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The NRL is a fifth rate piece of sh*t re: radio rights

Actually 2SM won the ratings I think once this year, which obviously fired Hadley up.

The other good thing about 2SM is that they dont have idiots on the program. Mark Geyer and Paul Langmack might not have the best voice on radio, but they make some interesting points. And Jimmy Smith was good when he was on there, shame he got the flick.

i thought 2SM didnt participate in the ratings surveys or am i getting them mixed up with another station?
Newcastlerabbit said:
Green Machine,you hit the nail on the head,2SM promote rugby league 7 days a week.

2UE also do a great job with John Gibbs and Greg Alexander. its great to actually here them talking about Rugby League isssues on the sports show.

the only problem with 2ue is the Union clowns in the morning and the afl clown in the arvo, other than that John laws and John stanley also give league a good run.

Green Machine

First Grade
herbert henry1908 said:
the only problem with 2ue is the Union clowns in the morning and the afl clown in the arvo, other than that John laws and John stanley also give league a good run.

And that’s the problem. In the old days when most the am stations covered the game, each stations sports department were filled with Rugby League people. In the mid 80’s when 2GB was a market leader on AM Band with Mike Carlton as the morning host, they had Peter Peters doing the Sports Reporting on his show. 2GB was a market leader with their Saturday and Sunday world of football coverage with Peter Peters and Greg Hartley. Carlton never made any of his snide remarks because he would then have to deal with Zorba, plus he would not want to put down a sport that was raking in the weekend revenue. Because the NRL have handed out exclusive coverage to one network, the others have gone in another direction. Sydney is the most competitive radio market in Australia. Radio announcers from all over the country try to make it in Sydney. Quite a few of them are from an AFL background. The NRL have chased off competition. I wonder why there has not been a media release as yet. They must be very embarrassed,


Green Machine said:
And that’s the problem. In the old days when most the am stations covered the game, each stations sports department were filled with Rugby League people. In the mid 80’s when 2GB was a market leader on AM Band with Mike Carlton as the morning host, they had Peter Peters doing the Sports Reporting on his show. 2GB was a market leader with their Saturday and Sunday world of football coverage with Peter Peters and Greg Hartley. Carlton never made any of his snide remarks because he would then have to deal with Zorba, plus he would not want to put down a sport that was raking in the weekend revenue. Because the NRL have handed out exclusive coverage to one network, the others have gone in another direction. Sydney is the most competitive radio market in Australia. Radio announcers from all over the country try to make it in Sydney. Quite a few of them are from an AFL background. The NRL have chased off competition. I wonder why there has not been a media release as yet. They must be very embarrassed,

Well said. Kudos to Brutus and all who have agreed with what he has said.

The two pertinent points are:

1. The NRL have no regard for the passionate fan base

2. Ray Hadley's show is an absolute disgrace and insult.

When visiting friends during the last season, being a polite fella, I said nothing when they tuned into 2GB. Being intelligent, I had not listened to GB for quite some time. Being forced to hear parts of the show had me in a lather of confusion: how could radio sink so low? How on earth could people listen to this show? What the hell has gone wrong with Jon Brennan? Should I kill myself now or listen to more of the show? 2GB sure have covered themselves in glory if they aimed to be as abhorrent as Thursday night's Footy Show. Makes me wonder why Vautin and Hadley had a falling out. They have so much in common, and most of all a common enemy: the intellighent, loyal footy fan.
As an earlier poster mentioned, if you're not in Sydney or Brisbane, you're stuck with 2GB as the online braodcaster.

I often have to listen to the program from here in Shanghai to get progress scores from the Premier League re Newtown.

It's the most pathetic excuse for a radio show I've ever heard. I've NEVER heard an amateur show on a public access station that was as poorly produced as that festering pile of excrement.

Although, there was one chap who did the "Industrial Noise Music Program" on 2MBS at about 2am on a Thursday a number of years back. He used to ask his flatmate to put his dinner in the oven for him, sure in the knowledge that there was feck-all other people listening. On reflection, I suspect he went home to a lot of still-frozen dinners...

But I digress. As near as I can tell, the NRL is convinced that the way to bring the game to non League fanatics is to have its main radio and TV exposure via amateurish skit shows staffed, scripted and performed by people with IQs below room temperature.

If that's true, then it follows that the NRL is even dumber than they think their core and potential audiences are.


I'd like to know why there hasn't been an official announcement on this yet.

I would love to hear someone put some questions to that weak Gallop on why they have dudded league fans again. Green Machine made some great points about the landscape for rugby league in the 80's and early 90's.

2GB provide a coverage that suits 2GB - meaning little football talk and vaudeville trash to rope in a large non-football audience. It also means no Saturday night coverage.

Now if GB want to present league in such a farcical manner then good luck to them, but don't give them sole rights. They should be one of many options for people to choose from. In fact they shouldn't even be classified as a rugby league option because their show is so far removed from rugby league.

Speak up Gallop.


Read somewhere the NRL radio rights have been finalised & will be known in the next few days.

Sources say 2GB will get the EXCLUSIVE rights to Friday/saturday/sunday games, whilst 2MMM will get exclusive rights for the Monday games.:crazy:

Whilst ABC coutinue with what they do!


2sm is crap. 2ue would be the main station i'd be opening it up to, get some real commercial competition there.

Green Machine

First Grade
2SM may be crap, but 2GB take crap to a level 2SM could never go to. Since 2000, when the NRL started handing out exclusive rights, 2UE has bid for the rights and were rejected by the NRL. Why would the Southern Cross Network waste their time in putting in another bid,


Yeah 2GB will be covering Fri/Sat/Sun with MMM doing Monday Nights, and ABC pretty much doing whatever they want.


ocko said:
2sm is crap. 2ue would be the main station i'd be opening it up to, get some real commercial competition there.

2UE could only take so many knockbacks. They finally just said stuff the NRL.
Brutus said:
2UE could only take so many knockbacks. They finally just said stuff the NRL.

yeah i heard gibbsie and brandy saying only a few months ago that the management at 2ue didnt have any plans to bid on the rights as they wern't 'commercially viable' .


Gallop obviously doesn't care about his audience. He doesn't even seem to know his audience.

Fightin' Irish

It seems like a very short sighted decision, getting the game to as many people should be the priority. I think Gallop is one of the better sports administrators in Australia but he and his cohorts have pulled the wrong reign on this occasion.

Dogs Of War

Pisses me off no end, I work heaps of Saturday nights, and I need the radio to listen to games. This is just crap, I want heaps of stations covering games so I have a choice.


Dogs Of War said:
Pisses me off no end, I work heaps of Saturday nights, and I need the radio to listen to games. This is just crap, I want heaps of stations covering games so I have a choice.

I can't believe the NRL give exclusive rights to a mob who refuse to call the Saturday night 7.30pm games.

Can anyone come up with a reasonable explaination for this?
i got a reply to the email(s) i sent to the NRL , for what its worth here it is,

I cant belieive she thinks people have the same loyalty to TV stations as they do to radio stations.
Dear Alexander,
Thanks for your interest in our radio rights.
In 2007 Rugby League has ensured that Friday night matches are being broadcast live on both radio and television for the first time. It has also ensured that through 2GB and the ABC that there will be a broad coverage available to fans in metropolitan and regional areas.
It is always understandable that some will have allegiances to one station over another and we certainly respect that right. But just as people who prefer to watch one television station accept that the station cannot have the rights to every event, so too do radio listeners.
There is no doubt that in AM radio commercial exclusivity is something of significant value. Radio 2SM had an opportunity to bid for this. Radio 2GB bid on the basis of exclusivity and the commercial disparity between the 2GB offer and the 2SM offer was such that the NRL accepted 2GB’s.
Ultimately, I am sorry if the station of your choice has not been awarded the radio rights but the granting of broadcast rights is a fundamental part of professional sport and we have worked to establish the best outcome we could given the options available.
The net change from the present is that the NRL has increased the number of matches to be broadcast on radio and it has added another station to the broadcasting mix.
At the same time it has ensured that the game continues to generate income that will support the grass roots development of Rugby League.
Again, thanks for your feedback.

Caroline Blake
National Rugby League
Information Services

Craig Hamilton, Dave Morrow and the Boys, do a fantastic job week in week out, i used to listen to them every game of every week, after we disconnected cable, but now i am able to go watch it at the pub or a club, i have to put up with the sh*t that the foxtel boys, put together, but i am able to see the game, kudos to the ABC, easily the best commentary team for any sport in australia, and i think the ABC Lawn Bowls Team are included