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The truth finally comes out re Tim Smith

El Diablo

Post Whore
What on earth is going on in the head of Tim Smith?

Jacquelin Magnay
June 24, 2006

PARRAMATTA halfback Tim Smith took a shine to an attractive lass last year. Met her, spoke to her, moved on. Didn't think anything more about her until last Sunday night at Northies hotel in Cronulla.

Smith was at the packed drinking spot with fellow Eel Mark Riddell. At the other end of the bar was the cricket star Michael Clarke quaffing a few with Glenn McGrath and Brad Haddin. Clarke saw Smith and confronted him, very much annoyed.

It turns out the woman was Clarke's ex. The brief exchange went something like this:

Clarke: "What were you doing with my ex-missus?"

Smith: "What are you talking about?"

Clarke: "[The woman's name] told me she knew you."

Smith: "Oh her, yeah, I know her, so what?"

And then Smith pushed Clarke on the arm to get him out of his face. A bouncer, witnessing this, went up to Smith, whom he knew, and suggested that he should walk away. Smith agreed he did not need to talk to such a wally (but used another w-word) and left the club with Riddell.

For that 10-second incident Smith, 21, has been headline news for three days and fined $1000 by a highly sensitive Parramatta club which is reeling from a succession of dramas.

Clarke, for his part, has since been in contact with Smith, appalled that the halfback has been vilified over what was just a boozy spat between two ego-driven sportsmen.

rest http://www.smh.com.au/news/league/w...ad-of-tim-smith/2006/06/23/1150845382614.html

who can blame him for pushing?

seems Clarke was the instigator in the whole thing

Daily Telegraph has a lot to answer for


aah no angry eel.. ure reading it wrong...

i would like to say.. in the orginial post about clarke's lil spat.. my posts were edited about 3-4 times.. each saying and commenting on clarkes character and yet i was censored as if i was lying about it or making it up...

if this doesnt confirm everything ive said about clarke .. then nothing will...

ask one of the mods to see what i really wrote about clarke to see what person he is in real life...i always doubted tim was to be involved in this that much...

good to see that i was justified in making claims about him...


First Grade
Pretty sure my post got unjustly deleted too, I won't hold my breath waiting for an apology though. I think one would be in order especially when the only slightly controversial thing I said was how Riddell was a bad influence and now this gets printed:

He has vowed not to drink for the rest of the season, but Parramatta club officials are more concerned he distances himself from the influences of the party-loving Riddell.

Nothing to say about the article, it's almost a confession of error by the media but then it becomes another Smith-bashing.
The f**kwits in the Media made a big Issue out of nothing and unfortunately.... Most parra fans took the Bait.... Some of you are a disgrace. "Sack Smith" some of you should sack yourselves. Next time before believing the Media you should try knowing the FACTS first. I heard Glann McGrath and Micheal Clarke both rang itzgerald to defend Smith too.


well apparently many believe the media is the 'truth' here.. and any parra fan trying to defend tim and shift the blame to someone else.. and rightly so to clarke.. is vilified in doing so....

some of the things said about tim over the last week and have been shocking and undeserved... we should turn this into a clarke bashing thread instead ;-)


At least the smh has the guts to print a story like this, as we have stated 99% of insignificant issues have been reported and blown out of proportion, no wonder why fitzi kept on saying " no comment ".

when i first saw the article i thought here we go again, but after reading it clarke pull your head in, an ex is an ex mate move on ....

" And then Smith pushed Clarke on the arm to get him out of his face. A bouncer, witnessing this, went up to Smith, whom he knew, and suggested that he should walk away. Smith agreed he did not need to talk to such a wally (but used another w-word) and left the club with Riddell. "

Tim good man for doing this, at least by this account he has shown to be the bigger person so good on you, got to give credit where its due.

Clarke's ego is bigger than texas, what a goose.

Hope whatever tim is going through he comes out the otherside a better person ...


So why did he push him again? I still don't see the reason why he pushed him?

Either way, he is was fined for his intoxicated state by the club, not for pushing the bloke (i think) and that is the main issue with Tim Smith i believe.


Post Whore
tbh I think all this proves is that neither clarke nor timmy did anything wrong and that nothing much happened ... don't get the sh*ts with clarke, if this is true then I don't think he did anything wrong either (btw - was the woman clarke's ex at the time tim spoke to her last year or his ex now? - i don't know, i'm not sure what the story is implying).

DO NOT go getting narky at mods who deleted any of your stuff - the rules say you are not supposed to post defaming stuff unless there is public proof to back it up - the mods didn't make up these rules, they are just following them. The rules are there for a reason - so that this board doesn't get shut down by someone who takes offense to what is posted here (btw i had something i posted edited too - i didn't think it was bad, but i understand why it was edited).


Post Whore
James_Hardie said:
So why did he push him again? I still don't see the reason why he pushed him?

Either way, he is was fined for his intoxicated state by the club, not for pushing the bloke (i think) and that is the main issue with Tim Smith i believe.
well the question is - was he intoxicated? - the story suggests timmy was not even "thrown" out of the place - the bouncer spoke to him about a push and he and riddell decided to leave.


strider said:
well the question is - was he intoxicated? - the story suggests timmy was not even "thrown" out of the place - the bouncer spoke to him about a push and he and riddell decided to leave.

Smith warned he faces sack
By Steve Jancetic
June 22, 2006

PARRAMATTA halfback Tim Smith has been warned that the club may terminate his contract if he is involved in any further alcohol-related incidents.

The club fined Smith $1000 today for being intoxicated at a Sydney hotel on the weekend.

Smith was thrown out of Cronulla nightspot Northies for being too drunk on Sunday night, when he also became involved in a verbal altercation with Test cricketer Michael Clarke.

Smith was cleared of any misconduct in relation to his run-in with Clarke.

"The fine's got nothing to do with the Michael Clarke incident, he's been cleared of any wrongdoing there," Eels media manager Damien Kelly said.

"The fact that he was there and intoxicated was the reason he was fined.'"...

Seems he was fined for being drunk.... again.


Post Whore
yes i saw that and do have the ability to read .... i was just saying that the other story did not say anything about being "intoxicated" - were the club officials that fined him there? or maybe he admitted he was? I don't know - hence I was wondering if he actually was.

Seems timmy handled things ok in the end ..... but i agree if he was overly drunk then the club needs to try and put a stop to it.


omg its his ex so his going to have a spat over it??? still a lot of to answer for but that makes it a bit more clearer.


Staff member
Fitzy said earlier in the week that Timmy was on the grog from 4.30pm to 10ish when the incident occured. I think the point is that you wouldn't see Craig Mottram or Grant Hackett on the grog for 6 hours a week out from their next meet. I posted a link a few days ago that outlined Chelsea's player conduct rules. They expect their athletes not to drink within 48 hours after game day (alchohol has a inflammatory effect on recovering muscles) and to only drink on other occassions in moderation. There is even restrictions on when they can play golf and a ban on motorcycles. This may seem over the top but clubs have a heap of cash invested in their playing staff and expect that the players look after their bodies.

I think its time that Timmy ups his level of prfessionalism and takes his job seriously. Same goes for Piggy too.


Staff member
jayman said:
aah no angry eel.. ure reading it wrong...

i would like to say.. in the orginial post about clarke's lil spat.. my posts were edited about 3-4 times.. each saying and commenting on clarkes character and yet i was censored as if i was lying about it or making it up...

if this doesnt confirm everything ive said about clarke .. then nothing will...

ask one of the mods to see what i really wrote about clarke to see what person he is in real life...i always doubted tim was to be involved in this that much...

good to see that i was justified in making claims about him...

it is not censored,

if it is unsubstantiated allegations about a person that could be deemed slanderous, it has to be deleted

you need to understand the difference, you cant slander people, if we let it go uncontrolled, the site can be shut down


Staff member
jayman said:
well apparently many believe the media is the 'truth' here.. and any parra fan trying to defend tim and shift the blame to someone else.. and rightly so to clarke.. is vilified in doing so....

some of the things said about tim over the last week and have been shocking and undeserved... we should turn this into a clarke bashing thread instead ;-)

well said

its media crap, so I wouldn't go blaming Clarke for what "may have happened", just because we are eels fans and would like to think that its not Timmys fault

the fact is, we'll probably never really know


There is also the rumour that Smith rang a senior member of the playing staff about what to do and was told to steer clear of Clarke. Fitzy hasn't heard anything about this but Ray Warren was going to give him the name off-air. And the security guy has since confirmed that Smith left of his own accord and not thrown out.

Stagger eel

Staff member
thedux said:
There is also the rumour that Smith rang a senior member of the playing staff about what to do and was told to steer clear of Clarke. Fitzy hasn't heard anything about this but Ray Warren was going to give him the name off-air. And the security guy has since confirmed that Smith left of his own accord and not thrown out.

very very interesting.

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