Whatever happened to him??
Who was he??
Who is Redback???
Some people in here are c**ks, but at least they stay on the same username and are known to others (I would say that most of the people in here may have met one another in some way).
you and konsty are two that both have a passion for the over use of the exclamation mark - uncanny over use
you both have a passion for BTR
you and konsty are two that both have a passion for the over use of the exclamation mark - uncanny over use
you both have a passion for BTR
There is no doubt konsty & Redback are the same. Its been checked & confirmed.
I do believe his story about being Redbacks back on the old forum though. The real Redback was still registered so "this user" was unable to register it until he came to this site.
Funny thing is, the user deleted other account(s) but kept this one.
Just becuase you a few notable others are a few snags short of a BBQ it doesn't mean you are the same person now does it?
Just becuase you a few notable others are a few snags short of a BBQ it doesn't mean you are the same person now does it?
Insults, ouch.
You're one in the same, throwing insults to deflect that doesn't change it
You look even more hypocritical since your legal threats - may I suggest a bit of read back on your behalf
You accuse me of being someone I'm not. What do you expect?
An adult response.
As for the numerous identities, it's all there, it's quite obvious really.
Thats a good analogy, but we have linked your aliases together just because they are all phuckwitts. But it helped.
We are still linking too. Very close. Very embarrassing. Hows ur mum?