goangod said:
Willow said:
Well thats a nice cop out. If you deny your homophobia, then you're kidding yourself. You've already said that you have a moral / religious objection to homosexuality.
Because someone has a moral/religious objection to heterosexuality does not qualify one as 'homophobic'. Maybe you should provide a definition.
More childish insults... :roll: And now you say you have a moral/religious objection to heterosexuality...? A Freudian slip perhaps? Maybe its just sex that you dont like.
Obviously I was referring to insistence that your 'morality' is reason enough to attack Gays - people who wouldn't want to touch you with a barge pole. I still dont know what your problem is.
goangod said:
Willow said:
Why not? How does it hurt you if two people care enough for each other to marry?
lol - then why not incest Willow? You havent been game enough to answer this one yet.
Don't be silly... I dont recall you asking me this before. It would have more appropiate if you answered my question first though.
Incest isnt something I can't pass much of an opinion on because there seems to a variety of circumstances. Also, I simply dont know a great deal about it (apart from the mainsteam information).
In some cultures I believe its acceptable but its not advisable for incestious hetrosexual couples to reproduce... this being the source of the taboo. But like I said, its not something I've read up on.
You generalise too much.
Now try answering the actual question without starting another subject.
goangod said:
Willow said:
I assume that you equate marriage to something officially ordained. Fact is, it is legal for a hetrosexual couple to have a defacto marriage in Australia so imo, it should be legal for homosexual couples to expect the same equality.
Which I think is totally incorrect. De facto benefits and no fault divorce laws should both go.
However, by your logic it should also be legal for incest, bestiality and pedophilia. These are loving households with all the basics being supplied, why should anyone judge the sexuality of the parents?
Oh well... another prejudice rears its ugly head. Its not 'my logic' - its the law - it is NOT totally incorrect. Defacto marriage is legal in Australia.. but I guess you see this as a malfunction of society which needs to be 'corrected'.
You're saying that a couple should not receive benefits unless they get married. You're also saying that people should be denied their right to divorce.
Thats all a very closed minded attitude. Which boat on the First Fleet did you arrive on?
And your comparison to beastiality etc is totally irrelevant. For heaven's sake, I'm not suggesting that we all go and live in abusive relationships. Once again, you generalise too much.
goangod said:
Willow said:
LMAO... in other words, remain judgmental but leave it to others to deal with the issues. You just told everyone that you have no bloody idea. :roll:
That's correct. I would recommend they seek help from a trained professional. What if someone came to you and talked about suicide?
Same deal. I can provide basic advice - but this is someones life we are talking about here. Are you a trained therapist/psychologist/any kind of health care professional Willow? On what basis are you qualified to give advice?
There's your attitude in a nutshell. You actually think that there is something wrong with gays that needs to be corrected. Your absurd comparison with suicide says that you believe there to be a psychological disorder of some sort with homosexuals.
FYI, I have advised a person with suicidal tendancies but that was only because there was no 'trained professional' on hand.
I wouldn't even attempt to advise a homosexual on their sexuality because in basic terms, I dont consider that person to need therapy.
Tell me, who do you think is best qualified to 'help' a gay person. What sort of moral counselling should they get?
By suggesting that homosexuals need professional psychological therapy is proof enough that you really don't know what you're talking about.
goangod said:
Willow said:
rightio.. sounds like you're worried that the African figures will further weaken your position.
Sounds like someone is too chickensh*t to prove his own points.
So you dont like Chickenshitism as well? Thats very mature of you and another rung on the petty insult ladder. Keep trying goangod... one day you'll be able to get through a whole thread with it getting the better of you. :lol: