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The truth finally comes out re Tim Smith


James_Hardie said:
So why did he push him again? I still don't see the reason why he pushed him?

Either way, he is was fined for his intoxicated state by the club, not for pushing the bloke (i think) and that is the main issue with Tim Smith i believe.

Exactly. End of story.


I hate it when things like this get blown out of proportion and you dont know which story to believe. Now that Smith has been fined and said he wont drink again, lets move on and never hear it again from those biased d1kheads at Daily Telegraph and 10.


i find some of these responses questionable...

DO NOT go getting narky at mods who deleted any of your stuff - the rules say you are not supposed to post defaming stuff unless there is public proof to back it up - the mods didn't make up these rules, they are just following them. The rules are there for a reason - so that this board doesn't get shut down by someone who takes offense to what is posted here (btw i had something i posted edited too - i didn't think it was bad, but i understand why it was edited).

fair enough... however.. going by this line of thought.. anyone who says anything about a person should be censored... so .. all the threads about lyon and on how much of a tool he is and all the personal attacks on him should all be deleted.. because u or anyone else on this forum dont have evidence or sufficent infomation to justify personal claims against him since u havent spoken to him (which on this forum by my deleted posts arent sufficent enough) or you are going on infomation through the media.. which never conclusivley state that lyon was trying to screw parra..it could all be just contract issues etc or personal issues ie family conisderations.. and yet everyone here is flaming him.... ( dont get me wrong.. i agree with everyones view on lyon) iam just saying that if u apply one set of rules for me baggin out clarke..( which were eventually substantiated) whats the difference with someone else baggin out lyon or anyother player whose the flavour of the month to bag out???

it is not censored,
if it is unsubstantiated allegations about a person that could be deemed slanderous, it has to be deleted
you need to understand the difference, you cant slander people, if we let it go uncontrolled, the site can be shut down

id like to know how burt, brian smith, peterson, wagon threads that just lay into these players, arent slanderous?? i think if u were to ask these players id think they would find them quite offensive and degrading in their eyes..

Dont get me wrong.. i agree that there are rules in place, and that the mods who do a great job have to follow these rules (i do law so i understand the implications laws and rules) .. but there seems to be a ad hoc use of them.. on top of which i was trying to DEFEND tim smith by illustrating what sort of person clarke is in real life.. which everyone can see from the paper.. ANYWAYS.. iam over it.. as long as tim smith is seen as not the criminal everyone paints him to be.. then its all sweet... :D


It was obvious that as soon as a little bit of trouble happened near Timmy the daily crapograph would jump on it. I can't believe they didn't even ask if Clarke had started it until later. What a joke our media is. Players can't even sneeze without getting in the sh*t these days.
maybe Clarkie was tring to warn Tim mayby this chick is a gold digger or something. Who knows what was really said?


Just on the media jumping on the players

one reason why a couple of these nothing stories (like this one and even the Hayne incident to a degree) have gotten the media expouser they have is because Brian is no longer around to take the flack

If nothing else Brian Smith was a good distraction for the media they cocenrated on giving him shi* and didn't pay that much attention to the players.

I'm not trying to say that the players acted like cavemen prior to Smith's leaving but if Brian was still around I've got no doubt that things would be different in regards to this nothing incidents getting time in the papers and on TV


Staff member
jayman said:
i find some of these responses questionable...

fair enough... however.. going by this line of thought.. anyone who says anything about a person should be censored... so .. all the threads about lyon and on how much of a tool he is and all the personal attacks on him should all be deleted.. because u or anyone else on this forum dont have evidence or sufficent infomation to justify personal claims against him since u havent spoken to him (which on this forum by my deleted posts arent sufficent enough) or you are going on infomation through the media.. which never conclusivley state that lyon was trying to screw parra..it could all be just contract issues etc or personal issues ie family conisderations.. and yet everyone here is flaming him.... ( dont get me wrong.. i agree with everyones view on lyon) iam just saying that if u apply one set of rules for me baggin out clarke..( which were eventually substantiated) whats the difference with someone else baggin out lyon or anyother player whose the flavour of the month to bag out???

id like to know how burt, brian smith, peterson, wagon threads that just lay into these players, arent slanderous?? i think if u were to ask these players id think they would find them quite offensive and degrading in their eyes..

Dont get me wrong.. i agree that there are rules in place, and that the mods who do a great job have to follow these rules (i do law so i understand the implications laws and rules) .. but there seems to be a ad hoc use of them.. on top of which i was trying to DEFEND tim smith by illustrating what sort of person clarke is in real life.. which everyone can see from the paper.. ANYWAYS.. iam over it.. as long as tim smith is seen as not the criminal everyone paints him to be.. then its all sweet... :D

the difference is, most poeple criticise thier ability as a player on the field, in other words, what happend in plain view of the public

when some one makes allegations about what happemnd off the field, and it cannot be substsantiated, and it is part of their private life, it breaches our forum rules

big difference

Stagger eel

Staff member
Hurriflatch said:
Just on the media jumping on the players

one reason why a couple of these nothing stories (like this one and even the Hayne incident to a degree) have gotten the media expouser they have is because Brian is no longer around to take the flack

If nothing else Brian Smith was a good distraction for the media they cocenrated on giving him shi* and didn't pay that much attention to the players.

I'm not trying to say that the players acted like cavemen prior to Smith's leaving but if Brian was still around I've got no doubt that things would be different in regards to this nothing incidents getting time in the papers and on TV

I think it's more to do with Fitzy's less than Rosey relationship with the Telegraph, in fact I know it's the reason why we're getting the bad wrap.

Stagger eel

Staff member
Hurriflatch said:
even if thats the case

The Tele still tried to get at Fitzy by attacking Brian and not the players

yes..and it's bad publicity, at the end of the day it's still negative it doesn't matter whether it's for or against particular people.


And now this by Phil Rothfield in todays Tele-
Being monstered by Parramatta halfback Tim Smith wasn't the only problem Aussie cricket whiz-kid Michael Clarke faced last week. He had surgery to remove a skin cancer from his face-legacy of many hours spent under the hot aussie sun.
LOL @ monstered.


And this by the same "journalist"-
Why have Parramatta sat back and allowed Dean Widders to leave. Good one Fitzy...keep all the troublemakers and allow the games No 1 role model to walk.


And this-
It's interesting to note that one media organisation has totally ignored long suffering Parramatta supporters-by refusing to carry stories on the Eels' off-field disasters. Why? Because the boss is a lifetime Parramatta supporterand refuses to expose the club he holds so dearly to his heart.


Post Whore
there's been a few times recently where the Tele and SMH have decided to fire pot shots at eachother via Parra/Brian Smith/Fitzy/etc .... they have their own little feud that we keep getting dragged into

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