Oh I'm completely perverted terminator, that goes for anyone who doesn't share your views on homosexuality right?
Now how hard was it for you to answer that question? Funny how it was exactly the answer I was expecting, no wonder you didn't want to answer it because you know it makes your whole stance on the issue look stupid.
Heterosexuals can perform oral sex but homosexual couples can't, makes a lot of sense. Its good to know you've got nothing against the actual act of lesbian sex because what they perform isn't perverted since its ok for heterosexual couples to do exactly the same thing.
I'd be interested to hear the Catholic Church's views on oral sex. I somehow don't think they look kindly upon it. Why call yourself catholic at all termy? In one day we've found quite a few differences of opinion there, and on issues they feel quite strongly about. I might just go join the KKK, even though I don't agree that the White man is superior, thats only a minor difference of opinion right termy?