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The Future Endeavors Have Begun

Parra Pride

I find it funny that only a couple of weeks after Slater made a tweet about 3MB outlasting The Shield two of their members are gone.


First Grade
Well they did outlast them. Slater's in the know.

Story time; last year after Summerslam we went to watch Mick Foley's stand up. We're waiting at the back of the line outside the club, i'm smashing down a few amazing hotdogs, when William Regal walks through. We shake hands with him, he's a badass, and he goes on through the front of the line in into the club. Me and my friend are talking with the other people in line when Ziggler comes walking through and goes into the club. We end up second in line when we notice the bouncer arguing with JTG. JTG was a guest of Foley, but was told by the bouncer to get back in line. We tried telling the guy but he just waved us on through, while JTG, shoulders slumped, dejectedly headed to the back of the line.

Big Pete

Awesome story 666.

I don't think anybody on that list is really surprising, here is my take on it...

Teddy Long - Had been in the company for a long time working all sorts of roles and there really wasn't anything left for him to do. He was 'okay', he never really took away from the show in any capacity but by the same token didnt bring a whole lot either. Had some fun nuances which the hardcores latched onto but his time was over. Had a hell of a career, would be interesting to hear all about it one of these days.

I saw Brodus as a real project. He was very rough around the edges and his ring work at times was borderline terrible but the guy had charisma, could cut a promo as evidenced by his work on NXT and even his look was different. Sadly, they saddled him up with the Funkasaurus gimmick which ran it's course and they didn't have a plan B. When they kept the gimmick rolling with Sweet T and then did most of the break up on Main Event and shows like that, it was the end of him. I'd like to see him challenge himself and work ROH or a NOAH but I reckon he'll go where the money is and that's either as a freelance talent or TNA.

Tatsu was cool but Jericho summed it up really well. He was just 'too nice' and didn't seem to fire up enough. A shame because he was one of the more talented performers in the WWE at one time but it's really difficult to get over with that language barrier and without a big time gimmick. Think he'll head over to Japan and work one of their promotions, hopefully NJPW.

Speaking of talented guys, Evan Bourne would have been in my Top 5 in 2010 or so. The guy basically had it all as an in-ring competitor. Sadly, was let down on the microphone and his look didn't really help him either. Was starting to make some head-way in the tag division but his injuries really hurt him and he was basically never seen again after it. I think a Sydal ROH reunion is certainly on the cards.

I never saw a lot in Camacho to judge. He just seemed to be muscle for Hunico and jobber muscle at that. As such, hard to really say where I'd like to see him, maybe Global Force? I think if he signed with TNA he'd suffer from that 'oh they only signed him because he's from the WWE' stigma which ruins a lot of guys.

I actually didn't mind Curt Hawkins and think he was better than Ryder in the ring but he just had a very generic personality and never really stood out. Thought his team with Reks had potential but just never got the air-time it deserved. Wouldn't mind seeing him in Dragon Gate USA or even Global Force.

JTG's tenure in the WWE ended up becoming a meme so I won't go into it too much. At one time, thought he was underrated and he was working some pretty solid matches on Superstars but he seemingly regressed and then barely got featured on television. If he wants to, he can keep working the independants but according to Jericho he has his own project to fall back on, so I wish him all the best with that.

Drew McIntyre at one time was one of the most consistent workers in the WWE and a pleasure to watch but the character was just very plain and once the Taryn Tarrell story got out, his career was done. 3MB was basically a dead end and while it ended on a high it was only a matter of time before he received a pink slip. I think ROH should definitely chase after him, think he'd fit in really well there.

Jinder was really just Tiger Ali Singh 2.0 but was one of the big benefactors of 3MB and was fine in that role. Not a whole lot to say really, decent look and everything but nothing stood out about him.

Had no idea how Askana kept her job for so long.


To me Clay looked like he could have been a good monster heel but of course wwe had he run with the stupid dancer for ages.

In another note watch Raw for the first time in ages the other day. What the hell are they doing with Damian Sandow? I thought he was heading to the top with a great character?

Big Pete

Sandow is one of those guys who can make any of their stupid angles work so he's been lumped in that butt monkey role for the forseeable future.

Which is a shame because he's probably one of the most entertaining characters they have.

I didn't mind the Funkasaurus gimmick to begin with because it was so outlandish different and set him apart from all the other generic monsters but they didn't evolve the character in any real way.

When he first came in and he was embellishing all his spots with nuances it was neat but he got lazy, worked a formula and clearly the segments just became about fan participation and trying to get the young ins to the shoe so the WWE could capitilise on the Barney the Dinosaur crowd.
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Staff member
If I had to guess, I would think that Sandow is being put through the wringer to see if he has what it takes to stick it out and do what is asked of him.

Big Pete

Such an awesome name.

I could tolerate the Del Rio package with Ricardo there - for my money, a real underrated manager.


First Grade
Wasn't just Ricardo, it was every piece of character he had they took away from him. Not rich, not over bearing and snobbish, doesn't drive cars, not billed as super dangerous, no manager. Just stock wrestler number 7.

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