Actually, I'm a little opposite here. I wouldn't sign him at all.
No doubting his football skills etc, it's the circus that goes with his current situation we can do without. I mean really, we are less than a month away from the start of the season, he hasn't 'decided' on his future, hasn't been to training etc.
I have no doubt he will make it ALL about him, which may be a complete distraction for the young Titans team and their young coach. Imagine this at the Dragons right now.
Anyway just my 5c worth.
Good points @ Dragonslayer ..I guess it would depend on the Deal...Actually he would probably be more like Triple what A.M is on...and how many Years ? 1 Max..IMO..and that would never happen...
Again...He was never coming but it makes an interesting conversation.
Enjoy your afternoon.