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The Bulldogs


I certainly haven't read the ones which said "the case hasn't even gone to trial due to insufficient evidence, yet this insufficient evidence happens to prove that the players are definitely guilty".

The General

melon.... said:
The General said:
Diehard said:
The Bulldogs acted like animals, their behaviour shamed our game. Don't pretend its all rosey. You bastards shat on our game's reputationand that is why you got a justified fine.

How did we sh*t on the games reputation ? So it's our fault the media wanted to portray this so negatively. So the St Kilda players didn't bring their game into disrepute becuase the media painted them as innocent until prven guilty and have tried to make the public feel sorry for them ?

The reasons Gallop outlined for the fine are a joke.
So you condone the actions of your players stating they would pull their d!cks out and blow on the media? Yep it figures. Same club...same supporters...all blinkered...all dirt.

Please show me proof our players said that. You are another media puppet who actually believes all the 'crap' reported by Wockner, Weidelr and their buddies. Notice how they didn't name any names...hmm I wonder why. Possible lawsuit maybe ?

The General

melon.... said:
Medical evidence "DEFINITELY" proves the victim was raped. Rape injuries are consistent, and can not be self inflicted. Fact and the proof is there.

You are a moron. If medical evidence 'DEFINITELY' proved there was a rape, the players would be in jail right now.

The General

sullyfan said:
Thierry Henry said:
You're pretty dense and thick if you don't understand of how the investigation went.

How did it go genius? Bulldogs conspiracy?

Don't you watch the news, or read the papers?

I think you've been doing that for all of us. Try forming your own opinion, instead of regurgitating the sh*t spat out by 'journalists'.


The General said:
sullyfan said:
Thierry Henry said:
You're pretty dense and thick if you don't understand of how the investigation went.

How did it go genius? Bulldogs conspiracy?

Don't you watch the news, or read the papers?

I think you've been doing that for all of us. Try forming your own opinion, instead of regurgitating the sh*t spat out by 'journalists'.

Well, where else can I get information from to form an opinion on? From you? :lol:


melon.... said:
The General said:
Diehard said:
The Bulldogs acted like animals, their behaviour shamed our game. Don't pretend its all rosey. You bastards shat on our game's reputationand that is why you got a justified fine.

How did we sh*t on the games reputation ? So it's our fault the media wanted to portray this so negatively. So the St Kilda players didn't bring their game into disrepute becuase the media painted them as innocent until prven guilty and have tried to make the public feel sorry for them ?

The reasons Gallop outlined for the fine are a joke.
So you condone the actions of your players stating they would pull their d!cks out and blow on the media? Yep it figures. Same club...same supporters...all blinkered...all dirt.

The biggest criticism that you could put on the Bulldogs is their inability to take responsibility for there own actions and their tendency to blame everyone else but themselves. It seems pretty clear that the blokes involved went too far even if it was not rape. For gods sake she had to be taken away in an ambulance and even the police described her as distressed. The blokes need to acknowledge this and pull their heads in. Willie Mason needs his head shrunk to half size and Node looked like a complete idiot when one day he’s claiming the players are vindicated and the next he’s having to say no comment when asked about the fines dished out by the NRL.

Welcome to the real football world Mr Node not the Controlled world of Super League.


melon.... said:
Medical evidence "DEFINITELY" proves the victim was raped. Rape injuries are consistent, and can not be self inflicted. Fact and the proof is there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: They'd be in gaol idiot!!


LebaneseForces said:
melon.... said:
Medical evidence "DEFINITELY" proves the victim was raped. Rape injuries are consistent, and can not be self inflicted. Fact and the proof is there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: They'd be in gaol idiot!!

But then how do we establish which players were involved in the "alleged" rape? And how many? 6? 5? 4?

The General

Big-Steve said:
The biggest criticism that you could put on the Bulldogs is their inability to take responsibility for there own actions and their tendency to blame everyone else but themselves. It seems pretty clear that the blokes involved went too far even if it was not rape. For gods sake she had to be taken away in an ambulance and even the police described her as distressed. The blokes need to acknowledge this and pull their heads in. Willie Mason needs his head shrunk to half size and Node looked like a complete idiot when one day he’s claiming the players are vindicated and the next he’s having to say no comment when asked about the fines dished out by the NRL.

Welcome to the real football world Mr Node not the Controlled world of Super League.

Gallop has already said the fines have nothing to do with the repe allegations. An official NRL investigation ordered by Gallop cleared the bulldogs of any wrong doing in Coffs Harbour.

He also based the fine on comments reported by the media which have been attributed to the Bulldogs. Problem is Gallop has no proof any Bulldogs player made these comments.

He also based the fine on the clothing worn to interviews with police. The head of the strike force investigating the allegations has already said he had no problem with the way they were dressed. This should be left for the Bulldogs to deal with anyway, not the NRL.

That's why i think this fine is a joke.


sullyfan said:
The General said:
sullyfan said:
Thierry Henry said:
You're pretty dense and thick if you don't understand of how the investigation went.

How did it go genius? Bulldogs conspiracy?

Don't you watch the news, or read the papers?

I think you've been doing that for all of us. Try forming your own opinion, instead of regurgitating the sh*t spat out by 'journalists'.

Well, where else can I get information from to form an opinion on? From you? :lol:

Well im sure he can and i can get an interview from an ex sharks player and put shit on the Sharks and say it was said by a current player and not name him!!!!!!

You know the same thing that was done by that idiot who said a current first grader admitted their was a gang bang culture within RL... THe 'current player' was no other then Darryl Trindall who was sacked by the Dogs :roll: :roll: Yeah lets believe those journos... :roll:


Gee some of you people are seriously dumb or seriously deluded.... I'll leave it to you to work out which group you belong in.

For everyone saying "they would be charged if there was definately a rape" or similar obviously have no idea of how the law works.

Just because they can prove a crime happened doesn't mean they can prove who was 100% unequivocally responsible every bloody time!! If this was the case then the streets would be a damn site safer to walk down than they currently are now.

In the instance of the Coffs Harbour case.... the police say that evidence points to the fact she was raped. Obviously with no charges being laid they cannot prove without doubt who raped her.

Why is this? Well it could be a multitude of reasons.... everything from players lying to protect mates (and therefore making it 6 against 1), tainted evidence from chlorine or the fact it was really another guest at the hotel.

The fact however that the Dogs have lost 3 officials over this as well as comments from one (or more I can't remember) of these officials saying what happened in Coffs was disgraceful and that when the police investigation is finished one more players from the club will be sacked points to the fact that the Dogs were involved in this up to their eyeballs.

How any reasonable thinking person can expect the public to accept that nothing happened and that the Dogs are an innocent victim in this is - let alone expect apologies is unfathomable.


First Grade
TheEye said:
In the instance of the coffs harbour case.... the police say that evidence points to the fact she was raped. Obviously with no charges being laid they cannot prove without doubt who raped her.

Evidence was consistant wit rape, but the same evidence was consistant to consunsual sex. Dont twist the facts.


LebaneseForces said:
melon.... said:
Medical evidence "DEFINITELY" proves the victim was raped. Rape injuries are consistent, and can not be self inflicted. Fact and the proof is there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: They'd be in gaol idiot!!
Youve got no idea have you child. The evidence she was raped was there, so the rape happened. The "who raped her" evidence was inconclusive. And now your club is saying nothing happened? Moron.


The General said:
Big-Steve said:
The biggest criticism that you could put on the Bulldogs is their inability to take responsibility for there own actions and their tendency to blame everyone else but themselves. It seems pretty clear that the blokes involved went too far even if it was not rape. For gods sake she had to be taken away in an ambulance and even the police described her as distressed. The blokes need to acknowledge this and pull their heads in. Willie Mason needs his head shrunk to half size and Node looked like a complete idiot when one day he’s claiming the players are vindicated and the next he’s having to say no comment when asked about the fines dished out by the NRL.

Welcome to the real football world Mr Node not the Controlled world of Super League.

Gallop has already said the fines have nothing to do with the repe allegations. An official NRL investigation ordered by Gallop cleared the bulldogs of any wrong doing in Coffs Harbour.

He also based the fine on comments reported by the media which have been attributed to the Bulldogs. Problem is Gallop has no proof any Bulldogs player made these comments.

He also based the fine on the clothing worn to interviews with police. The head of the strike force investigating the allegations has already said he had no problem with the way they were dressed. This should be left for the Bulldogs to deal with anyway, not the NRL.

That's why i think this fine is a joke.

mate your not exactly reading me the way I intended.

1/It may or may not have been rape (we will never know) but the boys went too far and should have a good look at themselves and be more humble about the situation (it's what peolpe expect of them).

2/When someone like Malcolm "I got rid of Souths and Norths" Node says they are vindicated it implys that all are inicent of anything that has happened and there are no repercussions. That's not the reality. Most people were fumming about the T-shirts worn by the Bulldogs and rightly so and then there was the urination "I'll pull my what's it out" incident, the riots etc. Then Node is asked for a comment about the NRL fines and he looked very embarrest to me sliping away with a "No comment".

The General

melon.... said:
LebaneseForces said:
melon.... said:
Medical evidence "DEFINITELY" proves the victim was raped. Rape injuries are consistent, and can not be self inflicted. Fact and the proof is there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: They'd be in gaol idiot!!
Youve got no idea have you child. The evidence she was raped was there, so the rape happened. The "who raped her" evidence was inconclusive. And now your club is saying nothing happened? Moron.

But the evidence for rape and the evidence for consensual sex can be the same. Moron.

And not to mention the time she alleges the rape occured does not match up with eye witness accounts of when they saw the girl in the pool.
the nrl are a joke a piddly fine of 150k and a suspended fine of 350k - they should have been fined 1 mill and given a final warning - anymore problems and your suspended from the comp.

the afl fined the brisbane lions 260k for failure to lodge contracts on time

insufficient evidence was the verdict and i would ask the question how they were able to charge the relevant groups/gangs they have for rape when it boiled down to their word against the victims - there were no witnesses to verfify the victims version of events and by my understanding all the attackers told the police the same version of events which contradicted the victims but the dpp went ahead in those cases.

the law is a joke


The General said:
But the evidence for rape and the evidence for consensual sex can be the same. Moron.

And not to mention the time she alleges the rape occured does not match up with eye witness accounts of when they saw the girl in the pool.

Physical evidence for rape (including internal bruising, tears and bleeding) are VERY different to physical evidence of consensual (evn group consensual) sex.

As to time discrepancys..... ffs - If I had just been raped I doubt I would be too worried about what time it was.


Generalissimo Stalin said:
the law is a joke

:lol: :lol: :lol: Coming From U... The Former USSR Had a Great system ay :roll: :roll: Shot anything without proof... Or send them in exile to Siberia.


Who cares what happened its all over now !!!! nothing more will come of it.
I also herd a rumour that the alleged Victim is the NEICE of the 40 yr old from the first rape alligation in 2003 ????

If this is true then it looks very fishy :shock:

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