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Tha MAGPIE report.


ahh how good is it now cricket reumes this saturday.

will be interesting to see how all teams fare in the run to the finals, particularly some sides who need to win all their remaining games to secure a finals spot.

this is the time of the year when we will see what teams are contenders and which ones are pretenders.

"go the power" .


A couple of big matches this weekend. Some teams may be shown up as pretenders sooner than others. :lol:


Well, a win is a win and we got home by the skin of our teeth. We got rolled for 160 and SUS were cruising at 3 for 112 halfway through the overs when they lost 7 for 31 to give us the bickies.

Great bunch of blokes SUS club, a pleaure to play cricket with. They were appalled by the offer of 2 cases of beer to beat us from a member of another side. "A low act" were the exact words I think.

Just makes me laugh.

I'd love to know the result of the Bosco V Illawong game.


rotflmao........mcrorter is at it again.

the low act is dudding the association and other teams by declaring a player as having ..no previous experience....when in actual fact he is a very very accomplished player.

but it has now happened two years in succession, all in an effort to win a park cricket competition.

by the way mcrorter......its not the bosco v illawong game result that should concern you.

but thats another story.


Are you accusing me of something? Do you think we have the side to play A1's?

I think we have been graded appropriately. It's not my fault your side can't bat.


your team or whoever puts the nomination sheets in has bodgied the player performances two years in a row!!

last year you won an B2 comp with the almost identical side that now leads the A2 comp.

most fair minded people think its a rort.

dont get into a slanging match with me about low acts because i have a good memory of things that happened at your club.

as for our batting , it might be wise to drop off on that subject until the middle of march.......competitions arent won in january ....even though our blokes are being told around the traps that miranda magpies A2 side consider themselves certainties to win the comp


Staff member
Easy on the accusations here guys please.

We dont want litigation issues with any of the local cricket assocoations in Sydney


Don't get into a slanging match with me about low acts??? If you have something to say to me then go ahead and say it. If you want to go around offering incentives to our opposition that's up to you but atleast have the courage of your convictions. What did I do to you that was such a low act?

I don't think your beef is with me though is it? You just have such hatred for my club now and I cop it as the scapegoat.

We are palying A2's. There is one grade higher and we weren't picked for that grade. Considering the closeness of most of our victories this year I think the association has graded us perfectly.

BTW I never said it was a low act. That's what the bloke you offered it to said. I just laughed.


you cop it as a scapegoat because i thought you would be man enough to accept what has happened , but you wont even acknowledge it.....so be it.

you are in A2 after requesting B1 on your team nom sheet!......the association was a wake up to the ploy this year.

im over it anyway, but as i have said on here before ask yourself why 40 plus players left your club at the one time, some went to gymea bay some went to miranda rsl and a lot to taren point.
some had been at your club for a lifetime.

as for the beer offer i did NOT speak to any sus club player if i did it would have been more than two cases!!

as for low acts .......dont tempt me into posting something here,it would be inappropriate .

other than score updates for those interested i will not again comment on this issue.


well its great to see that good old Santie Claus has given some fire in the belly to you boys for Xmas! Happy New Year to all .i got home just in time for the tsunami game yesterday, whjat did you think? my highlight was the commentary by PM Johnny Howard and Dizzy gillespie, and also the lil master Sachin , may be a master of batting but as for commentary????? stick to batting Sachin
Well did i have a wow of a time at the naturalist Resort! the best thing about the nudist camp is that i took one set of clothes for the 2 weeks wore them into the resort ,humg em up and then wore em home!
A bit of ouchies on some delicate areas of the bod seems that 30 plus is sometimes not enough! did even fit in a game of wahoo cricket with some people at the resort though there was not the issues that are alive on this forum there was some sledging going on when i was bowled middle stump and had to retire hurt!
Where does a nudist cricketer wear his protector? #-o

Each night there was a form of entertainment for the crowd! one night i gracoiusly donated my services no charge( i had to buy my ice) and wowed them all with some dinosaur noises.it was just a brief show with my side kick Solar power Shane competing in the Oyster eating contest this year being held in Colorado! :roll:

Geez McSharkie, looks like your team got out of jail, thats a pretty good comeback! Did they fall apart or did you guys just get lucky?

Pogo, how did your team go?Did your boys get footwerk for Xmas as you wanted?
Did you guys get up? does this keep you in the hunt for the semis?

A bit of advice please? i am trying out for the xfactor ,you know that poor cousin talent show of Aus idol, iam going to sing some songs that i have done previously and throw in some dinosaur noises. As for my outfit i have a teal shirt i borrowed , some classy footwear (new thongs) and these shorts i got about a month ago! i like em but some of my supposed mates dont ! and they ridiculed me to the point where i was deeply hurt! doing everything in my galaxy of power not to punch them or break down? :cry:
i like them,should i wear them! or should i listen to the abrasive advise of my "mates"

Yours in dinosaurs,

R ;-)


Mate, I'd get rid of the shorts, they sound terrible.

My team weren't lucky, we just fired up at the right time and they played the wrong shots.

Good to see you back from the nude world of cricket. Perhaps we can catch up for a beer some time.


magpies 56
bosco 55
illawong 51
taren point 50

i guess rodrigo with the improved footwork and added bowling strength we are some hope but probably only a rough show.

the A3 and B7 probably better hopes at this stage and B5 will have to look to next season after a last over loss on sat.


Gee you'd be hoping that we roll Bosco wouldn't you Pogo? Maybe you could offer us a case or 2? :lol:

Once again this week will prove vitally important to the top 4 sides.


we only have ourselves to blame and i am already going to owe you three cases anyway.

bosco have 3 games left and will be lucky to win one of them, but yes you could dog it and kill off your only" real" challenger!!

nice to see a number of very even competitions across the grades this year with lots of teams still in the running.

will be very interesting next year with the mooted return of semi finals.

regards priscilla


wow thats a tight ladder coming into the last couple of games,
Pogo, good to see that your team has struck some form, whats your run to the semis like?
McSharkie, back on top of the ladder,you boys better fight hard if you want to resist the challenges of the teams snatching at your heals!
Pogo, i noticed a D.Holley in your team results, has he been in your team all year?
his name rings a bell!?


d holley...........yeah mate he has been in all year

we have a tough run home, but hey it s a challenge rodrigo and our boys are up for a challenge.

whatever the result the camaraderie of the side has to be seen to be believed.



I see Bosco and Illawong as 'real' challengers. I find it amazing that you can write off 2 sides above you in the comp!! I notice you say Bosco will only win one of their last 3. I reckon they'll win 2 and we never dog it. Illawong is a real danger too.


i guess its all opinion mcsharkie...............i see your team as too strong for illawong and bosco but give us a hope of nailing you!

i would take very short odds m magpies against either of those sides in a final.

bosco wont beat us and i would have thought you would toy with them.

that leaves them one game, as they have umpiring, and i reckon they are only even money in that game... they have the toughest draw.

still its park cricket and i can well remember being in an A2 side that led all year to be leapfrogged due to an unexpected outright win in the very last round , in circumstances which the association recorder commented looked like a contrived result!!

yep it rained out the finals and the leapfrogger won the comp......and reportedly drank free crownies all week long..( now if true thats a low act)
incentives to win are one thing......but, declaring and giving a team a relatively cheap run chase thats another thing!!

you can play your B team this game mcsharkie, thats a way around your dilemma.

as i replied to rodrigo we are only a rough show.

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