct thread.
Rule 1C)This is how a 7 a side team looks in the forum 7’s.
1.left wing
2.right wing
3.link (half)
4.link (centre)
5.dummy half
6.loose head prop
7.tight head prop
Each player MUST be assigned a position to play as this will be the position that the person will face in the other teams on a one vs one basis. Each round, each member of each team puts one post up for judging by marking the post like this (*) with an
asterisk, the team they are in, and the position that they play in that team. (The post can be on anything related to league in some way). The post of the left winger goes up against the opposing left winger, the half link up against opposing half link, the dummy half up against the opposing dummy half. The judges will choose who wins in each position. Because the total number of positions is 7, there should be no draws, unless in special circumstances (see rule 2E) Once the winning team is
decided, that team will take two competition points.
Eg: (*) left wing-melbourne storm. *Insert post title here*
Rule 1D) The best 8 teams will make the semis. The semi final format will be exactly the same as the NRL semi final format. In the event that 2 teams are on equal points at the end of the 26 rounds there will be a playoff to decide who gets the higher
ranking going into the semis.
Rule 1E) The competition will follow a draw similar to the actual NRL draw over the usual 26 rounds.
Rule 2A) Judging criteria: Judging will be based on a criteria.
1:Whether the post is league related-20%
2:Amount of Interest the post has-20%
3:personal Flair- 20%
4:Entertainment Value-20%
5:Originality- 20%
........for a total of 100%. The post will recieve a mark out of 10 to the closest half a mark. The posts can be on anything Rugby League related, but the posts that have real interesting opinions and arguements will do well. Even a touch of humour might work well if thats your strength.
Rule 2B) Where to post: Each week a new thread will be started for each competition game. It may read for example:
Round 1: St. George Illawarra vs Parramatta.
All members of the Parramatta and St.George Illawarra teams that are in the starting 7 for that week will post in this thread for Round 1 only remembering that at the start of their post they must comply with Rule 1C). All posting for this competition will be in this forum. Any posting in the wrong thread will not be accepted. It will be considered as if the post was late and will not be judged.
Rule 2C) In the event that two posts that are up against each other receive the same score, it will be up to the judge to split the two posts. The judges decision is final.
Rule 2D) Teams with fewer than 7: Teams with fewer than 7 players are welcome to join the comp, but for each position without a player, that position will automatically be lost every week. Teams are STRONGLY urged to get at least a squad of 7 players, to make the competition even for all teams involved, however teams with less than 7 are welcome to enter, knowing that they are at a distinct disadvantage.
Rule 2E) In the event that two teams come up against each other and both have less than 7 players, the position’s that do not have opposition will automatically win. If there is no player in any position on both sides, then the points for that position will be split between the two sides (half a point each). This is the only way possible to get a draw between two teams.
Rule 2F) Bench players: Bench players are extras. They only become involved if another player cannot post for that week. Changes should be directed by the team captain to Paul Dunn. Although bench players are not nessecary, they give you a
distinct advantage over other teams with less depth. Teams with bench players are STRONGLY urged to use a rotation system, so that everyone becomes involved, but it is not against the rules not to use your bench players. To stop the loss of a position
when a player cannot post, make sure that the CEO knows of the change and for how long the change will last. This is the responsibility of the captain. If the CEO is not told of the change, the post will be invalid.
Rule 2G) Bench players: There can be NO MORE than 3 bench players on a side. The limit to each team is 10 players. Any team that uses more than 3 bench players will automatically be disqualified totally from the competition.
Rule 3A)There will be a cut off point (Thursday 9pm Australian EST), to get all your posts written for the week. Judging to be done on fridays and the comp points added. Results will be posted on a webpage
with a points table, the 7’s draw and CEO comments. Judges will also have a section to explain their decisions in their judging for each week. This web page will have a link to http://www.rleague.com.
Rule 3B)Late posts: Any post that is submitted after the cut off point WILL NOT be judged and the point for that position will automatically be forfeited to the opposition.
Rule 3C) Word limit: Each post MUST be under a 500 word limit. Posts that are over the limit WILL NOT be judged and the point for that position will automatically be forfeited to the opposition.
Rule 3D) Excess images: Posts MUST be written ONLY. No pictures, images, mp3, etc can be used to enhance your post. For anyone who disobeys this rule, their post WILL NOT be judged and the point for that position will automatically be forfeited to the opposition.
Rule 3E) Signatures: Signatures can be used, but only the written material can be used to enhance your post. Signatures will be judged and a good signature can help you win your position. Only the written in a signature will be judged.
Rule 3F) Editing: Editing is allowed as long as it is done before the cut off point for that round.
Rule 4A) Awards: The Forum 7’s awards will mirror the Dally M awards, given out at the end of the competition.
best captain
best rookie (less than 100 posts)
most improved over 2002
WORL medal for the best performance of 2002. (MVP)
Bestforward BestBack
Best in Semi finalseries
Best in Grand Final
Best in regular season
Best bench player
Awards will be presented after the grand final on an awards night - date TBA
Rule 5A) Individuals have the ability to represent in city/country and their state in origin 7's. The very best posters will be involved in the test matches. This will be based on individual form throughout the year. The players with the most individual wins will represent. Representative teams will be announced by the neutral referees (judges).
Rule 5B) Players will ONLY be able to represent the state/country that they nominate. Each player can only nominate to represent ONE state and ONE country. Players should think carefully before they nominate what state/country they want to
Rule 5C) Grandparents rule: Players have the ability to nominate to play for the country of birth of their parents OR grandparents. However, that nation must be a current league playing nation (based on the last world cup). Also players still only get to nominate themselves to stand for selection for ONE country, ie: if you nominate to represent australia and miss selection, you cannot then make yourself available for
another country.
Rule 6A) Spamming: Any spamming of another site will result in an automatic loss in that position.
Rule 6B) Complaining: All complaints MUST be directed to the CEO (Paul Dunn) via a private message. From there the nessecary action will be taken as the CEO sees fit. In these cases, the CEO’s decision is final.
Rule 6C) Spillage of Complaints: If any complaining takes place about the forum 7’s in this forum or in another forum, the guilty party/parties will recieve an automatic 1 match suspension. NB: Please keep all team tactics/issues/discussion about the forum 7’s within this forum only.
Rule 6D)Insulting or derogatory comments: Any player found to be guilty to have made an insulting or derogatory comment in general or towards another player in the sevens or a member of the other forums will be suspended immediately. The length of
the suspension will be deemed by the CEO (paul dunn). In extreme cases, a player can be totally banned from competition in the forum 7’s.
Rule 6E) If a team has a player suspended, that team CANNOT substitute the suspended player for the length of the suspension. That team must play short of their full strength.
Rule 7A) If anything comes up in the competition not covered by the rules, then the CEO will make a judgement decision based on what he thinks is the most fair thing to do for all parties concerned. The CEO’s decision is final on these matters.

Oh God, not the perluddy rules again, last time I SAW the rules, I had to re-evaluate my consciousness !

A dummy run is only as good as the distance as you can spit it - I've had a go at spitting the dummy and it's hard work to get it further tha 3 - 4 metres.
At least we don't have suckers, Willow.

I still want to know what, apart from slander, abusiveness and disgusting name-calling, is needed to get suspended.
I'm wondering, given Roy Master's success with the Saints, if we have to go and slap ourselves around in front of the miror before we post. I'd rather the approach of that great 'Bags player (Johnnie-come-lately) Raper and gets sipped as fapts, run 10m and then get MOM !
Trouble is I'm likely to get suspended for tripping.....................



Apart from my antics from 40 odd years ago, I haven't a clue what a dummy run is.

I've got a book 'Meditation for Dummies' but not for dummy runners.



I will also step aside for the good of our team, I do want to be considered for our team in the next comp, in which I will have more presence on line. Best of luck boys do me proud.



As much as I the whole fanciful notion excites and intrigues me, I will also have to reluctantly withdraw from the squad. Its full-on work during the day and thesis writing at night and on weekends for me until the end of March! I need to submit this bloody PhD by then, partly for the sake of my own fragile state of mind, mostly so that I can avoid incurring a $3000 overdue fee. Time won't give me time until Easter, or so it would seem.

At any rate, it would appear that I'm very much surplus to needs and I have full confidence in those chosen to bring home the bacon and fry it in the pan.

To infinity and beyond...


well, i wouldnt do this for just anyone cyberial , but i,ll do it for you.
i need to know roughly what the thesis is all about and just leave it to me.
i,m pretty smart,i used to do my mates homework and would usually get it right till we got caught.
I don't usually take pleasure in the squirming discomfort of a fellow human being, but the attempts to write us off as a threat by MattO on grandstand are a pleasure to read. I can just picture the vein in his forehead bulging as he types.

I'm keen now. I was a bit reluctant to get into this at first but this calls for a blitz.

I urge my fellow team members to write a few trial posts. I have started a few.
Comrades, I have to go south to check on the numbers of grains of sand on a beach, I will also be obliged to throw dead fish and live 'nippers' into the sea at various locations to check float and flow patterns. As such I shall be incommunicado for about 7-10 days.
Keep the faith, go further............


Roopy, I just ventured across to read the drivel from MattO and it has also fired me up. Are there any spots still available? The only thing I want to know is would my inclusion add quality to the side or decrease the quality of the side?

I feel, as leader of the rebellion it would be remiss of me not to stand and fight alongsidethose who elevated me to greatness.lol. I am honourbound to defend the integrity of the forum and those who sail in her.

So, whaddya say coach Moffo?


Willow, Jeremy, Moff & now Legend ?

Oh it's going to be a pleasure when the Balmain boys (& girl) run all over Newtown and smash them all over the park



I still owe you one for the communist thread !!!




Assistant Moderator
MattO: "Newtown are all talk. I grant them that. But don't have the backbone or quality to match it in the very high standard of these forums. "

Normally, I wouldn't give a toss but this is an insult to drivel.


Mel, I look forward to a good fair stoush should I be included in the run on team you pink red commie. Only problem is I may have left my run a little late so the decision it out of my hands. But if the ever if latest comments by the effervescent MattO are anything to go by, well you may as well hand over the silverware now so we can all take a piss in it.

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