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Telstra Stadium to hold Australia's Tri-Nations match


Because it is a one off test (as far as matches in Australia are concerned) and not a series, it makes it more difficult to market.

They definitely need to involve the clubs somehow. Rather than giving each club an allocation to sell, they could just do a big direct mail push to members and season ticket holders of each club with a priority booking period. Each club would get a slightly different piece - eg Canterbury supporters get a brochure saying come and see O'Meley going up against Sonny Bill.

Also, the ARL/NRL should have the details of pretty much anyone who has attended a big RL match at Telstra Stadium in the last few years. If you have been to a Grand Final, Origin game, or the Lions test at the SFS, there is no excuse for the ARL to not send you a direct mail piece encouraging you to be at the test.

With the player register, there is also the opportunity to mail to kids in the Sydney area. The kids would love getting a letter from their favourite player, and bug their parents to take them to the game.

A thing they do to increase ticket sales in the music industry is advertise big before tickets go on sale. This creates a pent up demand, so that when tickets go on sale there is a big initial rush. Other people then think "wow look at all these people lining up, this thing must be good", and they better hurry up and buy their tickets, and the whole thing snowballs and creates its own momentum.


Big Bunny said:
Excluding the clubs from a guaranteed 30% of bugger all isn't very good business sense. Inviting the clubs to double the amount of revenue, whilst giving them a return at 30% of face value is great no matter how you look at it. Why would you protect something that gives little return? I'd rather the risk of involving the clubs, even if it were by contract, ensuring that the ARL and RLIF still get their slice. The NRL should be used as the valuable tool that it is. There's no point in ignoring a resource because you're afraid of its power.

This is what I was getting at in my second paragraph.

But there still needs to be a process to ensure the ARL's average revenue is protected. What if the club scheme is so successful that the ARL makes less money than it would have had the crowd been smaller and the promotion come all out of Phillip St? The crowd would be a great advertisement for the game but it wouldn't do the junior kids any good if it meant less resources to them.

If you do get the clubs involved (and I would), I'd only make bonuses kick in after the first 30,000 tickets are sold. That way the ARL has a safeguard against success.


First Grade
another idea is to offer the first 20000 people to purchase gf tickets, the oppurtunity to purchase tri nations tickets for $10 a ticket. but i agree, i would only have the previously mentioned bonuses kick in after a selected quota had been sold.

in saying that, i would rather see a packed house of 80000 cheap or free tickets, then 25000 paying customers.


Big Bunny said:
I want to see each NRL club given 5000 tickets to the game, with those then translating to rewards for the club should they be sold. 16 clubs (including Gold Coast) selling 5000 each would translate into 80,000 tickets. If 30-50% profits for the game go back to the clubs via such a scheme then they certainly would sell.

If anything I'm angry that such a motion hasn't already been picked up. It's just so bloody obvious.

I would support this type of scheme but expand it to junior clubs.
To raise money for the club, a junior could sell 100 tickets and get 30-50% of the price.
I think this would encourage more people to buy tickets and raise money for the grass roots as well.
I am sure clubs like Newtown and North Sydney would be able to sell a few hundred if their fans knew that some of their money would go directly to the club

Big Bunny

bazza said:
I would support this type of scheme but expand it to junior clubs.
To raise money for the club, a junior could sell 100 tickets and get 30-50% of the price.
I think this would encourage more people to buy tickets and raise money for the grass roots as well.
I am sure clubs like Newtown and North Sydney would be able to sell a few hundred if their fans knew that some of their money would go directly to the club

Sounds good to me, although one kid selling 100 tickets seems a bit unlikely. Especially if at a fair price and not heavily discounted.


In the UK, junior clubs sell Test tickets. That is probably a better scheme than the NRL clubs doing it.

Good call Bazza


Big Bunny said:
Sounds good to me, although one kid selling 100 tickets seems a bit unlikely. Especially if at a fair price and not heavily discounted.

Yeah - sorry. I meant most large clubs would be able to sell at least 100 tickets.

The main issue would be how this would tie in with Ticketek, etc.


How about if you ring Ticketek and quote your club name (or a special code) it is recorded as such.


Has anyone heard anymore about a date/time? I am looking to make acommodation arrangements in Sydney, and of course I can find out squat.

Was there any publicity at the SOO II game last night, in the program or via annoucements??


saddog said:
Has anyone heard anymore about a date/time? I am looking to make acommodation arrangements in Sydney, and of course I can find out squat.

Was there any publicity at the SOO II game last night, in the program or via annoucements??
Why don't you look at the ARL website?

The dates for the Tri-Nations currently stand as:

15/16 October - Aust v NZ (Telstra Stadium, Sydney)

21/22 October - Aust v NZ (New Zealand)

29 October - GB v NZ (England)

5 November - GB v Aust (England)

12 November - GB v NZ (England)

19 November - GB v Aust (England)

16 November - Final (England)


Staff member
Random thought - shouldn't the Kangaroo Army be called 'the Mob' - as in a mob of kangaroos? Far more original than a rip off of the barmy army


First Grade

seriously, the game is not that far away. we need to build up to it. media releases, press conferences etc. we need to sell this thing out, with or without freebies. most importantly, we need this game to capture the publics imagination, and get the mob recognised.


Has a date/time been determined as yet? The ARL website says 15/16 Oct. Surely they would not play it on a Sunday arvo, when the Oz V World cricket test is on (Chanel No 9 would not allow it!)
I really hope it is 7.30pm on Sat night. We have never been able to explore this timeslot due to NRL being in progress. I think if promoted a crowd of 40K - 50K is possible.


saddog said:
I really hope it is 7.30pm on Sat night. We have never been able to explore this timeslot due to NRL being in progress. I think if promoted a crowd of 40K - 50K is possible.

I'm sure you wont be disappointed, I'm sure the ARL will schedule a 7:30pm Saturday match. I don't see any other option.

Although I hope we get more than 40k-50k! 60k min!

Surely international rugby league can't be that hard up in Sydney.

I also see the need to release the tickets for sale well in advance. As well as cross promotion from the NRL especially at Finals and the Grand Finals.


First Grade
After having gone on last years tri nations tour Im relieved to see that it wont cost me 7000 bucks to watch Australia vs New zealand this year!!!

In seriousness we all know that there are 100 suggestions on here everyday as to how we could improve the game. I cant rememeber many of them being taken up.

At the end of the day if there is one blue seat empty, Australia wins, or one player is unavailable due to injury, the papers and Yawnion fans will still say "international league is dead"


I really hope this works because it will set the int game back 5 years if we don't get a really good crowd.
Irrespective of the outcome isn't it time that Colin Love,Geoff Carr etc were held accountable for the farcical recent history of International Rugby League? Can't we have him removed and place a Richard Lewis a tthe head of the table? The unbekivable progress thaty hasa been made by the UK is amazing, and this guy is directly or indirectly responsible for alot of it. French Team coming in to Super League 2006 (possible 2nd team in 2009) expanded competition in 2009 (if sustaiable), increased television dollars, record crowd averages (again), professional team in Wales, thriving Irish competition, massive junior involvement in Scotland, booming RLC that now contains 80 teams right across the UK, London now the 4th largest junior rugby league development area, Europen Cup competiton, regular internationals. Remember this is all in the face of
* a biased media who DO NOTHING to assist in repoting or promotion of the game
* England being crowned2003 Rugby Union World Champion
Compare this to the shambles that the ARL are in this country, perfect example, the Trin Nations opener was agreed to be played in Melbourne earlier in the year (due to the big sporting crowds that would be around after the Melbourne Cup Carnival) so the NRL went and sold sponsorship to the match plus the Anzac game in Brisbane. The NRL has been stuffed up because Telstra Stadium don't use the brand in their pourage rights.
The ARL don't have operations, marketing, ticket sales or ANYTHING. Just a couple of old wind bags who love to be fat catted around the World without any justification whatsoever.
The unfortunate thing is these guys can't be removed from office, they are accountable to nobody but themselves and will never give up the cushy lifestyle they currently enjoy.
If anybody has any sensible ideas on here I would love to hear them.
We need to get some people involved who have business acumen and an upto date understanding of the Australian sporting consumer.
The game is only in great health because the kids who play it have partents who were bought up on the game. It will only take another generation of slick AFL marketing and product placement (see todays telegraph) for the winds of change to make irreversable damage. People are already saying that Rugby League will never again be p[layed in Adelaide or Perth due to the crushing weight of AFL. If they continue to make their inroads for the next 30 years it will make things extremely uncomfortable for Rugby League.

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