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Without having to wade through this whole thread, when are the final TV rights going to be announced? Cheers
I read an article about the ratings for Revenge on 7 this week. 2 million people tuned in. But then in the comments section, a lot of people were saying they wouldn't bother watching again, because it was easier to download rather than wait for episodes to arrive in Australia. The same could be said about virtually any other US series.
Goes to show the value of live sports. No delay means no leakage of viewers who are too impatient!
On the flipside they would probably say they are advertising AFL because the awareness isn't as high as NRL. They know that NRL rates through the roof, and has 74 odd of the 100 highest rated programs. After all thats what their push with 8 live afl games was all about.
That said, there's no way Ten can afford all 8 games. Simple as that in the end. Ten taking a 2-4 games is fine, but all of them? I'm questioning their ability to afford it. Stories like that may inflate the price, but its hard to believe its veracity.
Ratings winner for Ten
6:00 The Rugby League Project
7:00 Friday Night Football
9:00 Friday Night Football
5:30 Saturday Night Football
7:30 Saturday Night Football
9:30 Saturday Night Football
11:30 Midnight Premier League
2:00 Sunday Morning Premier League
2:00 Sunday Afternoon Football
4:00 Sunday Afternoon Football
6:00 News
6:30 The Rugby League Project
7:30 Sunday Night Football
9:30 Rubbish
next morning
Monday Morning Premier League
It makes sense.
I guess if they were going to do this they would probably show the big games (Friday nights and Sunday games) on 10 and all the other games on One HD.
It would certainly give the digital channel a massive boost in viewership.
If 10 gets all 8 games then Fox would also get 8 game simucast but the value would be much much lower as who would subscribe when you can get it for free?
Ratings winner for Ten
6:00 The Rugby League Project
7:00 Friday Night Football
9:00 Friday Night Football
5:30 Saturday Night Football
7:30 Saturday Night Football
9:30 Saturday Night Football
11:30 Midnight Premier League
2:00 Sunday Morning Premier League
1:00 Sunday Afternoon Football
3:00 Sunday Afternoon Football
5:00 News
6:00 The Rugby League Project
7:00 Sunday Night Football
9:30 Rubbish
next morning
Monday Morning Premier League
6:00 The Rugby League Project
7:00 Monday Night Football
9:00 One Week At A Time
It makes sense.
Andrew Webster on the Grill Team just before. said someone "in the know" told him if 9 lose FNF they may as well pack it in as a network.
I'd suggest it has less to do with News being out and the Commission in than in the simple fact that formal negotiations have finally started and Nein/Fox are working up to their opening offer. Of course the resolution of the Commission handover is what has unblocked the television rights bidding process but I doubt there'd be much less interest no matter who was in charge. The game is going gangbusters and every sane television executive would want in on that.Notice as soon as News ltd is out of the equation,a new i.C with high profile people running the show,the interest seems to have grown in securing rugby league.
How about now?
They are going for the Premier League aswell?
Premier League rates like dog shit on Fox, only marginally better than A-League when its a decent match up. Why would any FTA network want it?
That was last deal wasn't it? Seven *and* Ten bought all eight games as a consortium and then on sold four to Fox after much haggling. Under the current deal Fox negotiated directly with the AFL which is how they ended up with all nine games including simulcasting against Seven's four games. The question after that was whether Seven could sell one or two of those four to Ten or even Nine. Ultimately that didn't happen (yet... I suppose it could still happen in year two of the deal if they get some NRL content).7 bought the rights to all 8 AFL games a week. Then they onsold some to Foxtel (who onsold them to Fox Sports). 10 Might do the same.
Reasons below, add the fact that's it's quite cheap. That and the fact I'd love to see it on FTA.