I think Strider has already covered that, but I can remember that there was a great deal of press before the QRL and NSWRL board meetings that the issue of an independent commission was to be raised.
As above.
I will take you back to the first part of our Meeting today, the apologies, from Luke Burt and Nathan Hindmarsh for their non attendance. The NSWRL and or its CEO would make a representation to any Persons receiving awards, if Denis was to be made a life member then they would have been in contact to ensure his attendance to receive the Honor.
Now if in the normal course of that notification of the AGM, a member club has not RSVP'd to the AGM, and you are speaking to that Member Club's former representative about his attendance I would think it would be as simple as asking the question to someone who may well still have his ear to the ground at Parramatta.
I am quite sure the NSWRL informed Osborne and Hilditch (the clubs nominated representatives) first and did not receive a reply before trying to get a confirmation from a Non-Direct source.
But what is of interest to me is not just that Ossie and Ron could not attend but that task was not given to the Vice Chair, or any other member of the Board. Or could all 8 of them not attend this meeting about the games future?
I am reading with great interest Marks notes on the AGM. Unfortunately I had committed to a charity day for the Research Institute for Schizophrenia , and the Black Dog Institute with the Gibson Family.
A few points I would like to stress: Point 1.. I think you should all have a good look at yourself and pull your heads in, and put yourself in the position of your Mother with cancer. There are some things that take precedent over position or occasion, and for Ron not to be able to organise anyone, it had to be a very late call for Paul to pull out. The other thing that struck me reading Marks notes, is it sounds as though Ron had no idea of the Life Membership that Denis was to receive that night, and Ron has been a close friend of Denis for years. This is a situation of circumstances and I believe everyone is reading way to much into this matter.
Point 2... Andrew Hill fell on his own sword, he resigned....
Point 3...Denis running in the next election? I hope he seriously shuns the idea. Denis is etched in the history of this club as a player and administrator, and should be remembered with dignity and respect he deserves for the many years service he put into this club,rugby league and the community. Misguided agendas can ruin such respect, and I believe not in the best interests of this club, as Denis can offer an enormous amount to our community, and that is where he should channel his abilities. This club is starting a new chapter in its history, and does not need to go back to the future, and I say that with all the due respect it deserves, and although you may not agree with everything being done, explore these new concepts objectively, as this is an exciting new beginning.
Point 4...Congratulations to Denis on his Life Membership with the NSWRL. Well deserved