More egotistical jockeying, whist offering zero substance to the issue.
Here's my substance, if you want to call it that:
Firstly, we ask the question of whether we should have a refugee program? The answer is absolutely yes and anyone who says differently is a f**kstick who should be ignored.
Now, having answered that I look at the problem in a logical, sustainable fashion.
What are our responsibilities once we take a refugee? Food, clothing and shelter are the three basics, obviously. However, many refugees will have language problems so they will need education there. Children will need education in general. Many adult refugees will need to be trained and given job skills, so they can become self-sufficient. On top of this are general health issues but especially psychological counseling due to the fact that a lot originate from f**ked up shitholes where they have been through horrific shit.
In summary: money, and lots of it.
Now this is cool. The reason we should be taking refugees is because we can afford it, so paying the money to do this stuff is a perfectly acceptable way to spend my taxes.
However, because it involves money and therefore needs to be budgeted it must immediately come with a cap, a quota. Failure to set a quota and stick to it means the system becomes unsustainable and we lose the ability to do long term good.
As such, similarly to those who would state we shouldn't take refugees at all, those who argue against a quota are dickfaces that should immediately be ignored forevermore.
Now, having established that we need a quota, it is a logical extension that we need to control this ourselves. This means no boats. You can't have a sustainable, controllable quota system if other people are deciding when they come here. So, no boats.
This way, we are able to bring refugees from regional centres in a timely, orderly manner consistent with our ability to meet their needs once here and in a manner that fills our quota spread out across the entire year.
Under this system no one drowns at sea, criminal organisations do not make millions, no one languishes in our offshore detention centres, genuine refugees are still brought into Australia and the costs are minimal to the Australian people. With these things in mind, the system is sustainable across the long term and does maximum good.
Furthermore, we do not waste time and money on economic refugees, spots are not taken by non-genuine refugees and the ones who get our spots are those who have genuinely fled atrocities and not those simply looking for a better job.
Here's some articles regarding the "refugees" already taken back to Sri Lanka. Please note these articles are from the ABC and SMH, so they're not evil lies spread by Rupert Murdoch, the spawn of Satan:
"I went [to] Australia to find employment and then settle and bring my wife and family."
This man says his son and other relatives were just trying to get work.
Another passenger, M.G. Sumanadasa, 59, a stonemason, said he was told he was going to New Zealand.
?I got on board to earn more money and to have a family house in New Zealand."
These are not political refugees fleeing persecution, Gronk. They are economic refugees wanting a better job and if we let them in they take the spot of a genuine refugee.
Now we come to the part where we are being labelled cruel etc. I don't like it but I understand that the short term pain will bring long term sustainability that will benefit the largest number of people who are genuine refugees.
So, clamp down f**king hard, f**king early and we'll end up with a sustainable system in the shortest possible time.
So, there's my "substance", if you want to call it that.
My system stops people drowning, stops criminals making millions from the suffering of others, means no one languishes in Nauru or Manus Island, minimises the cost to the Australian people over the long term and eliminates economic refugees stealing spots from those who genuinely need them.
It is rational and sustainable.
Your bullshit is whimsical fairy, bleeding heart, unsustainable, cruel bullshit that lets people drown while criminals make millions from their suffering.
Who's the real humanitarian?
You're just a typical leftoid who is more concerned with shaking your fist at a conservative party so you can selfishly hijack morality for your own ego. You are a blight upon humanity and your kind are to be ignored.