Yep, it's all our fault. It's all our fault Gallop was directly quoted saying one thing a day ago and something completely opposite now.
While I realise no one here wishes to do so, to be fair to Gallop he hasn't been quoted directly quoted saying contradictory things. Here's every *direct* quote I could find printed by Fairfax and News Ltd from Gallop in the last three days...
David Gallop said:
''I think it's still going to take a bit longer,''
''I don't think there is a fixed timeline.
''I think we are in a good position where we have the new building on the way and when that's ready in 12 months' time it will coincide with the end of the transition to the commission. So that's been a good piece of timing and I think it's going to be great for the game.''
Note he is talking about the end of the transition, not the beginning. This is what the 12 month headline was based on. But in the same article he goes on to say...
David Gallop said:
''There's no fixed timeline for the independent commission. But there are various people working on it at the moment. Obviously, identifying the eight commissioners is imperative and I can tell you that process has just started. At some point in the next few months it will start to get up and running.''
Note he says it will start to get up and running in the next few months (ie. possibly March or April). This is all in the original report.
David Gallop said:
''It was naive to think it would happen really quickly,'' he said.
''One of the best things to come out of it will be a greater connection between the professional end of the game and the grassroots, but merging those entities is a very complicated exercise. And I think it was naive to think that would be done in the space of weeks or months.''
Again in the original report where he is quiet clearly talking about the logistics of merging two companies, not how long it will take to get the eight Commissioners in place. Then the next day after all the hullaballoo...
David Gallop said:
''Firstly, the commission will start in the next few months.
Reaffirming what he said in the first report.
David Gallop said:
''The effect of the commission won't be instantaneous and my simple point was when we move into the new building [Rugby League Central at Moore Park], the full transition should have taken place and that doesn't mean there is any suggestion of a delay, simply it's the start of a process, not the end.''
Again reaffirming what he said in the first report. Handover to begin in the next few months and the full transition (ie. merging of NRL and ARL operations and moving into new HQ) not complete for up to 12 months.
And now the television rights....
David Gallop said:
''My ideal outcome is pretty simple - it's big dollars and a level of exposure and promotion that the game deserves. I've been talking to the TV networks for over a year now, staying in touch and reminding them of our position and the progression of the commission.
Note he doesn't say formally negotiating, just keeping in touch. That was in the original report. He went on to say...
David Gallop said:
''Maximising the dollar is obviously critical but we have to be conscious of how the game is exposed and we want it to be exposed in the best possible way. All indications are that we will do really well and that's exciting for the game.''
David Gallop said:
''It's hard to put a number on it but I'm really confident that we'll do really well,''
David Gallop said:
''[The rights] expire at the end of 2012 but I would have thought by the middle of this year we'll be a long way down the track,''
Again doesn't say formally negotiating. But having foreshadowed the Commission will start taking over in the next few months and having kept in contact with the networks, they should be able to get a long way by mid year. And while waiting for the Commission to get up and running...
David Gallop said:
''It's been important that things haven't ground to a halt waiting for it either,'' he said. ''My job has been to keep everything ticking along and then it'll be ready when it happens.
This is all in the original report. Keeping things moving, preparing for the Commission to come along and negotiate the deal. And then the next day...
David Gallop said:
''No negotiations have commenced and they won't commence until the commission is in place but naturally we've been keeping the networks up to date with where things are at.''
David Gallop said:
"The TV deal won't be done until the commission is in place.
Again, not formally negotiating, just keeping in touch. And then today...
David Gallop said:
"Everyone, including News Ltd, want to see the television rights negotiated after News Ltd exit their 50 per cent ownership in the game,"
"It is only those that chose not to call me for clarification who have suggested otherwise.
"There's not going to be a television negotiation until (the commission) happens so that's a nonsense."
Again not negotiating. Clear statement that the Commission will do the deal.
David Gallop said:
"The fact is the networks recognise the ratings that rugby league secures and they've all expressed interests in our rights,"
David Gallop said:
''Years ago there was a view that there was one or two big games every weekend and the rest were pretty much the also-rans, but now our competition is at a point where there are no easy games and every team is a contender.''
David Gallop said:
''There's a possibility it could all be on the one network,''
''Digital television has opened a lot of doors and apparently Channel 10 is starting a rugby league program as well.
''But the good thing is, there are a lot of possibilities.''
David Gallop said:
''The NRL people are the most buoyant I've seen them at the end of a season about what's coming up,''
David Gallop said:
''The wish is that it will allow the game to articulate its strengths and then leverage what we all know is great about it, but I think from time to time the game hasn't been very good at demonstrating.
David Gallop said:
''It's going to be great to have eight well-credentialled, experienced people from different aspects of business to help guide rugby league.
David Gallop said:
''My aspiration for it is, you take an idea to them and they say, 'Yeah, that's good but have you thought of this because I come from this industry and we did this
David Gallop said:
''So you can pull down experience from across the community and finetune what you've been working on. And they sign off on what the game's position on something is going to be.
David Gallop said:
''But at the same time I think we need to be careful not to expect that they are going to have the answers to everything. There's a renewed confidence in the fact that we are going to have a more efficient, co-ordinated organisational structure and that's going to rub off on sponsors and broadcasters.''
That is every direct quote I could find attributed to Gallop in the article that broke this storm and articles since. I'm sorry but I just don't see the contradictions in these statements.
He's been very clear that the Commission will start taking over in the next few months and that it'll take around a year to complete the process of merging the operations of the present NRL and ARL. And he's been very clear from day one that he's been talking to the TV networks, keeping things ticking along and preparing the way but that no formal negotiations have begun. They won't until the commission starts running things in the next few months but thereafter they should move quickly.
Look, I know a lot of people around here have problems with Gallop. I get that. But let's hang the guy when he genuinely says or does something stupid. Not because we've turned into a frenzied mob based on a misleading headline and a few dodgy interpretations from reporters and opinion columnists.