It's a cultural bias propagated by ignorance. It's disrespect Allright. I spoke to a young Kiwi bloke in Melbourne recently and he was apologetic once he realised it was disrespectful to people whom have grown up with rugby-league as the major sport. Noticeably you are trying to tell me to "deal with it". Rugby league should certainly deal with bit and get this misnomer corrected. As you may or may not be aware in Northern England the term rugby applies to both codes . To differentiate they use union or league. Get it right Te Kaha. No wonder rugby-league struggles in NZ . Besides getting little presence in schooling it also is misnamed and therefore instantly relegated to a subservient status by union loving twats and even those whom don't know any bettet. I put it to you : it is bigotry and ignorance perpetrated ad nausium for the benefit of union and not rugby league. It's very subtle but immensely pervasive when time moves on. It's also inappropriate. Show some respect for rugby league. It is a code of rugby just as equal to union!
That is completely and utterly wrong you moron. You waffled on without understanding any of the history of anything in NZ.
The fact that you think you know better than most of the population of a country shows just how deluded you are.
Here is a little history lesson for you, although despite claiming to be a teacher "lessons" appear to be beyond your comprehension.
Rugby was introduced into NZ in 1870. It soon became the national game
League was introduced to NZ in 1905.
That is
35 years where Rugby was Rugby before any other code arrived. Just because another code arrives, a derivative of the first no less, doesn't mean that the population has to change what they call their national game.
I will type this slowly for you, so even YOU can understand. In New Zealand, Rugby has and always has been called Rugby. When the new code of Rugby League arrived, Rugby was already used to describe a game, so Rugby League was simply called League. It had little to do with "disrespect" and most to do with expediency. For the general public calling the Rugby and League made it easy to differentiate.
And as to your last point "
It is a code of rugby just as equal to union" Both "Union" and "League" have a right to be called Rugby if they want. How ever since "Union" was around first and called itself "rugby" first it has slightly more "rights" to the name and if "League" doesn't want to be named "League" it should come up with its own name and not demand another game change its name.
Any sane person can see that. The fact you cant says it all.