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No he's still here. Sadly.ow bless hes gone again, that was fleeting but he did get in all his pet topics; ticket prices, union in schools, north sydney bears etc lol
No he's still here. Sadly.ow bless hes gone again, that was fleeting but he did get in all his pet topics; ticket prices, union in schools, north sydney bears etc lol
Unless I'm forgetting they also got AFL, Cricket, Soccer, and bunch of other sports for Foxsports back then, was it only a RU conspiracy or do you think there was a grand conspiracy by all the other popular sports to attack RL!!!
Unless I'm forgetting they also got AFL, Cricket, Soccer, and bunch of other sports for Foxsports back then, was it only a RU conspiracy or do you think there was a grand conspiracy by all the other popular sports to attack RL!!!
Not a union conspiracy you pelican. Moreover a REALITY! A proven failed sport (union)for tv suddenly gets a heads up and its longtime rival code (that union seeks a demise for) is carved up?, So rugby league’s unchallenged and growing status/position in Australia is significantly weakened by a dubious break up paid for by the RL disliking Rupert Murdoch? Looks dodgy to me. And quite clearly the end result has not been good for rugby league. It's only that rugbyleague is such a great product that it has endured/limped through this divisive plot.And we still have union being propagated and promoted to the hilt by Fox Sports!
PS:I see harsh reality is still not given a go on this website. (pending on the moderator)However I appreciate some latitude as given to others.
Do you honestly believe there is a clandestine cabal whose ultimate goal is to completely eradicate rugby league?
Rugby was 'picked up' by fox sports in 1996 because that is the year the code went professional and the Super 12 started, not to mention the fact that fox sports was only created in 1995.
As for the modern day, Fox sports is a dedicated sports network offering no less than 7 x 24/7 channels, of course they are going to promote any sport they think will get even fair ratings. AFL, Rugby League and Cricket by far have the most coverage and are the most promoted as can be seen by the fact they have their own channels. They also provide coverage for and promote Rugby Union, Soccer, Motor Racing, Hockey, Squash, Tennis, Surfing, Basketball, Netball and any other number of niche sports that they have broadcast rights for. To suggest their current promotion of union is an attempt to sabotage rugby league is completely ridiculous.
It's not clandestine. It's pervasive. Are you denying the repression that has occured against rugby league ? And I'm suggesting that exposure afforded to a code that doesn't achieve the ratings of rugby league is not commensurate with what it deserves, especially within Australia.
It's not clandestine. It's pervasive. Are you denying the repression that has occured against rugby league ? And I'm suggesting that exposure afforded to a code that doesn't achieve the ratings of rugby league is not commensurate with what it deserves, especially within Australia.
So you are saying that the conspiracy against rugby league is out in the open despite the fact that the very people you claim are trying to bring the code down are the ones funding it via billion dollar TV rights deals?
Union gets exactly what it deserves in terms of exposure. It gets nowhere near the exposure of the 3 sports that have their own channels and instead gets similar coverage to other tier 2 Australian sports like soccer.
No I'm not. I'll put it to you this way; Do you agree that rugby union has been repressing rugby league in various ways and means over many decades!?If so when a company spends alot money to weaken a football code due to not liking the code and seeing an opportune moment in time to further weaken the code,do you think that can happen? If so what I have suggested is plausible. I know you have ridiculed my take on the situation however I think I'm on the money. I have yet to be convinced otherwise.And as time goes on I'm seeing more evidence confirming this awful but real scenario. I can elaborate on many other repression examples toward rugby league if you like? Some will and should shock you just like my assessment on the true intent of the "Superleague"war.
No, I don't agree
Regardless, none of that has anything to do with your bizarre crusade against the coverage Rugby Union receives on foxsports.
No, I don't agree
Regardless, none of that has anything to do with your bizarre crusade against the coverage Rugby Union receives on foxsports.
Stallion is a post. A thick post.
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."
No, I wasn't calling you a strawman, I was referring to your argument as a strawman one.
You answered the definition of strawman with... a strawman argument?Certainly appeared that way. I would suggest that the thread referring to "Conspiracy theory and outright lies. ...etc" created by whomever is unfair yet unknown people on this site continue with the thread misnomer which is both misleading, incorrect and rude. So with that the unscrupulous people or person is still getting their way on this website. Perhaps some decency might be afforded and it be called: "Repression of rugby league information and discussion. " ?That would be an improvement to this site.
They didn't initially bring it up, the question was asked in one of their news conferences with the off field incidents and the Cronulla Flanno rumours.
A league has not had to chop teams or relocate teams in this instance.They got their fingers burnt with Nth Queensland and the GC.
The thing that is embarrassing for the NRL is the alleged atrocities over the past few weeks.The code has commitments to clubs until end 2022
The A League TV ratings are abysmal ,they are also relying on private monies largesse, even building stadiums.The A league has to put in chicken feed money wise and the A league licences from the 2 new clubs bring in about $33m.
Is Perth going to provide $15m for a NRL licence to add to theThe NRL coffers?
At times your constant moaning and riding the death knell of Sydney clubs, is downright embarrassing.
I further note Cash Converters a backer of a new Perth NRL side, according to the SMH 13/12/18 has further lending issues.20 loans to 1 client in a year.And they have been hit with a new claim.
They had problems in the past, and promised to clean their act.Embarrassing yup.
Interesting you should bring up the alleged atrocities theme. This was also mentioned in the decline of French rugby union as the French rugby league(mid 1930s) was taking over prior to the growing rugby league being 'outlawed ' as a sport courtesy of French rugby union lobbyist in a NAZI appointed 'user friendly' conservative government in 1941.
Know the French history a disgrace.
The point is today the clowns who carry on off the field, deter sponsors ,current and future ones.And are used as an excuse for some parents to steer their kids away from playing, despite the fact off field incidents have occurred in other sports, yet don't get the front page publicity.
I have zero sympathy for anyone found guilty.
The continued bigoted approach by people running this website is concerning. Not only is it unfair it's stifling and hiding proactive discourse on important topics. Shameful work by those whom are doing this.