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The Future Endeavors Have Begun

Bulldog Force

He was a terrible heel IMO. He was awesome as a face I reckon. I think the only guy who can make themselves an awesome heel and face is the Undertaker. Triple H will be second, but there's daylight between them.


Post Whore
He made me cringe as a face. As a heel, he was an angry, huge man and did, in my opinion, a really good job.

Trips is (again in my own opinion) probably the best wrestler at changing from face to heel. I'd say second might be Jericho - he has everyone hate him as a heel, but if he were to suddenly turn face I reckon the crowd would go nuts. Ditto Edge - they love to love and hate him.

I just think comparing Batista to other big men he was sub-par (in my own opinion). I watched TNA this week and Matt Morgan's promo was great - he almost muddled up (but it must be really hard to keep saying "we" and "us" instead of "me" and "I"), but he interacted with the crowd and Angle really well, and add to that he's actually really good in the ring for a big man. He has a great moveset.

Only my opinions, of course, but I always felt Batista was a tad underdone.

Big Pete

Batista was always a better heel, couldn't understand why it took over 4 years to revert back.


I never liked Batista, he always used to bore the sh*t out of me, on the mic and in the ring. Never thought he was anything more than average, had the look but that was it. Glad to see him go
Batista worked well as a heel, but he was awful as a face. The way he comes across just suits him being a heel moreso than a face.

Bulldog Force

Source: http://www.smarkoutmoment.com/2013/12/list-of-wwe-stars-released-in-2014.html#.UzyDXqjWL8s\

Sin Cara gone - and there are also some predictions.

March 26th - Original Sin Cara (Luis Ignacio Urive Alvirde) was released.

If you're interested in my predictions of some people that might be released this year or retire in some fashion, I wouldn't be surprised to see the following people go:

MAIN ROSTER: Camacho, Curt Hawkins, David Otunga, Evan Bourne, Ezekiel Jackson, JTG, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder

DIVAS: JoJo Offerman, Layla El, Rosa Mendes

OTHER: Tom Phillips, possibly a referee

NXT: Leo Kruger, Mason Ryan, Tye Dillinger, Lana, Kendall Skye
I think a Ryback potential release will come as a shock!

The Teach

Lana is a bit of a surprise too given the rumoured monster push they're about to give rusev, who she's the mouthpiece for.

Big Pete

The original Cara has been working in Mexico for the past couple of months according to the Observer. Not a shock, but a definite shame. I feel as if both he and the WWE screwed the pooch with him. A shame, because the fans dug him (and I did too).

Superstars I'd be looking to release...

Alberto Del Rio
Curt Hawkins
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
The Great Kahli
Jack Swagger
Jinder Mahal
Mark Henry
The Miz
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella

And would make do with the rest.
WWE only announced the release last week. Hunico has been doing a good job in the role though.

Of the list above, they won't be releasing any time soon:

Alberto Del Rio
The Great Khali
Jack Swagger
Mark Henry
The Miz
Santino Marella

Big Pete

Actually I wouldn't be surprised to see the back of Del Rio or Henry this year. Not because they were issued a release but because there have been reports that they're looking to leave the company, Henry to retire, Del Rio to get the hell out of there.

As it stands, it seems like the WWE has grown very concious of firing superstars and no longer perform their spring or summer clean out like they used to. Which is good for the performers, but it makes for a stale product.


First Grade
They'd be crazy to let Henry go. He was doing f**k all and with one promo became the number one bad guy again last year. He is far too valuable to the typical mid year slump, because he is still fresh in the main card. Plus he won't be let go until he puts over Big E, at the very least.

He still has a lot left in the tank.