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The TNA Impact Thread **Spoilers**

Ari Gold

AJ Styles

SD would kill for some of those guys right now....

Carlito is expected to be released soon, so he may head over as well
Anyone see Turning Point?

Thoughts on the Samoa Joe shoot, Eric Young's performance, Robert Roode/Christian v Kaz/Booker and the X Division v Dudleys/Devine fued?

Once Dead

Manurewa_Marlins said:
Anyone see Turning Point?

Thoughts on the Samoa Joe shoot, Eric Young's performance, Robert Roode/Christian v Kaz/Booker and the X Division v Dudleys/Devine fued?

Haven't seen the PPV due to Foxtel Box Office having 'technical difficulties' but I have seen the Joe shoot.......it was definitely something passionate and did cross the line, but what do you expect when a blow in screws over the wrestlers and the fans by not showing up for a PPV main event?


First Grade
PARANoIR said:
The only thing I've seen is the Joe shoot. Good value.

I would ove to get a link to that if you have one, or if anyone else has it.


Staff member
Csonka took the rare week off to spend with the family, so you get me!

TNA Christmas video starts the show.

Young is hanging an ornament at the 2007 TNA Christmas Party with his cousins and his sister. One of the Bushwackers is here. Young is waiting for Santa to arrive

TNA opening video plays

Preview of the matches tonight. All are Christmas related. They are catchy names

Matt Morgan is in the ring. Cornette is not here. He basically tells us Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And have a good show.

Christmas Chaos In The Cage - Rock and Rave Infection, James Storm & Robert Roode w/ Christy Hemme, Jackie Moore, Traci Brooks versus LAX, Scott Steiner, and Booker T with Sharmell

This is basically a six sides of steel with Christmas lights. Steiner and Storm to start. Arm wrench by Steiner. Storm takes Steiner to the corner, reversal by Steiner, chops by Steiner, and throws by Steiner, clothesline by Steiner, and elbow drop by Steiner. Tag to Hernandez, and Storm tags to Rave. Rave with a kick to the gut. Rave with punches. Hernandez tags to Homicide. Double clothesline on Rave. Homicide catapults Rave to Hernandez and Hernandez throws him into the cage. Cover for two. Tag by Rave to Roode. Drop toe hold by Homicide and then a cross body. Cover for 1. Punches by Homicide. Roode throws Homicide into the cage.


Hoyt throws Homicide into the cage, tag to storm, punches by Homicide, kick by storm, Hoyt spins Rave around and drops him. Cover by storm and it is broken up by Booker. Tag to Hoyt. Hoyt with kicks. Homicide with kicks, Homicide tries to tag out, but he is held back. Homicide to the ropes, Hoyt tries a spear, but he hits the cage. Tag to Booker and he comes in punching. Roode gets thrown into the cage and spine buster on Rave. Broken up three guys, Steiner is in, everything is out of control. Something is going on the outside. In the ring, Booker gets the bookend and pins Rave.

Winners: LAX, Scott Steiner, and Booker T

At the Christmas party, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love have shown up and they are put in charge of milk and cookies. ODB is here and she is in charge of the bar, Kong is here, Young is still waiting for Santa. Kong is put in charge of bathrooms.

Team 3D are dressed up as Santa and Devine is dressed up as an elf. Ray is wishing everybody a merry Christmas. They say that they want to apologize to Lethal and Motor City Machine Guns. Its Midget Lethal and the Midget Motor City Machine Guns. Ray is sitting down; Midget Sabin sits on Ray's lap. Midget Sabin wants a gun and Ray says that he will shoot his eye out. Ray then pushes him down. Midget Shelley sits on his lap and he wants a computer. Ray makes a Myspace joke and IWC joke. Midget Lethal sits on Ray's lap. Midget Lethal wants to spend one night with So Cal Val, Ray gives him five dollars, and Ray wants the change back. Midget Sabin slapped Ray and Devine and team 3d attack the midgets. Here come the real Motor City Machine Guns and Lethal. Sabin says lets have the match now.


Double North Pole Match. Team 3D and Johnny Devine versus the Motor City Machine Guns and Jay Lethal

One pole has a plate glass table match, the other as an ultimate x match. Devine and Sabin to start. Lockup, with Sabin in control. Sabin tags to Shelley. Shelley off the top tope. Punches by Shelley. Throw by Devine, kick and tag to Devon. Devon with punches. Devon choking Shelley on the ropes. More punches by Devon. a kick by Shelley and he hits Ray and Devine. Tries to climbs the pole, but is held back by Devon, who superplexes him off. Ray is in and he punches Shelley, arm wrench, reversal, tag to Lethal, who comes from the top rope, wrench by Lethal. Continues to wrench. Lethal hits Devine and Devon, climbing the pole, caught and thrown by Ray. Ray takes off the Santa suit. Ray into the corner, fights of Lethal, hits Sabin and Shelley and tries to climb, brought down by Lethal, Ray powers him down.


It is out of control on the outside, Lethal and Ray in the ring, Ray with punches, and an elbow. Ray with a slam on Lethal. Attempted wassup, broken up by Shelley, wassup by lethal and Midget Shelley coming off the top and it connects. Devine is in and he climbs, midget Shelley brings down Devine, Devon with a clothesline, Lethal throws midget Sabin at Devon. Midget Sabin hits Devon in the groin area. High low on Devon, series of kicks to Ray. Lethal on the top rope, and midget Lethal as well. Elbows on Ray and Devon. Climb by Shelley and he has the ultimate x match. So at Final Resolution it will be an ultimate x match.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns and Lethal

At the Christmas Party, they are singing, Kong beats up Young's cousin. The doorbell rings, and it is Kevin Nash, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love come to Kevin. Kevin makes a joke, which I missed. ODB throws some water on Angelina Love or Velvet Sky (do not the difference between them). The women have started to fight.


At the Christmas Party, Young is cleaning up and here come the Angles. Young is so hilarious here. Young is pumped for Santa, Kurt wants to talk privately, and Kurt tells Karen to clean the mess. Kurt tells Young that there is no Santa Claus. Young does not believe it. Kurt says that Santa is a cartoon character. Young is not getting it, Karen is not cleaning. Kurt wants to know where the booze is. Young thinks that Santa is Spiderman and Shrek.

Santa's Workshop Knockouts Street Fight – ODB versus Roxxi Laveaux versus Jackie Moore versus Christy Hemme versus Traci Brooks versus Awesome Kong versus Velvet Sky versus Angelina Love versus Gail Kim

Weapons are in a toy box. Samoa Joe has arrived at the Impact Zone. This will be difficult to keep track off. Kong and Kim start to go at it and so does everybody else. Kong throws Kim on the ramp. Kong and Kim are fighting on the outside and the others are in the ring. The toy box has also been opened. Kim has taken control and an elbow drop. Roxxi with a massive kick on somebody. Kong and Kim have fought to the back. Hemme with a reverse DDT on brooks. Kick by Moore, ODB has put the toy box over Angelina, she is now on top of the box. ODB dives on Roxxi, Sky trying to free Angelina, Hemme and Brooks going at it. Moore and ODB going at it. Sky and love throw the box at ODB and she is on the outside. Five are left in the ting. Sky going at Brooks. Little spank action going on (from the mouth of Don West). Kong is coming back in the ring, no idea about Kim. Others are still fighting and they are fearful of Kong. Love and Sky attack Kong, but she throws them off. Moore and Brooks try and they are both clothes lined. Roxxi tries and she fails. Hemme is screaming and Kong hits the awesome bomb for the win.

Winner: Awesome Kong

Kim is here with a steel chair. Kim and Kong are going at it. Kim hits Kong with the chair and she pounds away with punches. Kong is fighting back and here comes security and they are separated. Kong has broken from security and she gets to Kim. Kim has been led away.

At the Christmas Party, Young is still waiting for Santa with Morgan. Chris Harris is here. Harris says that there are no women. Harris wants a present, it is Harris' birthday. Young says that Santa will bring him a present. Young says that it is also JC birthday and Harris looks mad. The midgets have arrived at the party as have Sabin, Shelley, and Lethal. Lethal and the Bushwacker meet. Sonjay is here. So Cal Val is here and she has the mistletoe. Sonjay kisses So Cal Val.


Crystal with Samoa Joe and she asks him if he is coming to the Christmas Party. They talk about the party. Joe wants the money for the party to be supplemented to his contract. He wants the time for the party to be used for a Samoa Joe ass kicking. Joe is sorry, he says he not the Grinch, asks about Morgan, and he tells Crystal to tell Morgan that the Christmas party will be one that he does not forget.

Recap of Abyss and Judas Mesias, James Mitchell, and Abyss' mother.

Silent Night Bloody Night Four Way Match – Rellik versus Shark Boy versus Black Reign with Misty versus Abyss.

A barbed wire Christmas tree is in the ring and present are underneath. Shark Boy is taped up. Abyss and Reign on the outside and Shark Boy and Rellik inside the ring. Punching by Abyss and into the guardrail. The packages are being opened and there is a golf club. Uses it on Rellik. Punches by Abyss on Reign. Shark Boy is choking Rellik. Reign and Abyss in the ring. Throw by Abyss. Abyss hits Reign in the corner. Rellik attacks Abyss with a kick. Combination by Rellik and Reign on Abyss.


Shark Boy uses kendo stick on Rellik and Reign. Shark Boy has a spike, but gets kicked by Reign. Reign hits the blackout on Shark Boy. Mitchell is watching from the ramp. Rellik and Reign are having some miscommunication. Shark Boy is sent into the Christmas tree. Rellik hits clothesline on Reign. Abyss thrown to the outside again. Rellik and Reign working together on Shark Boy. Rellik and Reign can figure out who cover will Shark Boy. Abyss with a double clothesline. Abyss opens a package and he pulls out a barbed wire bat. Abyss starts to hit Reign and Rellik. Abyss is in total control. He pulls out another bag and it is the tacks. He hits Rellik and Reign with a hockey stick. Abyss gets another bag and it is the shards of glass. Abyss about to throw Reign and Rellik on the tacks and glass, but they double team out. Shark Boy of the top on Reign. Shark Boy and Abyss throw the Christmas tree on Reign. Mitchell coming to ringside. Abyss has Black Reign pinned, but the referee is distracted by Mitchell. Abyss has grabbed Mitchell and the lights have gone out. Mesias is in the ring and Mesias DDTs Abyss into the tacks face first. Rellik hits the demon driver on Shark Boy for the three count.

Winner: Rellik

Mesias continues to stares at Abyss.

At the Christmas Party. Joe is here and he is calling for Morgan. Joe says that this time should be allocated for wrestling. The party is catered and Joe feels that he isn't being paid enough. Joe feels sorry for messing up the party and everybody starts to chant Joe. Then, Joe wishes a Merry Christmas to everybody expect Sonjay. He flips the table and the tree and then he wishes them a Happy New Year.


At the Christmas Party, Young is telling JB that the party is ruined. Young says that Santa will fix the party. JB tells Young that Santa is make believe. Santa is here and Eric Young is happy.

Grab the Reindeer Ladder Match – AJ Styles versus Kaz.

The winner has to grab the reindeer suit and the loser will have to wear the suit.


Punches by Styles. Spear by Kaz. On the outside, with Kaz in the advantage,. Rake of the eyes by Styles. Kaz throws Styles into the guardrail, up and over. Styles leapfrogs on the guardrails and nails Kaz with a punch. Discus clothesline by Styles into the ladder. Into the ring and Styles goes to get the other ladder, Kaz with punches. Attempted superplexes by both guys, with Kaz getting the advantage and superplexing Styles onto the ladder. Styles is in pain. Kaz position the ladder and he is climbing. Styles is in to prevent him from getting the reindeer suit. Styles throws Kaz away, tries to climb, but blocked by Kaz. Kaz now climbing and Styles blocks. Punches by Styles and he climbs, Kaz up as well, but Styles pushes him. Flip of the ladder by Styles, lands in position for an inverted DDT on Kaz and he hits it. Styles uses the ladder as a weapon. Styles puts the ladder in the corner of the ring. Punches by Styles. Tries to reverse Kaz in the ladder, blocked, Kaz tries to send Styles in the ladder, blocked. Super plex attempt on the ladder by Styles, blocked. Power bomb attempt by Kaz, blocked. Styles trying to push Kaz into the ladder, but Kaz drop toe holds Styles face first into the ladder. Kaz tries to kick Styles, but Styles hit the pele


Styles takes Kaz into the ladder back first. During the break, there was a monkey flip into the ladder by Styles on Kaz. Styles setting up the ladder and climbing. Kaz grabs the ladder and flips in over and Styles falls into the ropes. Styles drops him throat first on the rope. Styles setting up the ladder on the corner, Kaz climbs it, tries for maybe a flux capacitor, Styles blocks, tries a Styles clash from the top rope. Kaz back body drops him on the ladder. Kaz setting up the ladder. Styles is favoring the leg. Both are climbing. Punches on top of the ladder, slam by Styles of the top of the ladder on Kaz. Kurt angle is making his way to the ring and he is cheering for Styles. Styles on top and Kaz pushes the ladder down. Kaz resets the ladder, climbs, he is touching the reindeer suit and he has won.

Winner: Kaz

Kurt Angle does not look happy and Kurt is yelling. TNA official are in the ring, and Styles is trying to put on the suit and he trips over the suit. Styles looks like he is about to cry. The officials are telling me to put it on. Styles takes it off and he leaves. The officials have him and Styles is fighting. Kurt is in the ring. Styles saying that he is not going to put the suit on. Kurt hands him the suit, Styles is not happy. Styles is putting it on. The suit is on and the head still needs to be put on. Shove on Earl Hebner. Hebner looks like he wants to fight. Kurt puts on the head on Styles. AJ Styles is throwing a tantrum. Kurt has the mic and he tells him that he was a turkey and a reindeer. Kurt says he is disappointed. He tells Styles to go to his hotel room and say that he is not a reindeer 1000 times. Styles leaves with the suit on.

Here comes Eric Young and Santa Claus. Kurt is still in the ring. Young and Santa are throwing gifts into the crowd. Santa and Young are in the ring. Don West is in shill mode and he mentions the Don West Insane Deals. Kurt is not happy with his gift. Kurt says that there is no Santa. West says that Santa is real, damn real. Kurt is arguing with Santa. Kurt says he has never gotten a gift from Santa. Kurt says that he wishes for Cage to grow some balls and come to the ring. Kurt clothesline Santa and Young. West says that this is wrong. Angle lock on Santa. Santa is tapping. Cage comes out of a package and he attacks Kurt angle. Nails Kurt with the championship belt. Unprettier reversed by Angle, Angle tries superplex which fails, Cage gets the angle lock and Angle bails.

Closing video plays.

Spoilers from the Christmas episode of Impact. Before people go apesh*t over Russo booking and random sh*t - remember that this was supposed to be a fun show. I wouldn't read anything into all of the gimmick matches


Staff member
Compared to WWE its like comparing the quality of WWE Heat to RAW. Its a vastly inferior product.

An ignorant statement. While the storylines are vastly inferior, the quality of wrestling product (particularly at PPV) is leagues ahead of the average WWE show.

Ari Gold


Samoa Joe
Kurt Angle
Aj Styles
Jay Lethal
Curry Man
Robert Roode

Seeing those guys week in week out will be awesome.