Yes, she's hot, but she talks too much. Most of what she says can be classified into several categories:
a) Trying to be funny but not
b) Trying to be intelligent but not
c) Getting ultra defensive (typical female trait) when someone has a go at the Titans
But Brendan Cowell... if he's not the unfunniest person on the face of the Earth (who also tries incredibly hard to be funny), then I'm not here. Those lists are just terrible, those 'interviews' take a slightly smile-worthy impression and torture it to death and then he's so fast to shake the hand of every guest thinking he's so important and every guest loves him.
Thing is, he was funny the times he was on FireUp, but his painful appearances on League Lounge confirm it's the FireUp guys who are the funny ones, they were just carrying his unfunny ar$e.
Despite all this, the show has a place. Brandy is excellent, the right mix of analysis and humour (I get the feeling he'd be a lot funnier without having to worry about who he might offend, we got a taste of this with his bit about the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of those who get engaged at footy games), while Matheson is also good value, doesn't overstep the mark either in footy talk or trying to be funny.
I understand Gartner has to be on the show to look at, but please please please can Brendan Cowell pi$$ off back to whereever he came from?? And whoever told him he's funny can go with him.