Last post and I will let it rest. The trouble with "amateur lawyers" who have theories on Criminal Law matters was best surmised recently with a defendant who was referred to me for advice. He was a pumped up gym junkie charged with certain "offences" who was in receipt of a Court Attendance Notice. He spouted all sorted of nonsense about this and that and told me what was what. I let him rant with his macho bull-shit and advised him he needed to get his affairs in order. This stopped him momentarily and he asked me what I meant by this? I advised him that he was facing 15 Years in the Big House if the charges are proved. Blood drained from his face, his bravado evaporated and he started to cry.
He was genuinely shocked and told me that his brother in law told him it was a beat up. When queried about his brother in laws legal expertise, I learnt that he was a Courier. Noble profession, but not ideal in Criminal Law matters. I was then instructed to "contact the Cops and tell them what was what". I advised that this was not the way the process worked and in any event the "train has left the station"; as charges are afoot.
Point is, Criminal Law matters are serious and I think it is a really good thing that nearly all the folk on this NRL forum appear to lack the knowledge of the process and procedural matters. That is a wonderful thing as it shows that the majority have not had any reason to interact with the Criminal Law system. That's a great thing and long may it last. But make no mistake these matters are not "negotiated away" in a trivial manner. Once the train leaves the station, she's rolls on.