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The club backed us into a corner


Staff member
The club backed us into a corner

Article from:
By Barry Toohey
August 26, 2007 12:00am

AFTER being forced out of the club he loves, Kirk Reynoldson is facing the prospect of being ripped away from the love of his life as Newcastle's decision to sack him reverberates around the Steel City.

Reynoldson's wife, Katie, is studying to become a dietitian at university in Newcastle and fears who her husband will be taken away from her by the callous actions of coach Brian Smith and chief executive Steve Burraston.

Katie and Kirk have even discussed giving football away and getting a normal job so they can stay together. But Katie refuses to let her husband give up his dream even if it means they have to separate for 12 months.

"One of the reasons we came to Newcastle in the first place was because they wanted to sign him for four years and I had the opportunity to do a four-year university course here,'' Katie said.

"Whatever happens to Kirk, I have to stay here and finish my course.

"I know we will handle whatever that is, even if it means spending 12 months apart. But I just feel sad about the whole thing. It's just not right.

"Going to court is not the most pleasant thing to do. But at this stage, we have got nothing. Nothing at all. I don't work, so it is really hard.''

Reynoldson needs to play one more game to activate a retention clause for next season worth $196,500. But he hasn't been named in any grade over the past fortnight. While he holds out a glimmer of hope, his chances of being named in the side to meet Wests Tigers in the final round next weekend appear slim.

It's the culmination of a horror seven weeks for the Reynoldson, who has received strong backing from of his team-mates in the face of Smith's stance.

Katie will never forget when this sad story started, the moment Kirk walked through the front door and dropped a bombshell.

"It was my 28th birthday and we were going out to dinner with friends,'' she said. "Kirk just walked in and told me what had happened. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it.''

Reynoldson had just been told his position at the club was in the balance. He had gone into the club's offices to talk to Knights operations manager Steve Crowe about the welfare of another player. He came out deeply worried about his own.

"There were tears and we were a bit late for dinner on the night,'' Katie recalled.

"It just rocked us both. We didn't see it coming at all. And it hasn't got any better since.''

That was July 2 and seven weeks later the drama has escalated to the point where there is a real chance it could end up in court. Katie knows her husband better than anyone, knows his feelings for the club and for the city. She knows he doesn't want to go down the legal path, but she also recognises he has been backed into a corner.

But when Reynoldson spoke to about quitting the game so he could stay with his wife, Katie stopped him in his tracks.

"I just said to him, 'You're not going to do that','' she said.

"He still has a lot of footy in him and, like me with what I want to do, he is ambitious about it.

"I know we can make it work.''

There has been talk of other clubs being interested. But it has largely been lip service. There have been no offers.

The support for Reynoldson rolls in from everywhere - from team-mates, from supporters, even players from rival clubs.

"Our families have been amazing as well. We really have had awesome support, which helps you get through it,'' Katie said.

Reynoldson is one of the most popular players at the club. Last year, he was clubman of the year and he has done more than anyone to look after the interests of team-mates and their families. To find himself on the scrapheap eight months after accepting the clubman award has shattered him.

"He has been a mess,'' Katie said.

"He is usually the more level-headed and stable one. But he goes to bed exhausted and wakes up exhausted. He's lost weight and it's really sad to see him gutted like this. He's usually this happy, easy-going person but this has broken him.''

Asked for her feelings about Knights coach Brian Smith, Katie bites her tongue.

"I don't want to say anything,'' she said.

"My energy is focused on supporting Kirk.''

:-({|= Cry me a f**ken river, bitch. This 12 months apart from him could be the best thing to ever happen to you. You might actually meet someone who isn't a complete no-hoper :)


The thing that is sh*tting me is... If there was no guarenteed 4th year why were they so stupid in not looking for a backup plan?

Fair enough if the old Knights WANTED him for 4 years, but he (well his manager) should have been smart enough to realise the 4th year wasnt guarenteed...

Johns Magic

Frederick said:

:-({|= Cry me a f**ken river, bitch. This 12 months apart from him could be the best thing to ever happen to you. You might actually meet someone who isn't a complete no-hoper :)


You're not cool


Article from: Daily Telegraph
By Barry Toohey
August 26, 2007 12:00am

The above says it all. It's just Gutter Journalism at it's best.

Gene Krupa

The thing is, Barry Toohey used to be one of the only Telucrap journalists who didn't talk sh!t. Obviously his paycheck is more important to him than his integrity.


You wonder when the Telegraph would run out of stories regarding the Reynoldson saga...


Ben said:
You wonder when the Telegraph would run out of stories regarding the Reynoldson saga...
His family will be the next source for stories. I'm sure he has a cousin or long lost relative out there somewhere with cancer- the Telegraph can take the "Kirk was my inspiration, now I have no reason to continue fighting" angle.
Sorry Kirk, tell your sh*tty story to the one steel workers who don't earn in 5 years that you have earned in one that are now unemployed!


Kirk seems to be in denial about how bad he is, did he really think the club would keep paying him 200k to go on never making a line break and dropping the ball 20% of the time its thrown to him.


Jono078 said:
The thing that is sh*tting me is... If there was no guarenteed 4th year why were they so stupid in not looking for a backup plan?

Fair enough if the old Knights WANTED him for 4 years, but he (well his manager) should have been smart enough to realise the 4th year wasnt guarenteed...

That's exactly right Jono078. That's the whole bottom line to this whole issue. Kirk Reynoldson thought he was guaranteed that 4th year, but HE WAS NEVER GUARANTEED that 4th year (4th year was an OPTION, on the basis that he was to play 15 games). Like they say in investing: He put all his eggs into one basket. There was no backup plan whatsoever (which is absolutely imperative, incase Plan A doesn't come to fruition) and Reynoldson thought he'd be a Knight for the next however many years.

And also, with the whole mortgage issue, it looks like he has been living outside of his means. No one told him to buy a house that he may not have been able to afford, and even so, earning $240,000/year for the last 3 seasons, I'd presume he would've been able to contribute a fair bit to the mortgage (and even with smart low-risk investing decisions, have been able to pay it off faster). If he hasn't, then the question that needs to be raised is: What did he do with that money then?

From the article by Barry Toohey is this passage:

'Katie will never forget when this sad story started, the moment Kirk walked through the front door and dropped a bombshell.

"It was my 28th birthday and we were going out to dinner with friends,'' she said. "Kirk just walked in and told me what had happened. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it.''

Reynoldson had just been told his position at the club was in the balance. He had gone into the club's offices to talk to Knights operations manager Steve Crowe about the welfare of another player. He came out deeply worried about his own.

"There were tears and we were a bit late for dinner on the night,'' Katie recalled.

"It just rocked us both. We didn't see it coming at all. And it hasn't got any better since.''

That was July 2 and seven weeks later the drama has escalated to the point where there is a real chance it could end up in court. Katie knows her husband better than anyone, knows his feelings for the club and for the city. She knows he doesn't want to go down the legal path, but she also recognises he has been backed into a corner.'

That excerpt highlighted in bold and italic proves one misconception that was initially targetted by these Telegraph journos. That misconception being Kirk Reynoldson wasn't given a sufficient amount of time to search around for another club. It is nearly 8 weeks (approx 2 months) since this began. Kade Snowden was only told a couple of weeks earlier the same thing (ie "we're not going to stop you from looking elsewhere") and he and his manager (instead of pouting and bitching around like Reynoldson) got off their butts and that initial action paid dividends (Snowden got snapped up by Cronulla). Reynoldson has been given 8 weeks to look around, but instead, has chosen to make a big fuss about the whole thing and tried to draw out the whole situation in the hope that Brian Smith/Steve Burrston and the Knights are going to renege on their original statement. You cannot tell me that 8 weeks isn't a sufficient amount of time to look around at future options. And, if he and his manager have been doing what Kade Snowden and his manager did early on, but haven't managed to attract any offers, well that does speak wonders about how good (or how crap) of a player Kirk Reynoldson is. If this happened to Danny Buderus, Darren Lockyer, Roy Asotasi, Willie Mason, Sonny Bill Williams etc. or any of these players, 100% no doubt that they'd be having offers lining up outside the front door of their house from all over the place. Remember, this was back in July 2, so aroundabout midway through a season. All clubs wouldn't have finalised their rosters as of then (NRL, ESL and also the possiblity of Rugby Union, like in Craig Gower's case). As they say: "If a product is supposedly good enough, it should be able to sell itself". Is that not correct?

jhonny bravo

I totally agress with wat Jono said about the 4th not being guaranteed.
Yes the telegraph is publishing anything becuase of the agenda they have against Brian Smith BUT this issue here is NOT the guy himself it is about how he good of player he is not the type of bloke he is. Reynoldson is the nicest guy you have may ever meet but he is just not good enough to play at this club as his football is not wat we need.
Throughout most of this story Reynoldson has not once brought up mentioning anything about legal action against the club, this has been put in by a lawyer who offered his service just to get his face on TV and make some money for himself as well as being glorified by the telegraph and hadley. Reynoldson has every right to not be happy as he is pretty much being sacked from his job and now needs to find another one, which is something hundred of people have to deal with every day.
IMO Kirk has carried himself fairly well and only saying that he is unhappy as he has every right to do.
Anyone that attacks this guy like fredrick did in the first comment saying he is no hoper needs to wake up to themselves. The telegraph is writing sensationalised jounalism to attract people to the story. Kirk has not lived up to wat he was signed here for which is fairy enough and has taken a guy like Brian Smith to realise this and make the hard decisions which will hopefully lead to us not paying overs on players just because we have the money to.
All in all do not attack this Kirk on a personal level as he has done nothing wrong in that view he has only not perfomed up to the standards that the club is paying him to perform to.