It's essentially a solid Batman film that collapses under a pile of mediocre or downright atrocious. Affleck and Irons are easily the best part of the movie, the opening Metropolis sequence from Wayne's perspective was brilliant.
Cavill is given nothing to do yet again, they've really misread Superman and turned him into a brooding dull mess. Nothing new from Man of Steel. Such a shame because we have an actor trapped on screen desperate to get more out of it.
Lex Luther should have completed the triumvirate but Eisenberg ruins him *completely*, he's even worse than what's in the trailer, wtf were they thinking. He was basically pee wee herman.
Nothing else was needed, especially Doomsday who looked more like a second coming of the Uruk Hai, was half expecting Saruman to show up. Wonder Woman potentially interesting but completely wasted. The rest of the Justice League was just a silly wink shoved in our faces, ironically they actually had a scene later where Aquaman would have actually come in handy!
Some good action, pacing was horrible, plot holes everywhere, nothing was quotable, characters other than Batman all undeveloped.
Overall just a poorly constructed cash grab.