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The punch that cost the Sharks $20,000 - Zappia stands down


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I'm sure they'd find a way to connect Jodi Gordon to the NRL... maybe - she was found at a house, that belonged to an alleged bikie. Bikies ride motorcycles. Motorcycles require licences. So do motor vehicles. One make of motor vehicles is Toyota, who are the major sponsor of the NRL :sarcasm:
Interesting. Can the Sharks afford to take another blow? Or is it the best thing for them, get all there dirty laundry out now so they don't have something come out just as they are finding there feet.

Full disclosure would be the advice of most PR professionals. After all if you're name is sh*t, it may as well be 5m of sh*t rather than a single turd.

As for Zappia, if he has any sense of professionalism or honour, he'd have handed in his resignation tonight.


First Grade
No cocknut.

lulwut? :lol:

Earth shattering news? Pfft! Meanwhile, in next month's Marie Claire magazine, Palavi is interviewed and claims to have been raped TWICE by nrl players. TWICE!!

Will try to get the article scanned and post it here during the week.


Will they be interviewing the women who - in Nth QLD - are wearing T Shirts emblazoned with "Why ride a bull when you can ride a Cowboy" and ask their opinion whether that demeans women and why it's ok to demonstrate double standards...??

Basically, the Seven story is another hatchet job on League and nothing else...

El Diablo

Post Whore

Sharks boss under the gun

Stuart Honeysett and Ray Gatt | June 08, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE NRL has all but recommended the Cronulla board sacks Tony Zappia after the embattled chief executive was last night forced to defend himself against further damning allegations from a female employee he punched in the face last year.

Zappia was at Toyota Stadium yesterday to watch the Sharks move off the bottom of the table with an 18-10 win over the Warriors, but his happy mood would have dissipated after the Seven Network went to air with secretly taped conversations between the Cronulla boss and the female employee he left sporting a black eye, Jenny Hall.

Hall, a former community liaison officer with the club, was paid $20,000 and signed a confidentiality agreement following the incident on August 9 last year which Zappia has always maintained was an accident that occurred while the pair were shadow boxing.

On the taped conversations, Hall is heard to dispute with Zappia whether the punch was an accident, the Sharks boss asks if she would like to spank him, they are heard to discuss an email sent to him that contains pornographic images and he says he will tear up a form if she tries to take sick leave to recover from her injury.

Having already investigated the matter and declared it closed after visiting the board to discuss a range of issues a fortnight ago, the NRL left the door ajar to take further action by saying it would revisit the matter if Hall spoke or new evidence came to light.

Zappia was forced to deny several other allegations as the league investigated the matter, including his links to an alleged sex shop owner Con Ange, that sex toys had been distributed to players and that sex workers entered the dressing room after a game.

The league issued a statement last night and while it stopped short of calling on Sharks directors to sack Zappia, it left little room for the board to move on what it considered would be an appropriate course of action.

It is understood that before the statement being issued, Zappia had the backing of some of the club's directors but that position could change dramatically if a special board meeting goes ahead as planned tomorrow night.

"The emergence of new and damaging information that was not available to the NRL, nor it is understood the Cronulla board, at the time the matter was last reviewed necessitates a swift response from the club," NRL chief executive David Gallop said.

"The NRL is on record as saying that it would review any new information that came to light. As much as Ms Hall has previously refused to discuss the matter with us, the tape aired tonight certainly provides that.

"If the tape is a faithful recording it would be difficult to see how the club could not take the strongest action possible.

"We will seek an urgent response from the board."

Zappia, who missed the report but was told about it by a Sharks staff member, told The Australian he believed the situation was a set-up. "I did not see the Channel 7 report," Zappia said. "But how can you verify the contents of a recording? Anything could have been done to it.

"I can't believe this is still going on.

"It was agreed the punching incident was an accident. Documents were signed and witnessed to that effect.

"A confidentiality agreement has been broken here ... I guess it shows the character of some people."

Zappia vehemently denied that he had shown his staff a pornographic email.

"I was sent an email by a junior member of staff," Zappia said.

"It was not an attachment. When I opened the email it came up on my screen. It is a 15-inch screen and could be seen by everyone in the office. It was not pornographic. The email was of Latvian women in bikinis." Zappia said he would challenge "anyone to come and talk to any member of his staff" to verify his account.

The Sharks boss also stood by his stance to not let Ms Hall use a sick leave form to take three days off.

"This was not a matter that required the use of a sick leave form," Zappia said.

The scandal could also affect Zappia's chances of being offered the chief executive's position at Parramatta, with veteran boss Denis Fitzgerald finally expected to part company with the Eels this week.

The latest scandal continues what has been a rotten year for the Sharks which has included a group sex incident involving players in 2002 being revisited on ABC's Four Corners, sponsor LG Electronics pulling out and former Test backrower Reni Maitua testing positive to drugs.

i'd believe anyone before channel 7. not noted for telling the truth


Staff member
Yep, Magnay will be spewing.

She wants Zappia's head...


Gallop calls for Zappia's head

Jacquelin Magnay | June 8, 2009

IN an explosive development that has rocked the NRL, a recording emerged throwing new light on the circumstances surrounding the $20,000 payout to former Cronulla employee Jenny Hall.
In a dramatic tape recording, played on Channel Seven News last night, Cronulla chief executive Tony Zappia tries to blame a wall for the severe facial bruising suffered by Hall and then he attempts to appease her by showing her pornography on his work computer. He also refuses to allow her to take sick leave.
Another Sharks employee, Zappia's assistant, is heard in that same meeting between Zappia and Hall and reveals she also received pornography from another employee. Zappia is heard laughing about it. The recording follows revelations in the Herald last month that the Cronulla club had an unsavoury culture in its attitudes towards women. At the time the NRL conducted an investigation but found there was no evidence to support those claims. The NRL said the club officials denied key claims made in the Herald.
However, last night the NRL called on the Cronulla board to act swiftly in light of the new evidence. The airing of the tape has come at the worst possible time for the NRL, with this week devoted to promoting "women in league". The Sharks board and officials, many of whom had watched the Channel Seven report in the official function, were too busy celebrating just their third win of the season to make a decision last night.
Bizarrely, AC/DC's song Highway to Hell was playing in the background.
NRL chief executive David Gallop said the Sharks board had to take strong, swift action and demand Zappia's resignation. "The emergence of new and damaging information that was not available to the NRL, nor it is understood the Cronulla board, at the time the matter was last reviewed necessitates a swift response from the club," Gallop said.
"The NRL is on record as saying that it would review any new information that came to light. As much as Ms Hall has previously refused to discuss the matter with us, the tape aired tonight certainly provides that.
"If the tape is a faithful recording it would be difficult to see how the club could not take the strongest action possible. We will seek an urgent response from the board." Channel Seven News said it had obtained a copy of the secret recording of the meeting between Hall, Zappia and the assistant as well as the copy of the pornography that was sent to Zappia from another employee.
The contents of the tape add to the revelations of the payout to Hall, the club's former community liaison officer, revealed in the Herald last month.
According to Channel Seven, the tape recording was made at a meeting in August last year, held three days after Hall was so badly injured she had to have several days off work. Hall, 25, was so traumatised by the incident and its fallout that she fled interstate.
The tape appears to confirm a previous interview with the Herald, in which Hall said she found it difficult to understand how she was hit so hard. She had also revealed how Zappia had asked if she wanted to spank him.
Channel Seven reported that Zappia cornered Hall in a hallway, came up close to her and stood on both of her feet before he lashed out at her.
Zappia told the Herald the punch was accidental and he was shadow boxing.
Channel Seven claimed Zappia walked away from the incident with little regard for Hall's injury. The Herald has previously put questions in writing to Zappia. "Your questions suggest that you have listened to conflicting (and wrong) stories surrounding the matter," he wrote back in reply.
But the Channel Seven tape also illustrates Zappia's strange management style. Zappia shows Hall his computer screen, which allegedly contains pornography sent from another person. Zappia's assistant commented that she, too, received pornography, at which Zappia laughs loudly.
Later in the meeting Hall asked for time off because her face was still sore and she was embarrassed that people might think she was a victim of domestic violence. However Channel Seven reported that Zappia would not allow her to take the time off as sick leave because he didn't want a sick form to record the incident. She was to take it as other leave.
On the tape, Channel Seven said Zappia admits to saying he would later destroy the legal document. Last night Zappia did not return messages sent to him on his phone, nor messages relayed via club officials.

The contents of the tape add to the revelations of the payout to Hall, the club's former community liaison officer, revealed in the Herald last month.
According to Channel Seven, the tape recording was made at a meeting in August last year, held three days after Hall was so badly injured she had to have several days off work. Hall, 25, was so traumatised by the incident and its fallout that she fled interstate.
The tape appears to confirm a previous interview with the Herald, in which Hall said she found it difficult to understand how she was hit so hard. She had also revealed how Zappia had asked if she wanted to spank him.
Channel Seven reported that Zappia cornered Hall in a hallway, came up close to her and stood on both of her feet before he lashed out at her.
Zappia told the Herald the punch was accidental and he was shadow boxing.
Channel Seven claimed Zappia walked away from the incident with little regard for Hall's injury. The Herald has previously put questions in writing to Zappia. "Your questions suggest that you have listened to conflicting (and wrong) stories surrounding the matter," he wrote back in reply.
But the Channel Seven tape also illustrates Zappia's strange management style. Zappia shows Hall his computer screen, which allegedly contains pornography sent from another person. Zappia's assistant commented that she, too, received pornography, at which Zappia laughs loudly.
Later in the meeting Hall asked for time off because her face was still sore and she was embarrassed that people might think she was a victim of domestic violence. However Channel Seven reported that Zappia would not allow her to take the time off as sick leave because he didn't want a sick form to record the incident. She was to take it as other leave.
On the tape, Channel Seven said Zappia admits to saying he would later destroy the legal document. Last night Zappia did not return messages sent to him on his phone, nor messages relayed via club officials.


If this woman was deadset fair dinkum, she should go to the police or something, not channel seven. Why is the process for these people going to the media instead of the appropriate ways?

Thats what I would have done.
But obviously going to the media brings in the dolllars.


Is it now legal to secretly tape a conversation with your employer...??

I was always under the impression that such a act - taping anyone secretly - was a criminal act...

Dogs Of War

Is it now legal to secretly tape a conversation with your employer...??

I was always under the impression that such a act - taping anyone secretly - was a criminal act...

No, I believe as long as one person is aware it's ok. So a 3rd party couldn't set up something to listen to a conversation that the participants weren't aware of.


so your saying cos ms hall knew it was ok?

obviously the person who had the tape recorder strapped to her tits knew.

Dogs Of War

so your saying cos ms hall knew it was ok?

obviously the person who had the tape recorder strapped to her tits knew.

Well considering it would have come down to her word against his, she wanted to make sure she had the ammo to make sure she wasn't just swept under the carpet.

If I was a Sharks supporter, I would be happy this happened. Get rid of the cancer from your club. You guys seem to need a clean up of the culture in your front office, and all these changes mean that the new guys coming in can start that with a clean sheet.
I found this comment by Tony Zappia amusing.

"A confidentiality agreement has been broken here ... I guess it shows the character of some people."

So, in his little world, breaking a confidentiality agreement is a big sin (fair enough imo, unless the agreement was entered into under duress), but I wonder if he appreciates the irony about what it says about the character of people who enter into CA's in the first place to bury embarassing revelations about themselves?

Dogs Of War

In NSW, you can tape a conversation that you're part of, if it is "reasonably necessary" for the protection of your legal interests.

100% true. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/sda2007210/s7.html

(b) a principal party to the conversation consents to the listening device being so used and the recording of the conversation:
(i) is reasonably necessary for the protection of the lawful interests of that principal party, or
(ii) is not made for the purpose of communicating or publishing the conversation, or a report of the conversation, to persons who are not parties to the conversation

I'm sure Channel 7 said they would cover anything that comes out legal wise regarding the incident. Anything to paint AFL in a good light.
