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The TV rights thread

Who would you like to see get the rights providing the price is right?

  • Seven

    Votes: 57 20.5%
  • Nine

    Votes: 49 17.6%
  • Ten

    Votes: 110 39.6%
  • Rights split between FTA channels

    Votes: 147 52.9%

  • Total voters
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Well, technically they don't yet. But its an established part of News' exit agreement.

So if the ARLC is not set up by the time the negotiations are done (which won't happen by todays news) they won't have first and last rights?

I was under the impression that they had that without the formation ARLC.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Did they though?

I seem to recall that the AFL really wanted to go with 9 and were mighty pissed at being forced to take the 7/10 deal. I thought it had to do with certain conditions in the 7/10 bid compared to the 9 bid

But I don't recall exactly.

yes they had to match it entirely or they could have lost them

at one stage it looked like 7/10 couldn't get on board with Foxtel and would have been forced to show AFL FNF on FTA in Sydney seeing 9 had promised that in their bid. 9 had already reached an agreement with Foxtel about AFL FNF


First Grade
Yep pretty much spot on

Fox were sh*tty and forced seven to offer up a much cheaper package then initially offered

Which saved their hides. Imagine the blushes if they were on fta live in Sydney on Fridays lol

El Diablo

Post Whore
Sarcasm? Most articles Ive read mention it.



Nine has first and last rights for the NRL, which should put it in a position of strength, although Gallop describes the arrangement as "not pure first and last". He will not elaborate on what that means. Nine would not comment on sports negotiations, although a source said: "We remain fiercely committed to rugby league." There are no first and last rights for the AFL.


First Grade
Tigers CEO on talkin sport.

IC up shortly still on track for start of this season . And only the IC will do the TV rights

El Diablo

Post Whore
so wtf was Gallop on about :crazy:

and how can he be made CEO when he seems to have nfi what is going on :fist:

Perth Red

Post Whore
last rights doesn't mean you HAVE to accept that bid. It just means that 9 get to put the last bid in, giving it a strong advantage as they can trump the other bids with no further bidding allowed. It doens't mean NRL have to accept that bid, they may decide to go with a lower price bid if it is deemed more valuable in other ways.


so wtf was Gallop on about :crazy:

and how can he be made CEO when he seems to have nfi what is going on :fist:

The only logical context I could read into it was that Gallop was referring to how long it would take to complete the full merging of existing NRL and ARL operations into one organisation, not how long it would take to change boards at the top. In that context I think 12 months sounds exactly right. The new commissioners take their seats within the next couple months and then over the course of the next year the development operations of the current ARL are integrated into present NRL operations structures and the whole lot moved to new head quarters. Like any corporate merger, although the new leadship takes over quickly, the actual logistics of merging across all levels takes considerably longer. I could see how a reporter looking for a scoop could take that and run the wrong direction with it.

Perth Red

Post Whore
still doesn't explain the fast tracking comment, if that is a direct quote. How can it be fast tracked if it isn't started yet?


The way I see it we need at least $850mill TV and $75mill Internet/other media to really drive the game forward over the next 5 years:

expansion of two teams and increasing of club grants
18x$6mill = $108mill
Increased funding to all grass root areas, inc affiliated states
Expansion funding (Storm support, Reds development, other RL expansion areas development)
$10mill (reducing each year)
NRL admin
$40mill (CPI increase each year)
= $180mill a year

Anything less and we see RL treading water for another 5 years or having to tackle our issues underfunded.

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you are selling the game way to short on those figures. The NRL's figures are equal if not better than any other sport in the nation and to add to it, in the demographic regions that it dominates, NSW & QLD, sponsor revenue is worth 3 to 1 more than all the other states combined in the country.

Therefore we deserve at least 1.2 Billion dollars. Anything short of that amount is a failure by our administrators to negotiate a fair deal and we have been ripped off once again.


First Grade
last rights doesn't mean you HAVE to accept that bid. It just means that 9 get to put the last bid in, giving it a strong advantage as they can trump the other bids with no further bidding allowed. It doens't mean NRL have to accept that bid, they may decide to go with a lower price bid if it is deemed more valuable in other ways.

Yes exactly what we are saying in relation to what 7 once had with the AFL

Greater value may not mean equal money. Though you would like to think so. RL is owed a fair dinkum deal


First Grade
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you are selling the game way to short on those figures. The NRL's figures are equal if not better than any other sport in the nation and to add to it, in the demographic regions that it dominates, NSW & QLD, sponsor revenue is worth 3 to 1 more than all the other states combined in the country.

Therefore we deserve at least 1.2 Billion dollars. Anything short of that amount is a failure by our administrators to negotiate a fair deal and we have been ripped off once again.

The AFL is going to be able to guarantee 9 games a week for the life of most of the deal.

Until we lock in expansion (Searle is a fool for suggesting 2017), it's a fact we have to deal with.

It's why expansion needs to be given equal priority when the new commission is in place. Maximizing our tv deal and paying for expansion are entwined.

El Diablo

Post Whore
f**king Gallop!! When are we finally going to be rid of this Plonker????

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