Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez they're a heart attack team to follow sometimes, but 3 points is 3 points, however they're obtained. Hats off to the 17-year-old kid no-one had ever heard of apart from his mum. Not a bad way to make your debut.
The race is far from over - we've still got a game against a rejuvenated, Guus-inspired Chelsea on their dunghill, which could be the deciding game. And Liverpool are still in sh*t-hot form. Hopefully that win blows the mental cobwebs out. We have one big thing in our favour - it is still our title to lose. Liverpool still have to rely on us falling over. Thankfully our Champions League tie is an easy one (as far as Champions League ties go), but I personally would be more than happy to see the Quintuple fall by the wayside to wrap up the one that matters first and foremost - the League title.
edit: Look what Ronaldo can do when he stops being a knob trying to milk frees and starts playing football. If only he'd do it on a regular basis.