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The Footy Show 2012


First Grade
I can't find the thread regarding the show "One Week at a Time" or whatever its called on One HD. (if anybody can, feel free to move this post)

Anyway, Joel Caine has just popped up on TVN this morning as a Sportsbet rep providing the odds and fluctuation info for the big day of racing ahead. Those sort of gigs don't pop up often and would be well paid and sort after.

Think it is an interesting appointment. He spoke very well, as he does on a Thursday night on One HD.

Nobody is ever going to agree with everything a panelist says on a footy show, but here is a clear example of an average player being given an opportunity on this type of program and in my view he does a pretty good job.

When are nine going to wake up to the fact that you can't train certain high profile players to be good commentators/panelists. You either have it or you don't.

Wish they would give the average player a living after footy, that may actually be suitable to do the job. Another guy that springs to mind is Michael Hodgson the ex Canberra and Canterbury forward. He has been on ABC Grandstand a number of times and is a very very impressive speaker. Give him a job ffs. Get rid of the likes of Lockyer and Tallis. They will never cut it.

Anyway, rant over.

Oink !

Spot on. The game needs to improve it's image, and irrespective of what they're like as players or people, guys like Lockyer, Tallis, A Johns, Fittler just give the game an image it shouldn't be striving for. There are plenty of good commentators/personalities out there (Stirling, Brandy, M Johns) but if you're going to hire a bloke to talk his playing ability should be of secondary concern.


I wont watch this crap till they get the most unfunny man on television off Beau Ryan........


I can't find the thread regarding the show "One Week at a Time" or whatever its called on One HD. (if anybody can, feel free to move this post)

Anyway, Joel Caine has just popped up on TVN this morning as a Sportsbet rep providing the odds and fluctuation info for the big day of racing ahead. Those sort of gigs don't pop up often and would be well paid and sort after.

Think it is an interesting appointment. He spoke very well, as he does on a Thursday night on One HD.

Nobody is ever going to agree with everything a panelist says on a footy show, but here is a clear example of an average player being given an opportunity on this type of program and in my view he does a pretty good job.

When are nine going to wake up to the fact that you can't train certain high profile players to be good commentators/panelists. You either have it or you don't.

Wish they would give the average player a living after footy, that may actually be suitable to do the job. Another guy that springs to mind is Michael Hodgson the ex Canberra and Canterbury forward. He has been on ABC Grandstand a number of times and is a very very impressive speaker. Give him a job ffs. Get rid of the likes of Lockyer and Tallis. They will never cut it.

Anyway, rant over.

Oink !

Good post.

Very good point, about players pursuing media careers. You dont necessary have to be a great big name player to get a good career in the media.

Good examples of Michael Hodgson and Joel Caine, Hodgson was a decent player, but had bad luck with injuries and Joel Caine was ok, but a decent goal kicker was all he was IMO.

But with Caine he's done a terrific job in the media, my guess is that he probably did some courses with media and speaking roles.

Hodgson speaks well and from what Ive seen with his interviews with his Bulldogs team mates, I hope he pursues a career with Ch 9, or Fox.

Sterling is a great commentator and even while he was still playing he used to every now and then do sideline gigs with Channel 10.


Spot on. The game needs to improve it's image, and irrespective of what they're like as players or people, guys like Lockyer, Tallis, A Johns, Fittler just give the game an image it shouldn't be striving for. There are plenty of good commentators/personalities out there (Stirling, Brandy, M Johns) but if you're going to hire a bloke to talk his playing ability should be of secondary concern.

A Johns, Fittler, Daley, Lewis, Lockyer: five of the greatest players in the 100+ year history of the game (4 of them, as well as Langer, are the top 5 players I've ever seen play since I started following league. I was too young to remember watching Lewis), but their commentary skills leave a lot to be desired. I really feel sorry for Lockyer. Why Ch9 put him through the pain of having him as sideline commentator on Friday nights whilst he's struggling with that gravel voice of his (much in the mould of Jason Smith and Gary Larson) is very harsh on him. I also don't like how Ch9 use certain commentators in matches involving their teams (e.g. Joey with the Knights, Lewis/Fatty/Lockyer for Broncos matches, Fittler for Roosters matches etc.)

I know this is going to sound like a broken record as I myself have mentioned the same thing in multiple threads, but I 100% agree with everything you said. Naturally talented, legendary player does NOT = outstanding coach or commentator. Only a handful of naturally talented players (Sterlo being one of them, as you mentioned) are also naturals infront of a tv camera. MG - I love his passion and he's one of the very few non-politically correct people going around on tv these days, but the minute you hear him talking and his voice, people just jump to the conclusion "western suburbs bogan"

Personally, if Ch9 did lose the rights and whoever got them had to form a new commentary team, I could see Sterlo being the only from from Ch9 that either Ch7/10 would be interested in poaching. Given that both of those networks will strive at all lengths to move away from The Footy Show type of image, neither network will touch Fatty or Gus Gould.

I agree also with your point regarding Joel Caine. In a similar mould, I also think Ryan Girdler is wasted talent. Why he hasn't been snapped up in a larger gig, whereas ppl like Dellavision got a plethora of gigs, I will never know. Regarding the coaches, Brian Smith, despite his negative reputation, was very impressive on the handful of occasions he was on ABC radio. However, the one coach who has really impressed me over the past year or so that I've seen him is Matt Elliott. I didn't think much of him when he was at Canberra and Penrith, but since he's appeared more in the media after coaching Penrith, I think he'd make a very good commentator (much better than Stuart Raper) and he has a fantastic understanding of the game.

What do you guys think of a Controversy Corner type of panel hosted by Sterlo and comprising of Caine, Girdler, Elliott and maybe Jimmy Smith? Two players with distinguished careers (Sterlo, Girdler), two players with average playing careers (Smith, Caine), and a coaches perspective (Elliott). All 5 are very articulate and a very good reprieve from the constant Benji Marshall wankathons on TFS, and the Big Marn starting off every sentence with "I'M ANGRY FAT! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME LAST WEEK? LAST WEEK,...." as well as the myriad of fat jokes.
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Good post.

Very good point, about players pursuing media careers. You dont necessary have to be a great big name player to get a good career in the media.

Good examples of Michael Hodgson and Joel Caine, Hodgson was a decent player, but had bad luck with injuries and Joel Caine was ok, but a decent goal kicker was all he was IMO.

But with Caine he's done a terrific job in the media, my guess is that he probably did some courses with media and speaking roles.

Hodgson speaks well and from what Ive seen with his interviews with his Bulldogs team mates, I hope he pursues a career with Ch 9, or Fox.

Sterling is a great commentator and even while he was still playing he used to every now and then do sideline gigs with Channel 10.
I was just thinking the other day of all the color/sideline commentators Fox have used in the past: Peter Mulholland, Brett Kenny, Russell Fairfax, Mark O'Neill.....surely Hodgson or Caine could do a better than that mob if they were given the chance...

Also, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Cameron Williams. I thought he did a very good job when he anchored Fox's coverage in the early days back in the late '90s and his name was even suggested in the media as a potential replacement for Fatty on TFS. However, it sounds like he wasn't well received during last Friday night's Wests/Broncos match.


I wont watch this crap till they get the most unfunny man on television off Beau Ryan........

I'd still like to know how he hasn't ended up in the whoscow for some of those antics. Last time I checked impersonating a Ranger was a criminal offence. Mind you just being a public nuisance was too


Also, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on Cameron Williams. I thought he did a very good job when he anchored Fox's coverage in the early days back in the late '90s and his name was even suggested in the media as a potential replacement for Fatty on TFS. However, it sounds like he wasn't well received during last Friday night's Wests/Broncos match.

I noticed that Williams paused on occassions, couldnt get out Allianz Stadium properly as he was welcoming the audience, (cant blame him much for that, as some ppl are used to the new name), and seemed a bit low key so sounded a bit boring and a bit nervous. Might improve next time he presents a match.

Its different when he's presenting the news or sports, but I think he seems a bit low key compared his days on Fox and Ch 7.

But when you compare to the others who introduce the TV audience, guys like Sterlo, Vossy and Ken Suttcliffe, they seem a bit excited to present a big match.

I dunno maybe we're so used to guys his raise their voice a bit when they open with "WELCOME TO PARRAMATTA STADIUM" or "ITS MONDAY NIGHT FOOTY, LIIIIVVVE!!!"

Mr Saab

Benji will be on tonight...will be fun listening to him talk it up and how being 1 and 5 is ok...and it is still early.
I hope the panel ask some hard questions...but i wont hold my breath


Matty Johns went up a notch in my book last night, some assclown wrote in during Mattys mailbag having a whinge about something and said they might go support gws, Mattys response was something like.."you got problems if you'd watch gws, thats nothing but 100 minutes of complete and utter rubbish"

EDIT: f**k me wrong show, wrong thread.

The Gambler

Matty Johns went up a notch in my book last night, some assclown wrote in during Mattys mailbag having a whinge about something and said they might go support gws, Mattys response was something like.."you got problems if you'd watch gws, thats nothing but 100 minutes of complete and utter rubbish"

EDIT: f**k me wrong show, wrong thread.
Yeh that was funny - it was in response to a bloke having a cry about Ben Teo getting suspended.


Matty Johns went up a notch in my book last night, some assclown wrote in during Mattys mailbag having a whinge about something and said they might go support gws, Mattys response was something like.."you got problems if you'd watch gws, thats nothing but 100 minutes of complete and utter rubbish"

EDIT: f**k me wrong show, wrong thread.

I don't know whether or not it's contrived or natural, but either way, I'm happy to see Matty completely move away from his Footy Show persona now that he's at Fox Sports. I don't have Foxtel at my place here in Sydney (my parents do though), so I'm just listening to what other ppl on this forum have been saying about the NRL on Fox show.

He made the correct decision to not go back to Ch9, especially after the way his situation was handled during the so-called 'scandal'. Now, he's doesn't suck up to anyone. It helps a lot when you're not only on the same panel as ppl like MG - a person who absolutely doesn't suck up to anyone - but you don't have Fatty sitting next to you trying to do something stupid every 2 minutes. Also, another positive is and none of these hackneyed expressions such as "It's not his go". During his Footy Show days, Matty was the way he was because of the environment. He was easily influenced by Fatty, Chief etc. and because of the peer-pressure, he never fully developed his own identity (irrespective of all the alter-egos/characters he had) as he was always known as "one of the boys" on the show. He felt obliged to do all the things that they did.

Even when he had his own show at Ch7, it was not entirely his fault that things panned out the way they did and he copped a lot of unfair criticism from ppl, as he did not have full control over the content on his show (even though it was called The Matty Johns show). From a lot of the segments (e.g "home when you're away") and celebrities they had on the show, you could see from the structure of the show(especially during the 2nd half of the year) that the executive producers had a very big hand in the creative control and eventually over time, "Matty's" show was NOTHING other than a vehicle, disguised as a rugby league show, that was used to cross-promote other Ch7 shows and celebrities, and that was the part that ppl got very sick and tired of. The show wasn't axed because of bad ratings (it rated very well in Sydney, and was often the 2nd highest rating show in Sydney behind Masterchef), but because the AFL version of the show bombed and repeats of Vicar of Dibley were shown in its place.

It definitely wouldn't have enhanced his image nor improved his career if he went back to Ch9 and tried to re-invent the wheel by doing everything he did during his 7yr stint there (e.g. Reg Reagan et al.)
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lol wow what a surprise a Tigers masturbation special, just what they've earned this year
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This would be excellent if some harder questions were asked and the Tigers weren't wanked over weekly.