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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


Yeah, they just ganged up on opposition players and belted the living tripe on them. They're okay :sarcasm:

Wouldn't suggest he's to blame for them running through the crowd of people, but he's definitely to blame for calling them "filthy Middle Eastern w*nkers" (which is supposed to be a watered down version of what was said)... is that really the way to calm a situation? :?

You ask it all the time so I'll put it to you.... What is the right way to calm such a situation? Cower..??

Shire Panther

Yeah, they just ganged up on opposition players and belted the living tripe on them. They're okay :sarcasm:

:sarcasm:How is something that happened on a footy field even remotley close to a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do other than going out of their way to inconvenience people by starting trouble when there is no point to it at all???
I didnt see the players in the 16's running through families, barging into ladies, nearlly knocking a guy on crutches over and scaring the life out of a 3yr old kid these incidents are no where near the same:sarcasm:

And only an idiot would condone what happened in the under 16's i hope they get locked up.
Oh and here is my comment on the under 16's violence
Im glad that coward that started kicking the Lower Blue's player got 20yrs (effectively life).

Wouldn't suggest he's to blame for them running through the crowd of people, but he's definitely to blame for calling them "filthy Middle Eastern w*nkers" (which is supposed to be a watered down version of what was said)... is that really the way to calm a situation? :?
Heres an idea now i might be stating the blatantly obvious but if the morons didnt start the trouble and could act like normal people there wouldnt of been any situation to calm down would there??:?

So Timmah in the heat of the moment and if you were in that situation what would you do?? noting that you are politicaly correct and wouldnt want to hurt anyones feelings hmm probably best you just stay back and watch the kid get bowled over.


First Grade
Wouldn't suggest he's to blame for them running through the crowd of people, but he's definitely to blame for calling them "filthy Middle Eastern w*nkers" (which is supposed to be a watered down version of what was said)... is that really the way to calm a situation? :?

Not at all. I think it's probably playing right into their hands. I wouldn't be at all surprised if these arse pimples were hoping for that kind of a reaction to justify a violent response.

You don't storm through a crowded area like what was described if you're not looking for some kind of confrontation. They seem to thrive on violence, intimidation, and generally creating misery for others. I can't tell you what the best way to react is because I don't know.

I don't care what race they happen to be. It's their behaviour that pisses me off. But I don't doubt that in a lot of these cases, their behaviour is carried out in some misguided loyalty to and representation of their race. By that I mean, that I don't doubt that they carry out these actions as proud <insert race here>. Just as dickheads feel that bashing people of other races on Australia day is somehow being a proud Australian. Their actions certainly wouldn't be viewed the same way by most in their community in the heroic chest beating way that they think it is. It would be viewed much the same was as other Bulldogs fans and league fans in general view it.


Assistant Moderator
You're unarmed as usual willow...... play the man and not the ball...
lol. Well I was thinking the same thing about you, but I didn't want to state the obvious.

No worries. Thanks for your 'contribution'.


lol. Well I was thinking the same thing about you, but I didn't want to state the obvious.

No worries. Thanks for your 'contribution'.

Feel free to react to any other part of my 'contribution' than when I called you out for being a grandstanding "contributor'... all you've managed in this thread was to attack the original poster because YOU think he's racist (no-one else did until post 137, the rest kicked in after they got support from their admin), and react to some other posters giving you a bit of cheek....

you like to claim you've rattled my cage often, yet you are the one with the tunnel vision if I happen to disagree with you on a particular subject.. I do think you're a tool, but it doesn't bother me that you are... you're in good company here......

Shire Panther

all you've managed in this thread was to attack the original poster because YOU think he's racist (no-one else did until post 137, the rest kicked in after they got support from their admin),
Post 137 bloody hell it seemed like every 2nd post someone was into me :-({|=
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What a load of f**king crap..!! The first mention of the word "racist" in this thread was in post 77 where timmah called the tabouli quote not overtly racist... next was post 81 by Kurt and refered to Muslim racism... Thug reckons we need it later in post 114 and game breaker comes in with his "shire" inclusion in panthers name infers racism.....

You you tool didn't mention it until after willow got his f**king bandwagon on the roll again in post 145.....

Your right. The racial component isn't what initially irked me. What annoyed initially annoyed me was that the original poster based his entire 10% stance on one personal incident. FMD does that mean than whenever someone on the forum suffers at the hands off a set of fans, he needs to start an entire thread on it and call out 10% of their supporter base. If so, i'll make sure to do it next time something bad happens to me when i'm going or returning from a footy game.

I have no problem with discussing ways to try and fix the problems with parts of our fan-base. As I said on numerous occasions, you won't find a dogs fan that says there is no problem. But FMD if you think the aim of this thread was to be constructive, then you sir are the tool.


Your right. The racial component isn't what initially irked me. What annoyed initially annoyed me was that the original poster based his entire 10% stance on one personal incident. FMD does that mean than whenever someone on the forum suffers at the hands off a set of fans, he needs to start an entire thread on it and call out 10% of their supporter base. If so, i'll make sure to do it next time something bad happens to me when i'm going or returning from a footy game.

I have no problem with discussing ways to try and fix the problems with parts of our fan-base. As I said on numerous occasions, you won't find a dogs fan that says there is no problem. But FMD if you think the aim of this thread was to be constructive, then you sir are the tool.

I'm sorry, I missed the part where you asked Shire Panther what the point of the thread was... was it after you attacked him for having problems with THE SUPPORTERS OF YOUR f**kING TEAM????? It was quite easy to see the direction of this thread by the first 3 responses, all Bulldogs supporters and all attacking the messenger.... how f**king hard was it to see that he was pissed off because disabled people and children were the victims of f**king idiots who just happened to be Bulldogs supporters (what a f**king surprise)... plenty of other posters could see the concept and it certainly seemed justified since all you lot wanted to do was deflect an obvious problem... seriously, what other team got it's name in the papers for tearing apart train carriages and scaring the f**k out of "normal" folk in the last few weeks..??


Post 137 bloody hell it seemed like every 2nd post someone was into me :-({|=

That is only in reference to you first being called racist... and that was because you have "shire" in your name... in all honesty you have had plenty of defence in this thread as well... chin up....


I'm sorry, I missed the part where you asked Shire Panther what the point of the thread was... was it after you attacked him for having problems with THE SUPPORTERS OF YOUR f**kING TEAM????? It was quite easy to see the direction of this thread by the first 3 responses, all Bulldogs supporters and all attacking the messenger.... how f**king hard was it to see that he was pissed off because disabled people and children were the victims of f**king idiots who just happened to be Bulldogs supporters (what a f**king surprise)... plenty of other posters could see the concept and it certainly seemed justified since all you lot wanted to do was deflect an obvious problem... seriously, what other team got it's name in the papers for tearing apart train carriages and scaring the f**k out of "normal" folk in the last few weeks..??

So let me get this straight. Shire starts a thread automatically ripping 10% (where the f**k did he get that number from) of all Bulldogs supporters and your surprised if Bulldogs supporters are upset by it? Like i said, if Shire had of used the thread to try and engage dialogue on how to solve the problem, rather than simply go on a rant, as he himself admitted to, i would be more than happy to. We know we have problems with parts of our supporter base, we don't need people who feel the need to start threads and discuss their life stories.

Like I said before, if I go to a footy game and I have a bad experience, should I start my own thread and rant about my own experience?
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So let me get this straight. Shire starts a thread automatically ripping 10% (where the f**k did he get that number from) of all Bulldogs supporters and your surprised if Bulldogs supporters are upset by it? Like i said, if Shire had of used the thread to try and engage dialogue on how to solve the problem, rather than simply go on a rant, as he himself admitted to, i would be more than happy to. We know we have problems with parts of supporter base, we don't need people who feel the need to start threads and discuss their life stories.

Like I said before, if I go to a footy game and I have a bad experience, should I start my own thread and rant about my own experience?

So your main issue is that he started a thread about stuff that you don't like? Should we all be like you and if we feel really pissed off about something that happens at the footy that's not part of the game we should only express it to our real life friends or the relevant authorities? Sorry, but go f**k yourself... this is a forum... know what that means?


So your main issue is that he started a thread about stuff that you don't like? Should we all be like you and if we feel really pissed off about something that happens at the footy that's not part of the game we should only express it to our real life friends or the relevant authorities? Sorry, but go f**k yourself... this is a forum... know what that means?

Still haven't answered my question champ. If I experience or witness something terrible going or returning from another team's footy game, should I start a thread about it and deride a certain % of their entire supporter base?

In hindsight i should have foreseen it was possible that Shire's initial post would have been affected my his emotions, but his efforts following that post didn't exactly shower himself in glory.
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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
ramble on, why is his story being taken as gospel without question, can I ask?

The General

I still don't get something about Shire Panthers rant. People always say the Bulldogs protect these idiots and don't do enough to catch them. But in the incident described the police were on hand to prevent anything major happening.

What more are the Bulldogs club supposed to do? Shouldn't part of the outrage be directed at police who failed to pursue greater action at the idiots who started the touble?


ramble on, why is his story being taken as gospel without question, can I ask?

Gospel? It's an online forum. Nothing has been taken as gospel in my view. Nothing has been refuted either, except for willows arguement but he only refutes what happened because he thinks everyone is racist, they just don't know it until he points it out.... but back to the point what has been said to refute Shire Panthers version of events? Sure it's been shown that 10% was thrown out there without basis, but aside from that.... we are talking about bulldogs supporters here..... and only a few weeks ago it was undisputed that they can cause a sh*t load of trouble even after thay have a win..... so while it may not be gospel, it's sure as hell likely to be true......


I still don't get something about Shire Panthers rant. People always say the Bulldogs protect these idiots and don't do enough to catch them. But in the incident described the police were on hand to prevent anything major happening.

What more are the Bulldogs club supposed to do? Shouldn't part of the outrage be directed at police who failed to pursue greater action at the idiots who started the touble?

I actually think that the outrage should be directed at the idiots who continually do this sort of thing..... but it's racist because they all seem to be middle eastern......


For the sake of the argument i don't really care if the incident is true or not. I've seen young hooligans act in similar manners so its not outside the realm of possibilities.

Rambo, don't go dodging my questions, you've been so much fun till this point.