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The TV rights thread part II

Providing the price is right which is your preferred FTA broadcast option?

  • All games on Seven

    Votes: 11 4.2%
  • All games on Nine

    Votes: 17 6.5%
  • All games on Ten

    Votes: 59 22.6%
  • Seven/Nine split

    Votes: 10 3.8%
  • Seven/Ten split

    Votes: 109 41.8%
  • Nine/Ten split

    Votes: 55 21.1%

  • Total voters
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Please direct me to one post where you have stated something positive about 'our' game.

Do you own homework.

This is a TV rights thread. Not a sport thread. If you think there is something positive about NRL media rights go right ahead and post it.


Please direct me to one post where you have stated something positive about 'our' game.

And here is a tip for you - the match of the round is already on Friday nights. Fixed scheduling would alter that.


Dont know if anyone has brought this up, but say the NRl does adopt 4 quarters it will be interesting to see what happens in internationals and in SL for time keeping. I would only want it in the NRl if it is adopted across all RL comps.

Its almost like 9 are fighting an election campaign on the rights to NRL and origin. Fatty on sky sports big brekky didn't like any of the ideas re. origin and stand alone rep weekend. Gygnell coming out with his big speak today on adverts.

Fatty also said internationals/tri nations were waste of time.

What a farkwit. The highest rating RL game so far this season (barring Origins) is a friggin Test Match.

Cheers, I freaked a little thinking about unions line out.

Imagine if union was popular on TV. It would rake in billions with all the long stoppages it has.
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TV riches could eclipse AFL with broadcasting rights deal worth up to $1.4 billion
STUNNED NRL chairmen and chief executives yesterday heard rugby league could obliterate the AFL television deal by securing broadcasting rights worth as much as $1.4 billion.
That would surpass the existing NRL deal by a whopping $900 million.
Colin Smith, of Melbourne-based electronic strategic consultants LEK, addressed yesterday's NRL CEOs and chairmen's meeting at Coogee in Sydney where three scenarios were presented for a deal, to run over five years from 2013.
Club officials reacted with shock and delight when Smith, employed by the NRL, said rugby league should obtain more cash than AFL, which got a $1.25 billion deal two months ago, as it had more TV viewers.
At present, 37 per cent of revenue is directed through grants to clubs (equal to the AFL) but, with a whopping TV deal, clubs want the independent commission to determine whether that percentage should increase.
"We worked through some scenarios. Obviously we have looked at the media landscape and what our expectations are and given the game is going so well on television," Gallop said.
"We modelled a number of assumptions. We modelled a scenario where everyone will be happy.
"The television negotiations haven't commenced but there was a lot of background information and a lot of preparation has been put in.
"The clubs went away comfortable that, when the negotiations can start, we are in good shape." Asked if the deal would beat the AFL contract, Gallop said: "We are certainly conscious of the result the AFL got and conscious of how well our game is going. You can draw your own inferences from that."
The NRL provided 77 of the top 100 shows on pay-TV last year while more than three million people nationally watched the State of Origin decider this month.
Asked if the NRL was now ahead of AFL, Smith said: "In television audience, it is. Foxtel's pay television for NRL is up 20 per cent. And then you look at State of Origin, just under 11 million viewers (for the series).
"This is a fantastic television sport. It is the leader."
Clubs learnt all Origin games would be moved to Monday nights for 2013, with one played as a stand-alone match.
Also for 2013, NSW's annual City-Country match will be scrapped. The mid-season Test between Australia and New Zealand will also disappear for that year.
The salary cap will be increased next season by $100,000 to $4 million. The club grant will rise $200,000 to $3.85 million.
NRL chief operating officer Nathan McGuirk said retiring Maroons' skipper Darren Lockyer and St George Illawarra coach Wayne Bennett were consulted in designing the new season structure.
The 2012 All Stars game will be on February 4 and the premiership from March 8.

Sorry, just realised this was posted above. Another one won't hurt.



NRL media deal to dwarf AFL rights

THE NRL's growing sense of optimism over the approaching media rights negotiations was dramatically highlighted yesterday when chairmen and chief executives from the 16 clubs were told the next broadcasting deal could reap the code $1.4 billion - dwarfing the amount netted by the AFL.
During a meeting lasting almost six hours with its clubs in Sydney, the NRL outlined a series of scenarios for the salary cap and club grant from 2013 based on what it expects from media rights.

The starting point was $1bn, the very minimum the game expects to generate from the rights for club, State of Origin and international football. At the top end was $1.4bn for the five years from 2013, an average of $280 million a year and a marked rise on the existing deal, which equates to about $90m a season.

Under the $1.4bn model - the AFL will receive $1.253bn over five years from next season - the salary cap would start at $6.6m and the club grant at $7.2m. Both would continue to rise over the life of the media deal. The NRL's ambitious view on the value of its product came only a day after Nine Network executive director David Gyngell acknowledged he would need to step up financially and South Sydney chief executive Shane Richardson warned the game would no longer be bullied by broadcasters.

NRL chief executive David Gallop declined to confirm the broadcasting figures when he spoke to the media yesterday, although he said the game was in an enviable position and was intent on capitalising on it.
"It's not my place to confirm the numbers we discussed because that was done on a confidential basis," Gallop said.
"We just did numbers we thought were relevant.
"We modelled a number of assumptions. They are assumptions only. We certainly modelled a scenario where I think everyone is going to be very happy with what the result is.
"I know you would love me to tell you a number, but I am not going to. We're certainly conscious of the number the AFL got and we're conscious of how well our game is going so you can draw your own inference from that."
Asked about the dramatic increase in the size of the grant based on the clubs receiving 37 per cent of the revenue, Gallop said: "We put forward a proposal based on a minimum percentage distribution of the game's revenue.
"We felt it would be irresponsible to model a lift in that percentage in circumstances where particularly the club chairmen have made it clear that they want the commission to make those kind of strategic decisions.
"It was a minimum level and shouldn't be taken as anything other than that."
It is understood some club chairmen felt more money should be directed towards the clubs, although the final decision will fall to the independent commission when it takes over running of the code from News Limited (publisher of The Australian) and the Australian Rugby League, the game's co-owners, within weeks.
On a momentous day for the code, Queensland's John Grant was confirmed as the inaugural chairman of the commission while the NRL also revealed sweeping changes to its schedule from next season designed to ease the load on the game's elite players. But the broadcasting talks were the most significant discussion point.
Consultant Colin Smith, who has been advising the NRL on the broadcasting landscape, claimed the NRL was the country's leading television sport.
"This is a fantastic television sport, it is the leader," Smith said.
"You've got three great products, the NRL home and away and finals, State of Origin and then internationals. That is what's so terrific about this game."
Gallop said several issues still needed to be ironed out between News Limited and the ARL, although it is understood that is merely a fait accompli.

I would like to buy Colin Smith a beer if they get this. Think he might be a Victorian as well.


I have always said we should be going for at least 1.5 billion. Anything less we are short changing ourselves.


Rugby League is no longer a set of waring factions. When we all sing from the same hymn sheet our true value as Australias biggest television sport emerges.

If we are capable of $1-1.4B now, imagine how much our game will be worth when we include Perth, Adelaide, Wellington, more Qld sides. We haven't even hit our peak yet and we are already being touted as worth more than the AFL.

Frustrated Fan

Maybe some kind of on field appeal to check or challenge contentious refereening decisions could be introduced. An appeal for video referee assessment. This would provide a natural time out period to slot in some advertising and help the referees to get their decisions correct.


If this is the money they are talking about I really see no issue with a 15-30 second break for video ref decisions, and other minor tinkering to allow ads in specific areas.


The 1.4 would have to be dependant on New Media rights going through the roof in the next year or two. Otherwise I can't see where the money is going to come from.

forward pass

If this is the money they are talking about I really see no issue with a 15-30 second break for video ref decisions, and other minor tinkering to allow ads in specific areas.

I really can't see any problem with a two minute "water" break in the middle of each half. The ref is tipped when it is time to take one and he waits for the next break in play like a knock on or kick into touch. After the break play continues on.
The TV broadcaster can play 4 ads in that time - 8 extra ads a match x how many games? And it is not like the spectators will be watching nothing. The sides will still be out there.


I don't know why people have a drama with going to quarters??? If it means our game gets over a billion dollars from TV rights, then suck it up. Do you want the game to grow and prosper or languish for eternity??? This childish attitude is what has held our great game back. Take the quarter break in an appropriate time in the game, so 20 min mark or there abouts, break in play, either a try, scrum, ref blows time off, 2 min break or whatever they chose, go to some commercials, a slight recap then of where we are at in the game, and away we go again.

Drop the interchange to from 10 to 8. That way you can get rotate all 4 on and off the field, if it's deemed that we need to tweak the interchange, drop it to 6 the next year. Our game needs to evolve, just like it has over the last 103 years.

f**k me, you would swear people whinging about something like quarter breaks had their team taken off them.......
I think the 1.4 billion is just a "Aim for the stars land on the moon" figure they are putting out there. IMO the NRL should be happy with 1billion+(not including contra).

Also I am sick of our TV deal being compared to the AFL's... F*CK the AFL and their TV deal, we should worry about ourselves for now and not that code.



First Grade
It would depend on how long the quarter break is. Anything longer than 2 minutes would be terrible IMO. I'd prefer to see them just take a 60-90 second break during the first stoppage after the 19th and 59th minutes than divide the game in 4.


Well i think it's great the game is finally talking itself up. And why not compare our deal to AFL?

I heard a top AFL coach speak at a function a while ago and he stated the reason the AFL are in western Sydney is the AFL believes that the leading sport in that area in 10 years time will be the leading sport nationally. He said it was between AFL & soccer. He said NRL is not in the race because "their salary cap is a joke".

Well, that's about to change, so yeah, & I hope our deal beats the AFL. A bigger deal means a bigger salary cap and the opportunity to cement the game as the dominant sport in the country.


First Grade
Whilst it would be fantastic if we got more than the AFL we don't really need to. They have so much money tied up because it costs so damn much to run an AFL club. That plus they are trying to expand into areas they aren't really wanted and will have to spend 10's of millions to stay afloat.

If the NRL gets over a billion the AFL is going to have a real tough time in Sydney and Brisbane. They can no longer expect to just out spend the NRL. A second Brisbane team will also make life very difficult for the lions and suns.

Things are looking good for the NRL right now.
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