We know what the alternative was, and just about everyone else can see the difference.
No you don't. You make up the worst case scenario in your head and pass it off as fact.
John had us playing a reasonable standard of football (finals) and given the circumstances it was a decent result.
No cap space or ability to recruit anyone, a reduced cap, a big injury toll, a stack of old players past their best, a group of young players still a tad green, a disrupted environment with no home/ covid and generally limited resources and minimal staff.
It was a work in progress.
He was sacked after a couple of rounds in to last season and for some reason he has to bear that cross with the likes of you, despite him having nothing to do with it.
Anyway, this conversation has been done a thousand times and it's boring for the vast majority of people. I'm not really sure why you find it necessary to constantly revisit it.