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The LU Hattrick Team Owners Thread


Does anyone (hopefully Mad Dogg :) ) know what the benefits of shooting training is? I'm currently training scoring and wondering whether to change now that shooting training has been boosted.


First Grade
Congrats in getting into the main draw of the cup, you will most likely have a highly ranked team so it would be best to play your normal team and use PIC, maybe use a tactic like counter-attacking.
I wouldn't recommend using a Match of the season for your cup game, as it will half your team spirit and make your next league game very hard with very low Team Spirit


vesh. check out the stars from their last league match imo. add them up and then do the same with your team from your last league. it's a good comparison...


i'm up against a bot team for the first round. so thats all good and dandy. hopefully i'll win! i think i will, then second week hopefully i get a home game and win, i remember going the whole 120 minutes for nil all, then winning in the shootout. he killed me all over the park but i still won and got through to the 3rd round. but that was with my old better players, so i hope i get a good opponent in the 2nd round.
but who knows. bring on the first round!!

Dogs Of War

I think the home side gets 2/3 and the away team the rest.

I too drew a Bot team in the first round, as well as playing in Div 6 with a whole league of bot teams, after last season in div 5 (first season in), where I got smashed every game bar the last one (won 4-0!), it seems it going to be a dream season where I win every game. Can't wait.

Mad Dogg

Let's see, where do I start? ;-)

vesh said:
Hey nibbs shouldn't there be a medal on your team page?
Only supporters get the medals for winning the league.

Deano said:
Does anyone (hopefully Mad Dogg :p ) know what the benefits of shooting training is? I'm currently training scoring and wondering whether to change now that shooting training has been boosted.
I believe Shooting trains all outfield players who play in scoring, but much slower than what Scoring training trains the forwards. It also trains set pieces to everyone in the squad, but once again much slower than if you just trained Set Pieces. Like I mentioned for the Defensive Positioning, it's not normally worth it as you'd need players of trainable ages in all positions, and it's not really any use to train defenders and midfielders in scoring. You could just have pure forwards in all positions, but that's not exactly good in terms of getting results.

vesh said:
I noticed next week I have my first ever cup game. Tell me should I use my full side and if I put match of the season, would my players perform worse next cup or friendly game or next league game?
Stars don't really give you a great indication of how good each team is, they are better at comparing individual players. For comparing two different teams, compare the match ratings. This gives a better indication of the strengths of the teams, and you might get hints on how to play him (he might always have a low left defence, so you should put your stronger attack on your right to attack that weakness, etc).

From having a quick look at the two teams, I'd say you are very evenly matched so I would play my strongest team. You will probably win the midfield slightly since you are playing at home, so you shouldn't need to PIC or MOTS.

I see you play your wingers normal. As a general rule, always play wingers offensively or towards middle. The normal and defensive orders for the winger are probably the most useless tactics in the game, as all it does is improve the defensive contribution but it decreases the attack ratings. And the decrease in the attack is much higher than the small amount of defence you gain, especially as most wingers don't have much defending skill anyway. So use them offensively if you want them to boost your attack, or towards the middle if they have some playmaking skill and you want to boost your midfield (but it will drop your side attack).

Actually, if you have a third playmaker, I find 4-4-2 with three inner mids and one offensive winger to be a very strong combination. It depends on your players and opponent on whether it's best for different games, but for this upcoming cup match it would give you a good edge if you can win the midfield by a significant amount.

Dogs of War said:
I think the home side gets 2/3 and the away team the rest.

Hmmm, I think that's everything. :lol:


Well the Suns have drawn a newby team in there first Cup round...They only got there team last week, but im still worried... :lol: The Suns have been very disappointing recently with low team spirit, as bad as wretched form for more than 1 player... This new team has already organised friendlys, bought good new players, but anyway... Its a home match and im going to estimate a 4-1 win to me...But you never know!

Good luck to everyone in there cup matches coming up and hopefully well all progress to the 2nd round...Maybe well be pitted against one another in the 2nd round, :)


I think the best training overall and for defense has to be goalkeeper training.

My 19yo keeper was 3480 tsi at the start of the season...now he is 9348 tsi and thats with an inad coach.

It gives a good boost to your defense but is also great for money making as I could sell him for about 2mill if I wanted to. He has increased from Solid to Formidable in one season so I am more than happy.

My backup keeper went from 3180 tsi to 4180 in about 4 weeks.

Mad Dogg

The problem with training goalkeepers is that you can only train two players. So while the profit you make for the single player is higher than any other training system, the amount of players you can train and then sell in the others more than make up for it.


hmmm. I've got an easy first league game against the other side which promoted last season. Interestingly, it's managerless. However from what should be a strong start to the season, we're gonna come crashing down to earth the following week when we face a division 4 side. Should be interesting... I can't wait for the new season


just play normal vesh.

what's up with all these players with formidable stamina popping up. i'd never seen any until a few days ago. now i've seen quite a few

Dogs Of War

nibbs said:
just play normal vesh.

what's up with all these players with formidable stamina popping up. i'd never seen any until a few days ago. now i've seen quite a few

I seen that too. I've been training stamina due to my crap state of my IM's for the last 3 weeks, and all my excellent stamina players have not popped to formidable yet. Not sure how long you have to train them to get up to that level.


First Grade
I'm playing as well! Still 0-0 after 10 minutes! This is my first competitive match since re-joining so I'm not expecting much.

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