Out of curiosity, if I have managed to work my f**king ass off to now be on a great salary (and continue to work my ass off) that excludes me from all benefits, while paying about 45k tax a year, why should people I know who have 3+ kids deliberately so their wife doesn't have to work and effectively pay no tax benefit and me get f**k all and me be made to feel guilty about it?????
I also live out West and have a massive mortgage, it's not like I live in the eastern suburbs or north shore! My wife also works full time.
I'm thinking 45k is plenty of tax, while say single incomes of say 70k pay zero tax through family benefits only really earn 20k less than me and I earn over double what they do......I'm still confused why I should feel guilty that I'm "not giving enough"......
Can someone explain to me why I should support the less fortunate? I never complain about it but I'm f**king sick of seeing people on Facebook whinging about how they're losing their free f**king money, all while telling me I should pay more f**king tax to help them!