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The most disgraceful refereeing I've ever seen


juanfarkall said:
Considering that the owner of the Courier Mail also owns the Broncos, would you honestly expect anything else ?

No, but it's still painful to watch so many people buy bullsh!t and swallow it whole and then get accused of being "jealous" if you dare critiscise anything about their precious team.


Knightmare said:
No, but it's still painful to watch so many people buy bullsh!t and swallow it whole and then get accused of being "jealous" if you dare critiscise anything about their precious team.

won't be anything new and to be honest it will be a bit less intense than what it was about 10 years ago.


won't be anything new and to be honest it will be a bit less intense than what it was about 10 years ago.

10 years ago was such a laugh. The CM did nothing but ignore the Crushers, except when they were crucifying the team, including saying that they didn't deserve to be in a first grade competion. When they went broke, they blasted the ARL for allowing one of "their" teams to die, crapping on how the ARL doesn't care about Brisbane, and that Super League would never have allowed the team to die. And people actually fell for that sh*t, thinking that the CM was a neutral, non-biased newspaper (and some people still actually think that).

As someone mentioned - They might mention the referee, but if they do, they'll say it didn't affect the result at all. But if the result and decisions were reversed, they'd crucify the decisions, claiming that the Broncos were robbed of the premiership and how it was typical of the anti-QLD bias coming out of the NRL. Heck if the Broncos lose by 30 and the referee makes 1 mistake, the CM blames the referee.
considering all the calls the broncos got they really should have won by a lot more, i tend to think they were the better team but if melbourne had of got all the love the broncos got i think they would have put 20 to 30 on them.

Big Pete

Considering the calls came straight after Storm dominated possesion and field territory and the Broncos barely had attacking oppurtunites at the 20 I doubt they could've put 30 on.

You guys are so desperate to rain on the Broncos parade, now critisicing the newspaper, whats next? Complain about some weird gypsy who said the Broncos would win and that Storm were scum?


Slackboy72 said:
My god, the refs made some mistakes? Unbelievable! Who would have thought that such a dastardly thing could happen? Have you ever played any sport in your life? It happens.

Slackboy, the post is about the standard of refereeing, yes we know ref's make mistake and it happens thanks for the insight oh wise one. If you don't want to analyse the situation and its impact on the game then don't post and/or don't read the post.

Big Pete

What needs to happen to solve everyones bitching is to bring in the video ref more.

Agree of disagree?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Reality is Broncos will be named premiers but Storm were by far the best team of 2006. It was always going to take either a brilliant performance by Brisbane or a terrible performance by Melbourne. As it turned out it was some very iffy decisions that decided the game. Shame but to me Storm were the team of 2006.

Big Pete

Agreed, 2006 will be remembered as the year the Storm team dominated but didn't take home the prize. Not the year the Broncos won to a lot of supporters.

Dogs Of War

Big Pete said:
You guys are so desperate to rain on the Broncos parade, now critisicing the newspaper, whats next? Complain about some weird gypsy who said the Broncos would win and that Storm were scum?

Did you hear from that guy too? But seriously, Broncos won, get over it. Let the focus move onto the Tri-Nations now.


Big Pete said:
You guys are so desperate to rain on the Broncos parade, now critisicing the newspaper, whats next? Complain about some weird gypsy who said the Broncos would win and that Storm were scum?

I don't know if we are all about raining on the brisbane parade, although some in this thread that is their intention. For mine I am no way saying the storm were robbed and deserved to win. All I am saying is that big calls went against Melbourne clearly and they turned the match in brisbane's favour. In saying that Brisbane played well and may have won anyway, but I thought Melbourne were their equal, certainly no worse, it was 2 tries all. I think either of the teams would have been worthy premiers and well done to brisbane worthy titleholders.

It is just a shame that for many of us (particularly neutral fans like myself) that those decisions cloud it a little, some massive what ifs remain.
For mine I can see how Simpkins could have got the slater non-strip wrong, it would have been a hard call.
But I just can't fathom the other calls, the berrigan one was such a clear shepherd and is a damning case of how refs rely on the video refs to call 95% of obstruction play. They let it go hoping they will score and they can refer it. It was such a clear shepherd.
The King non-try, once again I can't fathom how harrigan made his call. I have watched in slow mo about 15 times and there is nothing there at all to say that Hoffman definitely touched the ball. In fact the evidence seems to suggest the opposite. Add the so called benefit of the doubt rule, its just mind-boggling that it was no try rule, with a brisbane play the ball.

So as I said well done brisbane, worthy winners without doubt, but for mine storm with have been just as worthy, and due to major unfathomable ref errors we are left with some massive what ifs.

Perth Red

Post Whore
don't agree, I don't think Brisbane are worthy 2006 premeiers. If they had fininshed clear top of the ladder and then had won the final with some iffy decision fair enough. As it is Storm were clearly the best team in 2006 and Brisbane won the title on some iffy decisions against a team there equal on the day and the better over the course of the season. the Playoffs have many advantages but do not always show the best team in the league imo.


Ant said:
Look I don't think Melb necessarily deserved to win the game, but I do think they had some crucial calls go against them.
What I do think is funny, is how many people are claiming melb were crap and bris were great in game that there was a 7 point gap with most thinking there were 10 points under dispute in the game all against melb. I felt it was a very even game, I thought Brisbane defended very well and melb probably had the better of field position and threatened more often. Pretty even if you ask me.

On those calls, well I have watched the key ones back again.

1. Before we get into the main calls, I think the stuff about flops went both ways, at first I thought brisbane were very guilty but as the match went on I thought storm did their fair share. I do think storm had some cause for complaint about some of their guys getting pulled back down when they were in a good position to play the ball quick, players around the ankles slowing them down.

2. Now the big calls, well clearly the first main one, berrigan lost the ball. I watched it back and slater wouldn't have got far, brisbane had plenty of players to cover any counter, but 2 points to brisbane. This was a dud call but in the scheme of things not as big as the later ones.

3. The berrigan penalty. First and clearly it was a textbook shepherd, should have been a storm penalty. I'd also add that slater was very unlucky to be penalised for the high shot, its a bit rough being done for accidently clipping a guy who falls and you hit him at what would be about the hight of the sternum if that with an outstretched arm that would have been there to tackle berrigan legally at full height. I said to my friend at the time that it was a match turning decision at 8-8 in the 58th minute. Next set from the kick off they shouldn't have had brisbane score through a mix of skill and luck (come on over the head pass that hits the ground and bounces into lockyer's hands). Its a 6 point turn around.

4. The King no try, looked I have watched this back 10 times in super slow mo, and I have no idea how harrigan got his decision. There is simply no real evidence that hoffman knocks on, what it does show is hodges arms always between hoffman and the ball. hoffman hits hodges arms, but there is no evidence to show he ever touch's the ball, all evidence suggest he didn't. I think it is clearly a melbourne try, but even the small amount if doubt should be a benefit of the doubt melb try. Add one more its clear hodges does touch it first even if it was suggested hoffman might have touched it (which I don't think he did), how did they come up with a brisbane play the ball? Hodges must knock it on into hoffman if he touches it. All in all it was a horrible decision, and really at 65 mins in such a tight game (there was 1 more point scored), it finalised the game.

The big calls were over a 7 min period, and they turned the match from an 8-8 game to basically a brisbane win, now maybe brisbane win anyway, but the bad decisions turned the match to them.

My 2c.....

2. Ball definately wasn't stripped, but I thought there was a couple of offside Melbourne players in that tackle anyway on first impression. I would love to see a replay of that incident so I can find out if I really was seeing sh*t as my mates claimed tonight :sarcasm:.

3. Absolutely should have been a penalty to Melbourne. If only the video ref was allowed to intervene....

4. I haven't poured over the replay yet, but my impression was that Hoffman got an arm to it. I thought this one was a genuine 50/50 call. Melbourne should have got the ball back though, in either case.

Personally, I thought Brisbane were the better team, but Melbourne definately got dudded on a couple of occasions that could have tunred the game.

Normally I am the first one to stand up for the refs (having done a bit of referreeing myself) but this time, the officials definately f**ked up on a few occasions, most controversial grand final imo since '99 sadly.


Big Pete said:
What needs to happen to solve everyones bitching is to bring in the video ref more.

Agree of disagree?

I guess you'd have to disagree given the video ref made a pretty big error for mine on the king no-try. So after tonight I couldn't say yes to that. I don't know even with the aid of video at times video refs are just as inclined to go with what they think rather than follow the rules.

I mean berrigan has 2 weeks in a row got away with obstructions, this week simpkins missed it, last week it went to the video ref(harrigan again) and he let him get away with it when he scored and ryan was impeded. In that case the video ref decided to stray from the rule book and rather make his own interpretation. Was ryan impeded from attempting to tackle berrigan yes, would he have stopped the try, maybe, maybe not. Even with Thorn obstructing ryan manages to touch berrigan's shorts, berrigan still had to beat patten. But Harrigan makes a hypothetical call on would ryan have made a successful tackle, not on whether he could have made an attempted tackle which clearly he could have.

What I think needs to happen is a complete review of the rules, the use of the video ref and what type of replays they should be allowed to watch. By that I mean sometimes slow mo should be ruled out a classic example was that supposed bikerstaff push in the back of orford (stg vs manly finals game), at normal speed you can see he had no option, but slow it down you suddenly think he has options. The world doesn't live in slow motion. I could write a whole other thread on rule clarrifications.

Benefit of the doubt rule is another that needs huge clarrification.

The basic ideals of the rugby league rule book are fine, there are just some alterations needed to make it very clear and simple for refs and video refs. Once those clarrifications are done you then simply ask refs and video refs to follow them, and don't make your own interpretation like harrigan did last week.

Big Pete

Dogs Of War said:
Did you hear from that guy too? But seriously, Broncos won, get over it. Let the focus move onto the Tri-Nations now.

I am over it and I'm happy 2006 we are the best team after 30 Rounds. However fans on this topic just sicken me and try and take it away.

Agree though, lets go Aussie!

Whats Doing

The result will always be clouded by the extremely bad refereeing. With 2 evenly matched sides, the result may and probably would have been different.

Anyway congrats to Brisbane for taking their chances.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
Apart from the old 'you layedon the player' arguments, here's the rundown.

1) bronco player loses the ball ingoal, into the arms of Slater. He's about to send Inglis away - pulled up for a strip.

2) Berrigan's Shepherd

3) A few seconds later - Slater's head high.

4) Kings no try after it bounced of Hodges onto Hoffman's head, then back to King for a try.

5) Hodges touches the ball which goes straight into touch when Storm are attacking. Scrum feed to Brisbane

6) And finally, the blatant grapple on Inglis that bends him backward AFTER he is tackled........

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..mummy the Broncos won the comp, please take the trophy off them.
Why cant my Parramatta eels win mummy?
Because little jimmy, we have a useless CEO who employed a coach who stayed 7 yrs too long.
We have now signed the wooden spoon coach of 2005 for 2007....its ok Jimmy, we might win a comp before the Sharks win their first.


Perth Red said:
don't agree, I don't think Brisbane are worthy 2006 premeiers. If they had fininshed clear top of the ladder and then had won the final with some iffy decision fair enough. As it is Storm were clearly the best team in 2006 and Brisbane won the title on some iffy decisions against a team there equal on the day and the better over the course of the season. the Playoffs have many advantages but do not always show the best team in the league imo.

Of course the Brisbane are worthy premiers, if they weren't worthy, they wouldn't have beaten the teams they needed to to get to the grand final. Yes, the storm had a great year, but in the one game where they needed to perform, they didn't. Sure, they might have been hindered by the referee, but they didn't make much of the opportunities they did have either. Have a look at the stats, the Broncos were the better team, and they are now the premiers. I feel for the Storm but thats how it goes. To say Brisbane aren't worthy of the title because Storm had a better year is ridiculous.


I think the video red is so overrated. The Jersey Flegg and Premier League finals were both reffed by the 3 refs on ground, and it was pretty much totally correct, and a much faster and slicker game.

My take on the evening.

1. It was definitly not a strip from Slater, but had no real consequence on the game. I think the Broncs had the players to cover Inglis had the play been continued.
2. Blatant shepherd from Berrigan, which I think lead to the 2 points.
3. It was definitely a try for Matt King; the ball hit Hodges hand, Hoffman knocked his hand, the ball went into Hoffo's head, bounced down and King scored. It was definitly a try, and I think it had a PROFOUND imapct o nthe game.
4. It definitly came off Hodges, and no one else. That was pretty much the Storm's last chance to win the game, so that killed off any chance thye had.

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