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The Roosters' bandwagon


dodge said:

Notice the Bulldogs crowd averages are always a decent figure?

Have fun with your figures boys, twist them how you want. Your support in the previous five years doesn't match up to ours, that's all there is to it.
Yep your crowds beat us every time Dodge.....to the District Court.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Doubling is nothing like an "order of magnitude" dodge. Just shows how much you know about what you're argueing, i.e. nothing. Can you explain what an "order of magnitude" is?

Then the final cop out of the well and truly beaten internet nuffy; 'oh i don't care if i'm right or wrong i love to troll'. FYI dodger the rodger, I am not "rile(d) up", mildly amused is closer.

It's clear you really care that much ;-)

Bulldogs > Roosters.

Love to troll? When have I ever left an argument? I just keep going :D


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
melon.... said:
Yep your crowds beat us every time Dodge.....to the District Court.
:lol: @ you. Can't beat me one way, resort to below the belt shots :clap:

Well done.


how far will the dogs crowd average drop when they are playing in empty stadiums?


First Grade
that wont happen and rooster fans just admit and realise that us doggies are better supportered then the roosters, i aint saying antthing to offend you guys, just the truth.
These boring crowd threads always remind me of schoolground banter:

"I've got more marbles than you!"

"I've got a bigger lunchbox!"

"My pencil case is better!"


Who cares about crowds? Fact is, on average about 11,000 attend each game. Some years are better, some are worse. The figures have barely changed in 50 years and aren't likely to.


Like it was said before, if i was a roosters fan i'd be much happier with the 11,000 true supporters that turn up to Roosters home games rather then the rioting rabble the dogs attract.
Choppies said:
Because it'e the Storm. Our casual fans only go to see the Roosters play Sydney based clubs for some odd reason. It's a disgrace I know but what can ya do. I and the rest of the diehards turn up every week I don't care who they are playing or how they are going in the comp but that's just my diehard sports attitude coming through.

We even turn upto the Jets at Henson on a Saturday.


HMS Cheesemaker said:
Now, it's unfair to let the double-header overly distort the Bulldogs crowd. So we'll halve that figure to work out the Bulldogs average. That gives us 12,610.

They don't count those games in official stats.


Roosters Average Home Crowds, 1995-2006
1995 - 9367
1996 - 17060
1997 - 9430

If you want to compare results, you need to leave this pre-SL fabrication out. Simply focus on NRL years 1998 onwards.

In 1996 there was a potential criteria for exclusion from the competition in play (most clubs were unaware and it was only revealed in the SL court cases) and miraculously the Roosters crowd figures doubled for that year.

The committee did consider the letter at its meeting of 14 March 1995. The meeting (at which Mr Quayle was present) unanimously agreed that the "future structure of the Winfield Cup competition should contain fewer Sydney clubs". The committee also expressed the view that "the Board should convene as soon as possible to demonstrate leadership on the issue of fewer Sydney clubs".

The Packers through James and David Gyngell (Roosters) not only explicitly stated that Nine and Optus assistance to the ARL was only on the condition of a reduction of teams but also inserted Leckie as an ARL director and had the veto power on which teams were to be excluded.

The following year saw an amazing single season jump in crowd numbers.

Once the SL won their case their was no need for the crowd number fabrication to continue.


I remember a bitterly cold, miserable, drizzling Monday night against Penrith in 2001, crowd was about 4k. [[ edit: according to stats.rleague.com it was over 9k, shows you how memory plays tricks ]].


Isn't this the game where Penrith officials took photos of the crowd?

If your recollection was 4K, did you leave the game during premier league?


HMS Cheesemaker said:
Sorry dodge, but that isn't twisting figures. That's you getting caught out.

As to the Bulldogs always being a decent figure, let's look back at 2002.

1 double header at Homebush - 37,183
1 "home" game at Wellington - 24,251
10 home games at the Showgrounds - Average 10,849

Not exactly stellar. Particularly the 6,211 against Canberra in Round 15.

Meanwhile, that year Easts averaged 13,067.

Now, it's unfair to let the double-header overly distort the Bulldogs crowd. So we'll halve that figure to work out the Bulldogs average. That gives us 12,610.

So in 2002 Easts' home crowd average was higher than the Bulldogs.

Roosters 2002 average was 11,449 not 13,067.

It would be correct to halve any double header figures.

Regardless of all this crap, a difference of 1K to 2K between clubs is nothing.


dodge said:

Double header crowds effectively double the crowd :lol:

Yes they increase the figure buddy, but they hardly "double the crowd" You raved on about order of magnitude in the first line and contradicted yourself bluntly seconds later.

why dont you take out the double header figures from any given season and see just how much they boost crowd numbers?? they single handedly lift your average by 1500-2000 with ease. Which pretty much covers any difference between easts and dogs home crowds ;)


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
SO what are you, an Easts Supporter? A Wests Supporter? Make up your mind.
nqboy said:
Would it be premature to publish a death announcement for the demise of the Roosters' bandwagon?

I know the Storm aren't a big drawing team and it was a hot, humid day (Really? Forgive my scepticism) but are there any other excuses for drawing only 10,841?
There was no way 10,00 + people there.

I don't know how cooks the books up there but they over singed it this time.


dodge said:
SO what are you, an Easts Supporter? A Wests Supporter? Make up your mind.

Why would you think i am a wests supporter??

Because i dont like violence at dogs games???


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The way you've been carrying on in the thread, sounded like you were one. My bad.


UndertakerMike said:
There was no way 10,00 + people there.

I don't know how cooks the books up there but they over singed it this time.

I've asked this question in the past, but nobody has bothered to try and answer it. It's fun to make accusations, but not all that much fun to substantiate them.

Now to my question: What benefit would there be to enhance crowd figures? What would they possibly have to gain? For one, the Roosters don't own the SFS, so for every head counted in the ground, a percentage would have to go to the SCG Trust. So by enhancing the figures, the Chooks would be losing out by having to pay extra money to the Trust, without actually having received the money from the sale of the tickets.
Now, given that fact, what would be the motivation? I can't think of one reason that makes sense.

There's an overwhelming number of self-proclaimed statistical geniuses on this forum. Funnily enough, these are often the same people that claim it's only a handful of troublemakers that cause problems at all Bulldogs games.