Ok so what you have just said is basically the coalition's policy on refugees and onshore arrivals.
We've always had a quota. Recently it's been 20,000,
but the current government reduced it by 6,000.
And stop the boats.
Which is easier said than done. The best way is to apparently pretend that they don't happen by towing them back before they hit the migration zone. The Abbott government has engaged the cone of silence with regards to the the asylum seeker vessels, and refused to even confirm the existence of the latest arrivals for days/weeks now. To date Scott Morrison has still not conceded that a second vessel (re: high court proceedings) actually exists. If he had really stopped the boats, then he'd be absolutely transparent about it.
The facts are that (other than threatening to put onshore arrivees (sp) to detain them and settle them in PNG or Cambodia) stopping the boats is nigh impossible. Both sides of politics should recognise this, so that Morrison does not have to pretend that they don't happen, just to save election face.
There is no easy answer to the arrivals. Off shore processing is probably the way to go, only because history has shown that those who are not granted visa to stay, clog the legal system with appeals.
One thing I do know, is that refoulement is not the answer. What a appallingly inhumane thing to do.
To force back people to their place of origin where they might face persecution or threats to life and liberty on the basis of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group is wrong. Oh, but they are screened I hear you say ? Yes this was introduced by our previous government called the "enhanced screening process". What a joke - so whilst bobbing up and down in the ocean they are asked 3 questions. Do you know what they are ?
“What are your reasons for coming to Australia?
Do you have any other reasons for coming to Australia?
Would you like to add anything else?”
If the detainee does not raise a red flag by saying they want to seek asylum because they fear persecution, or if the interviewing officer does not believe them, they can be screened out and deported.
F**king hell, surely we're better than that.
I see, so they're all economic refugees ? It's like telling your daughter that the kittens in the sack all have cancer, before you throw it into the river. Cop out.
Yes some are economic refugees and they should be screened out . I'm all for it, but not by the orwellian "enhanced screening process" thanks. Again, we're better than that.
You might be fascinated to learn that the UNHCR provided an important qualification in their 2011 issue of the
UNHCR Handbook on Procedures and Guidelines for RSD. They noted the distinction is “sometimes blurred”.
“Behind economic measures affecting a person’s livelihood there may be racial, religious or political aims or intentions directed against a particular group.”
The handbook goes on to note that “objections to general economic measures are not by themselves good reasons for claiming refugee status. On the other hand, what appears at first sight to be primarily an economic motive for departure may in reality also involve a political element, and it may be the political opinions of the individual that expose him to serious consequences, rather than his objections to the economic measures themselves”.
As signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention, we have an obligation to hear each asylum seeker before presuming that their claim for refugee status is not valid because of their nationality or ethnic origin. Did you know that ?
I also think that Australia has additional responsibilities to refugees from countries where Australian defence personnel have been deployed in "conflict" situations. Our record in this regard is poor. How embarrassing will it be later this year when we chair the G20 when other countries are doing their bit and we're not.
It's not your anything. It's just summary of what's happening now.
Ok so why throw in the the ad hominem attack ? It confuses me why you need to this :lol: are you aware that at the end of anything you post like this, you attack my character or beliefs in advance ? A bit like discrediting my point of view before I even post it. You attempt to undermine what I say before I even say it.