most audiences are 90% neutrals. Neutrals don’t like watching blow outs. Nor does anyone like to watch games turned into a lottery by how many players might lose out in the sinbin roulette wheel. We shouldn’t be surprised audiences are down with how the game has been this season.
I'm not sure the number is as high as 90% neutrals
but yes, neutrals do make up the majority of viewers per game.
In any sport anywhere in the world you'll loose the neutrals as soon as the game becomes obvious who'll win ( aka blow outs ) In the USA they'll switch to another game to hold the audience, we can't do that because games aren't played at the same time.
The NRL is in a real pickle. They've made a better product with the 6 again but loosing viewers with uncompetitive games, should they slow the game down so the games are closer ? CH 9 was loosing viewers when the game was hit up, wrestle, kick, repeat. ( wasn't it CH 9 who demanded the NRL make changes so the games are more exciting?? )
Anyways, it looks like some sense has come into the refing over the weekend, penalties for head highs not sin bins.
In other news the biggest hack in sports journalism, Danny Wielder is reporting that some 'high profile players' are going to get Vlandys thrown out ! They don't like the new crackdown or the speed of the game. Only 0.1% of Danny's 'exclusives' are accurate, so we'll see what happens.
Sorry, Long rambling post, standing in line, how long does it take them to make a freaking coffee !!