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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


This is hard for me to get in the way because Ridders and Ramble on are 2 of my favourite posters on this forum.

Seriously i'd take a bullet for both these 2.

When i get a job and leave LU i will look back on these 2 guys with fond memories.
Willow and tha general however.....not so much.

What i will say though is that its unfair to attack Shire Panther, the OP, because he hasnt made suggestions on how to fix the issue. Reason is twofold, but mainly because there are alot of people that are still debating that there is a middle eastern problem especially at bulldoggs games. We are still becomig aware of this issue....and some are still in denial.

Ever seen a poster called Timmah here? lol....Hes a cool guy and makes great posts but lol he reminds me of Baghdad Bob, in denial hard.

*Middle eastern fans lighting Parra stadium on fire...gun warfare...Timmah would be waving to the cameras 'nothin to see here bro, it all good it all good they arent with us etc etc'.


This is hard for me to get in the way because Ridders and Ramble on are 2 of my favourite posters on this forum.

Seriously i'd take a bullet for both these 2.

When i get a job and leave LU i will look back on these 2 guys with fond memories.
Willow and tha general however.....not so much.

What i will say though is that its unfair to attack Shire Panther, the OP, because he hasnt made suggestions on how to fix the issue. Reason is twofold, but mainly because there are alot of people that are still debating that there is a middle eastern problem especially at bulldoggs games. We are still becomig aware of this issue....and some are still in denial.

Ever seen a poster called Timmah here? lol....Hes a cool guy and makes great posts but lol he reminds me of Baghdad Bob, in denial hard.

*Middle eastern fans lighting Parra stadium on fire...gun warfare...Timmah would be waving to the cameras 'nothin to see here bro, it all good it all good they arent with us etc etc'.

For f**ks sake ..this actually makes sense.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Suprized this wasnt posted before. Just adding fuel to the fire.

TERRY Leabeater, the Parramatta premiership-winning prop and spokesman for the 3P rebel ticket at this year's club elections, was assaulted at ANZ Stadium by Bulldogs fans on Friday night.
The ex-player's wife Jenny and another woman were also assaulted.
Leabeater, who required medical treatment after being belted, reported the incident to Parramatta officials and NRL executives at the weekend.
Stadium security helped Leabeater safely from the arena.
ANZ Stadium management were made aware of the incident by Sunday morning. It is understood three Bulldogs fans were involved in the drama.
Police are also investigating the incident, which occurred when Leabeater was inside a stadium lift.
"What those blokes did was pretty ordinary," Leabeater said last night.
"There was no need for it.
"It was a misunderstanding and not even related to the footy.
"There is a far bit of bark off me. But I wasn't worried about myself.
"I was more worried about the girls. I'm not overly happy." Onlookers said the attackers were Bulldogs supporters.
Some claim the fans were not entirely to blame for the flare-up.
Stadium management last night confirmed the incident occurred.
"We are aware of an incident that occurred in one of the stadium's lifts involving an alleged assault," an ANZ Stadium spokesman said.
"One person was provided with medical attention as a result of the incident and our customer service staff provided assistance to this person to make sure he was able to safely continue his way out of the stadium.
Because of the location inside the lift, our CCTV cameras didn't capture the incident and we have not been notified of any complaint made to police about the alleged assault."
Leabeater was the official spokesman for the 3P ticket which gained control during Parramatta Football Club elections and, later, leagues club elections late last year and earlier this year.
He formed a combination with Geoff Bugden - nicknamed The Bookends - for Parramatta in the 1986 Grand Final.


Please note, this article makes no refernce to anyone of any race. Nothing racial in it.

The General

Suprized this wasnt posted before. Just adding fuel to the fire.


Please note, this article makes no refernce to anyone of any race. Nothing racial in it.

This does sound pretty ordinary but it seems like there might be more to the story than meets the eye.

"It was a misunderstanding and not even related to the footy.

Some claim the fans were not entirely to blame for the flare-up.

Wonder why this wasn't expanded on? But I guess asking these questions probably means I'm condoning violence so shouldn't ask.

The General

What i will say though is that its unfair to attack Shire Panther, the OP, because he hasnt made suggestions on how to fix the issue. Reason is twofold, but mainly because there are alot of people that are still debating that there is a middle eastern problem especially at bulldoggs games. We are still becomig aware of this issue....and some are still in denial.

So you're saying the solution would be different if the trouble makers were middle eastern as opposed to any other race?

Let's just put a blanket ban on middle eastern people coming to Bulldogs games. But since most of these guys are actually born here so would be considered Australians we would actually have to ban anyone who looks middle eastern. Apologies to the Greeks, Macedonians, Maltese, Italians etc who might get caught up in the confusion.


the bulldogs have a problem that will never go away unless addressed (and addressed properly)- the more the likes of timmah ignore it the more things will stay the same next year......the team wins they cause dramas coz theyre pumped and excited - the team loses they cause dramas coz theyre sore loses.....i havent been to a dogs game for 5 years and will not go again. Anyone taking a girl or kids to a dogs game has to have their head read imo.


the bulldogs have a problem that will never go away unless addressed (and addressed properly)- the more the likes of timmah ignore it the more things will stay the same next year......the team wins they cause dramas coz theyre pumped and excited - the team loses they cause dramas coz theyre sore loses.....i havent been to a dogs game for 5 years and will not go again. Anyone taking a girl or kids to a dogs game has to have their head read imo.

I haven't been to Brooky in 2 years and refuse to go... The amount of times I got called "Rapist, Arab scum" was unbelievable, i even had my Girlfriend with me the last time I went… Besides Newcastle fans (Even the Grannies have a foul mouth up there) Brookvale and Manly crowds are the biggest foul mouthed redneck ferals in the NRL (Well atleast NSW teams).

Bulldog Force

Please leave this post moderators.
No Doubt if there are any of these 10% of Bulldogs supporters here they will abuse me but i couldnt give a sh*t after what happened last night.

I was at the game as a footy supporter and i didnt really care who won.
I have never had a problem at a Canterbury game in the 15 yrs that i have been going to footy games but i have heard and read many stories about the 10% per cent of trouble making Canterbury supporters.

I was thinking about being politically correct with this post but stuff it the vile 10 % of Canterbury supporters dont deseve that privallage, and those 10% of so called "fans" are the young Middle Eastern *ankers that are determined to start trouble and ruin all the good work that the Bulldogs have done on and off the field.

When we left the stadium last night and headed for the buses to Castle Hill we heard the drums in the distanceand when we got near the noise there was a massive group of Middle Eastern *ankers banging drums getting piggy backed and dancing around like tools with their shirts off.

But that wasnt the bad part while we were waiting in line for the buses with the rest of the law abiding decent citizens there was something like 6 or 7 lines when these Middle Eastern morons decided it would be a good idea to run through everyone that was waiting patiently for the buses these idots ran straight through everyone knocking people out of the way.

Now i had a shoulder re construction 2 months ago and im still pretty sore and in front of me was guy on cructhes and behind me was a young family with 2 kids that looked to be around 3-6.

These morons pretty much knocked the guy on crutches over and the young family behind was being sheilded by the father and i tried to cover one of the kids when i was barged and objected to filthy looking middle Eastern *anker who had his shirt off and was built like Bill Gates:roll: and pushed him away,
He then came back and wanted to fight like i was in the wrong and started abusing me (i couldnt understand a word of his jibber as i speak ENGLISH) and pushed me and then 2 or three off his mates came over and one threw a punch that missed when another guy that seen the whole thing grabbed the tool and threw him to the ground.

Then all of the fully sick boys came over to protect the skinny dweeb that just got thrown to the ground and there was the potential for this to turn into a major riot/brawl (no doubt weapons would of been involved with that amount of fully sick boys there).

But security and police eventually got there and broke it all up.
But where the hell were all the police at the start????
as a lady on the bus said those 10% of Canterbury supporters just want to start trouble and arnt happy unless they do!
And all that could possibly happen from these *ankers trying to run and barge their way through everyone is trouble.

Fair dinkum these morons were running around with shirts of twirling them around their heads like they are Arnold Schwartzaneger when in reality they look like a marathon runner and are about as intimidating as an AFL player they think they are big and strong when they hunt and attack in packs!!!!
They are nothing but weak pieces of *hit that are a waste of pefectly good oxygen!!!

What i seen last night was nothing short of a disgrace and the Bulldogs should do their best to distance themselves from these so called "supporters"

I will never attend a game invlolving Canterbury again unless it's at Penrith.

That is my rant.
You keep saying 10% to cover up your b/s because you and everyone here well and truly knows that it's 1% you genius. You say a bunch of boys... it would have to be a pretty HUGE bunch of boys to be 10% considering about 40,000 supporters that were there on Friday night were Bulldogs supporters. Going by your 10% statistics, that indicates that the gang consisted of 4000 boys :)lol:) - even by my closer calculation 1% = 400 boys - STILL too much... and what's more, you keep referring to them as 'Fully Sick' - like you're not trying to start trouble.



I haven't been to Brooky in 2 years and refuse to go... The amount of times I got called "Rapist, Arab scum" was unbelievable, i even had my Girlfriend with me the last time I went… Besides Newcastle fans (Even the Grannies have a foul mouth up there) Brookvale and Manly crowds are the biggest foul mouthed redneck ferals in the NRL (Well atleast NSW teams).

and im sure you did - i never said any other teams fans were "much" better im sure everyone can come up with scenarios were theyve seen or received abuse for no reason....i just think the dogs fans are by far THE WORST. Ignore it if you will but the problem wont go away.


the bulldogs have a problem that will never go away unless addressed (and addressed properly)- the more the likes of timmah ignore it the more things will stay the same next year......the team wins they cause dramas coz theyre pumped and excited - the team loses they cause dramas coz theyre sore loses.....i havent been to a dogs game for 5 years and will not go again. Anyone taking a girl or kids to a dogs game has to have their head read imo.

What can Timmah do about it? Nothing, it is not his problem.


You keep saying 10% to cover up your b/s because you and everyone here well and truly knows that it's 1% you genius. You say a bunch of boys... it would have to be a pretty HUGE bunch of boys to be 10% considering about 40,000 supporters that were there on Friday night were Bulldogs supporters. Going by your 10% statistics, that indicates that the gang consisted of 4000 boys :)lol:) - even by my closer calculation 1% = 400 boys - STILL too much... and what's more, you keep referring to them as 'Fully Sick' - like you're not trying to start trouble.


The OP obviously failed year 5 maths.


First Grade
What gets me is that in the original post - Panther said he'd been attending games involving Canterbury for 15 years and never experienced an incident.

So if you have 15 years (during which large sections of the Lebanese community have supported the Dogs) of positive experience, why get put off over one negative incident?

A friend who was at the game and is a Bulldogs fan posted on another forum that the abuse he'd personally received from Parramatta fans on the night was disgusting.

Lets face it many clubs have a certain section of their fans that can act like dickheads, and yes, unfortunately the Bulldogs appear to suffer from this problem more than most other clubs. But I would refute 10% as being an accurate figure. There were nigh on 80,000 people at that game and half of those would have been Bulldogs supporters or at least barracking for them.

So are you telling us that 4,000 or even 400 fans were involved? I doubt it somehow.

don't let the small minority put you off mate. I never have and I have witnessed trouble between Bulldogs supporters and Roosters supporters in the past.


First Grade
Also, you might want to be happy that we're not in England......

Cockney violence marred by footballing outbreak

There was surprise last night after a football match broke out during a violent assault by a bunch of cockneys on another bunch of cockneys to decide which cockneys were hardest.

The violence occurred between two groups of psychopathic cockneys, each with a penchant for football teams separated by a few hundred yards.
One football hooligan told us, "When those cockneys come onto our manor, us cockneys see it as taking a fackin' liberty."
"So we rounded up those cockneys, and us cockneys gave those other cockneys a right good hiding."

The violent confrontation was marred by a 3-1 victory for West Ham, in an unprovoked football match which broke out in the midst of the savage fighting.
"It was disgusting, I could hardly see this one cockney having his head repeatedly rammed into a plastic seat because of these blokes in bright shirts kicking a ball backwards and forwards in front of me."
"My ticket put me almost 100 yards away from the real action, so all I could see were athletic men running around and the odd goal."
"If I wanted to see that sort of behaviour, I wouldn't support Millwall, would I?"

Organisers of both 'firms' have been quick to denounce the behaviour of West Ham and Millwall football clubs.
"How are we supposed to finally decide which is the tidiest set of cockneys if they insist on playing football right in the middle of our fights?"
"Is it any wonder attendances are down and proper cockneys are falling out of love with the game when their clubs behave like this?"
Both firms have claimed victory, and the fight is due to go to a replay at the earliest possible opportunity.


First Grade
Standard reply by a Dogs Moderator !

Actually, I've just checked with the Dogs Moderator handbook and it appears the "Standard reply" should have been "go f**k yourself eh bro" and not "rack off"

Timmah - I feel you should apologise for this oversight.


the bulldogs have a problem that will never go away unless addressed (and addressed properly)- the more the likes of timmah ignore it the more things will stay the same next year......the team wins they cause dramas coz theyre pumped and excited - the team loses they cause dramas coz theyre sore loses.....i havent been to a dogs game for 5 years and will not go again. Anyone taking a girl or kids to a dogs game has to have their head read imo.
It took me all last week to decide to go to the Parra/Bulldogs game as I have been before with my children and it wasn't nice. However after reading all the posts on this forum and also checking out the bulldogs own sites, decided that there would be enough security and the seperation of the fans made me more confident. So I took my 10 year old son (West Tigers supporter) and we went together. We had no problems at the game. It was walking back through the park where 2 rather large Bulldogs supporters starting abusing my son (who was holding my Parra flag) and me - I was on the phone to my hubby asking him if he thought the refs decisions were correct - I was not talking to anyone around me! We were then subjected to a 5 minute verbal abuse and it got quite aggressiveby them. It wasn't until a group of other Bulldog supporters heard what was going on - and they came to our rescue and told them to get lost. It left my son in tears and me quite frightened after what was a brilliant night. It is the minority who ruin it for the majority, but why should women and children not allowed to attend the games - I love my football as do my children