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The TV rights thread

Who would you like to see get the rights providing the price is right?

  • Seven

    Votes: 57 20.5%
  • Nine

    Votes: 49 17.6%
  • Ten

    Votes: 110 39.6%
  • Rights split between FTA channels

    Votes: 147 52.9%

  • Total voters
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''Maximising the dollar is obviously critical but we have to be conscious of how the game is exposed and we want it to be exposed in the best possible way. ''

Gee Gallop, you've only just discovered this have you??

I'm afraid we're being set up for another for another undersell.
f**ken Gallop. The thing is we didn't get enough dollars AND we dodn't get enough exposure. The AFL got both the extra cash AND the networks showing games in NSW and QLD no matter how poorly they rate. We must get both in this next deal or it should be considered a failure.

El Diablo

Post Whore
And who is the leader of our game; the man in charge of overseeing all of this?



There is just no consistency to what Gallop says in the media.

You get the feeling he has no genuine beliefs on the direction of the game and is just following orders.

miguel de cervantes

First Grade
This lattest revelation reeks of News Limited's last grab at easy money from rugby league. The TV rights result will be mediocre. The bastards.

Very, very sad news.


The sad thing is if we get a average deal then it will be so much harder to overtake the AFL in the following deal.

If we are undersold again it will be almost like it is the true worth of the game, due to precedent.


First Grade
Same person overseeing things, news ltd still have their grubby hands all over the NRL. I didn't expect anything different.

Perth Red

Post Whore
geez that "fast tracking" comment is a worry. Why would we be doing that? AFL will get what they get, I don;t think for one minute we will be a factor in waht they negotiate.

If we don't get at least $750-800mill over 5 years PLUS $15mill for internet a year then Gallop needs shooting and the clubs should call in legal representation to investigate collusion/monopoly practices.


First Grade
Talk of delayed commission worries clubs

Chris Barrett

January 31, 2011

"The commission will start in the next few months" ... David Gallop. Photo: Ben Rushton

NRL club chairmen plan to convene as soon as possible after being surprised by David Gallop's suggestion that the transition to an independent commission may not be complete for another 12 months.
They were also disappointed by the NRL chief executive's comments, in The Sun-Herald yesterday, on the subject of television rights negotiations, believing they were contrary to the chairmen's resolution last year that no talks begin until the independent commission takes effect.
The chairmen hit the phones yesterday after Gallop's remarks were published. They were upset that the time frame for a commission had apparently been adjusted without their knowledge. They were under the impression that the eight-member body would be in place when the new NRL season began in March.
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''The chairmen are talking about convening as soon as possible,'' said South Sydney's Nicholas Pappas, who is the chairmen's representative on the three-party committee, alongside News Ltd and the ARL, to appoint the commissioners. ''Frankly, it's news to me that there is any sort of timeline of 12 months on the implementation of the commission. There are things that need to be done, things that need to be put in place, but suggesting it's 12 months …''
Gallop clarified his position yesterday. ''Firstly, the commission will start in the next few months. The TV deal won't be done until the commission is in place.
''The effect of the commission won't be instantaneous and my simple point was when we move into the new building [Rugby League Central at Moore Park], the full transition should have taken place and that doesn't mean there is any suggestion of a delay, simply it's the start of a process, not the end.''
Gallop insisted formal talks about TV rights deals had not begun. ''No negotiations have commenced and they won't commence until the commission is in place but naturally we've been keeping the networks up to date with where things are at.''
Pappas was surprised by Gallop's original statements. ''I'm sure a lot of people are on the phone right now trying to find out why these comments have been made,'' he said. ''And why comments about media rights have been made at this delicate time.
''The chairmen resolved some time ago that there would be no negotiations and no conclusion for the media rights until the commission was in place, and we understood that was agreed upon. It is not only in the interests of rugby league but in the interests of the ARL and News that [negotiations] be conducted with utter transparency and the highest level of probity.''
Other chairmen contacted by the Herald were also surprised.
However, Wests Tigers chairman, David Trodden, defended Gallop last night. ''His position has always been that the commission should be in place sooner rather than later,'' Trodden said. ''I spoke to him today and that hasn't changed.''
ARL chief executive Geoff Carr called for calm, saying he expected commissioners to be appointed and working much sooner than next year. He said the installation of the commission would be formalised by the opening of the Rugby League Central building at Moore Park, when construction concludes early next year.
''I would be confident it's going to happen sooner rather than later,'' Carr said. ''I've got no doubt the commission will be in place well before that [12 months]. It's progressing as quickly as possible.
''There are lawyers working on the fine detail and they have done that over the break. The hold-up we've had in the short term was that the QRL was flooded and their lawyers' offices were flooded but, nonetheless, we have been working away on the detail.''
The QRL, usually based at Suncorp Stadium, has temporarily relocated to Crushers Leagues Club in Brisbane's inner north. Carr insisted a commission could be operational by March.



First Grade
Talk of delayed commission worries clubs

Chris Barrett

January 31, 2011


"The commission will start in the next few months" ... David Gallop. Photo: Ben Rushton

NRL club chairmen plan to convene as soon as possible after being surprised by David Gallop's suggestion that the transition to an independent commission may not be complete for another 12 months.

They were also disappointed by the NRL chief executive's comments, in The Sun-Herald yesterday, on the subject of television rights negotiations, believing they were contrary to the chairmen's resolution last year that no talks begin until the independent commission takes effect.

The chairmen hit the phones yesterday after Gallop's remarks were published. They were upset that the time frame for a commission had apparently been adjusted without their knowledge. They were under the impression that the eight-member body would be in place when the new NRL season began in March.

''The chairmen are talking about convening as soon as possible,'' said South Sydney's Nicholas Pappas, who is the chairmen's representative on the three-party committee, alongside News Ltd and the ARL, to appoint the commissioners. ''Frankly, it's news to me that there is any sort of timeline of 12 months on the implementation of the commission. There are things that need to be done, things that need to be put in place, but suggesting it's 12 months …''

Gallop clarified his position yesterday. ''Firstly, the commission will start in the next few months. The TV deal won't be done until the commission is in place.

''The effect of the commission won't be instantaneous and my simple point was when we move into the new building [Rugby League Central at Moore Park], the full transition should have taken place and that doesn't mean there is any suggestion of a delay, simply it's the start of a process, not the end.''

Gallop insisted formal talks about TV rights deals had not begun. ''No negotiations have commenced and they won't commence until the commission is in place but naturally we've been keeping the networks up to date with where things are at.''

Pappas was surprised by Gallop's original statements. ''I'm sure a lot of people are on the phone right now trying to find out why these comments have been made,'' he said. ''And why comments about media rights have been made at this delicate time.

''The chairmen resolved some time ago that there would be no negotiations and no conclusion for the media rights until the commission was in place, and we understood that was agreed upon. It is not only in the interests of rugby league but in the interests of the ARL and News that [negotiations] be conducted with utter transparency and the highest level of probity.''

Other chairmen contacted by the Herald were also surprised.

However, Wests Tigers chairman, David Trodden, defended Gallop last night. ''His position has always been that the commission should be in place sooner rather than later,'' Trodden said. ''I spoke to him today and that hasn't changed.''

ARL chief executive Geoff Carr called for calm, saying he expected commissioners to be appointed and working much sooner than next year. He said the installation of the commission would be formalised by the opening of the Rugby League Central building at Moore Park, when construction concludes early next year.

''I would be confident it's going to happen sooner rather than later,'' Carr said. ''I've got no doubt the commission will be in place well before that [12 months]. It's progressing as quickly as possible.

''There are lawyers working on the fine detail and they have done that over the break. The hold-up we've had in the short term was that the QRL was flooded and their lawyers' offices were flooded but, nonetheless, we have been working away on the detail.''

The QRL, usually based at Suncorp Stadium, has temporarily relocated to Crushers Leagues Club in Brisbane's inner north. Carr insisted a commission could be operational by March.

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Perth Red

Post Whore
Geez that makes Gallop sound totally incompetent. Either his original comments were taken out of context or he is doing a massive backflip!

Perth Red

Post Whore
The way I see it we need at least $850mill TV and $75mill Internet/other media to really drive the game forward over the next 5 years:

expansion of two teams and increasing of club grants
18x$6mill = $108mill
Increased funding to all grass root areas, inc affiliated states
Expansion funding (Storm support, Reds development, other RL expansion areas development)
$10mill (reducing each year)
NRL admin
$40mill (CPI increase each year)
= $180mill a year

Anything less and we see RL treading water for another 5 years or having to tackle our issues underfunded.
It's been "we're waiting for IC till we negotiate the broadcast rights".

Then it's delay after delay and now it's "we're going to fast-track them" then it's "not until the IC is up and running, again..

That fills me with dread. The rights can't be signed off again with a NEWS representative on our side of the table.
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Gallop clarified his position yesterday. ''Firstly, the commission will start in the next few months. The TV deal won't be done until the commission is in place.
''The effect of the commission won't be instantaneous and my simple point was when we move into the new building Rugby League Central at Moore Park], the full transition should have taken place and that doesn't mean there is any suggestion of a delay, simply it's the start of a process, not the end.''
Gallop insisted formal talks about TV rights deals had not begun. ''No negotiations have commenced and they won't commence until the commission is in place but naturally we've been keeping the networks up to date with where things are at.''

Looks like Gallop is on the back pedal big time... No doubt he took some calls from 16 club CEO's yesterday telling him to pull his head in.

I cannot imagine the other clubs allowing News Ltd to shaft them this time...

I think Gallop has to go before the new IC starts up... this should be his last year...
The pressure has to come from all sectors of the game. The CEO's, Players Association etc etc etc must ensure that he's not involved in the negotiations whilst ever he's on the NEWS payroll.

Then again, the commission sounds like it's borderline farcical. A Union board member putting the list of candidates together? Moffett and Whittaker on that list?



Gallop could have back pedalled for Australia the way that he has distanced himself today from the TV rights deal being done before the IC commences...


Gallop clarified his position yesterday. ''Firstly, the commission will start in the next few months. The TV deal won't be done until the commission is in place.
''The effect of the commission won't be instantaneous and my simple point was when we move into the new building [Rugby League Central at Moore Park], the full transition should have taken place and that doesn't mean there is any suggestion of a delay, simply it's the start of a process, not the end.''
Gallop insisted formal talks about TV rights deals had not begun. ''No negotiations have commenced and they won't commence until the commission is in place but naturally we've been keeping the networks up to date with where things are at.''
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